NSEB 2024-25 Exam- Dates, Registration, Syllabus, Eligibility and More
FAQs on NSEB 2024-25 - National Standard Examination in Biology
1. How to find out the pattern and format followed in the question papers of NSEB?
To find out about the pattern or format followed in the exam and to take note of what sort of questions to expect in advance, students are usually advised to go through and work out questions from the previous years' question papers along with the sample papers. Working out and finding the precise answers to the various types of questions posed in these question papers will guarantee proper and consistent practice for students. These question papers will prove effective for students to generate speed and different abilities expected to crack the NSEB.
2. What is the revised exam pattern for NSEB?
According to the latest updates, the pattern for the NSEB Exam has been updated. The IAPT or Indian Association of Physics Teachers has decided to combine the first two stages of the national science Olympiad program and conduct it as a single exam. The exam will have two parts, the first one containing only objective type or multiple-choice questions and the second part containing subjective type questions requiring the students to write long answers in the answer sheet booklet given to them. While the time duration allowed for the former is 75 minutes, part 2 is allowed a total of 120 minutes to complete. Students are expected to finish both parts of the exam in a single sitting. For more information on NSEB, visit Vedantu
3. How Do I Qualify for the National Standard Examination in Biology?
NSEB qualification requirements are as follows:
The Student should be an Indian citizen.
Students should be in 12th grade or lower.
The student should not have attempted 12th board examination before Nov 30, 2024.
4. How Can I Participate in the National Standard Examination in Biology?
The interested aspirants can register for NSEB 2023-24 exam through their respective schools or a neighbouring registration centre. The application form of National Standard Examination in Biology has to be filled and submitted along with the fee payment of Rs 100.
5. How Do I Apply For the National Standard Examination in Biology?
The candidates for National Standard Examination In Biology Candidates can apply via school and their institution or via self. And the students who have registered themselves from a state other than the state of their school due to convenience reason are required to send their copy of the National Standard Examination in Biology admit card and the school ID to the IAPT (Indian Association Of Physics Teachers) through the IAPT email given on their official website before the due date.