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NSEB 2024-25 - National Standard Examination in Biology


NSEB 2024-25 Exam- Dates, Registration, Syllabus, Eligibility and More

The National Standard Examination in Biology is commonly referred to as NSEB. It is an examination for higher secondary school-level Biology. The examination is organised by the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences who commit to the responsibilities of the organising committee. 

It is conducted in association with the IAPT or the Indian Association of Physics Teachers and the HBCSE, that is, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. 

The NSEB Examination is a part of the NSE (National Standard Examination) that organises the national science Olympiads to encourage students and give them a platform to enter into the international Olympiads. Read through the article to get complete details of the NSEB examination for 2024-25.

NSEB (National Standard Examination in Biology) Highlights





Organising Body

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE)

Association of Teachers in Biological Services (ATBS)

Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)



To put student’s scientific knowledge and reasoning skills to test and increase the rate of progress is the Science field by nurturing future scientists.



Students lower than grade 12



Once a year


Application fee

100 Rs



2 hours


Mode of Exam and Application


NSEB Important Dates 2024-25



NSEB 2024-25 exam 

24 November,2024 (tentatively)

NSEB 2024-25 result

December 2024 (tentatively)

NSEB Exam 2023-24

About NSEB

The national science Olympiad program is one of the most prestigious programs of its kind in India. It is conducted by the cooperation of different departments and voluntary organisations like the Indian Association of Physics Teachers or IAPT and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE).


The exams included in the program are generally spread over 5 stages. The first stage is the NSEB or the National Standard Examination in Biology followed by the second stage of the Indian National Olympiad.


Although according to the latest updates, these two initial stages have been combined into one exam with two parts. Once students qualify for this, they are eligible to participate in the third stage which is the Orientation-cum-Selection Camps. Here 30-50 students are invited to the HBCSE from each subject and they will have to undergo several tests analysing their knowledge bases on different aspects.


From the entire group, a total of 4-6 students are chosen from this selection camp and they are qualified to attend the fourth stage which is the Pre-Departure Camp. At this stage, the students are made to go through a set of training exercises, both theoretical and practical tests. These students are then selected to participate in the international science Olympiad and they will be representing the country in the said international forum which is the final stage.


The exam acts as the first stage of the science Olympiad program in India wherein a few students are selected every year to represent the country at an international Olympiad level. The NSEB is hosted for students at the senior secondary level and it is recognised as a platform that aims to acknowledge and give opportunities for students who have an interest in the field. 

As students reach the further stages, they are presented with the opportunity to get trained with theoretical and practical expertise and will be awarded several perks such as medals, scholarships, certificates etc. The exam is open for all students who can satisfy the criteria laid down which includes matters such as age limit, nationality and others.


Format and Stages of the NSEB Examination

As of writing, the information is based on the latest update and can change going forward. November 24, 2024, is the date when the first stage of the exam is conducted. 

  • The first stage or Stage I is the National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB) wherein all school students below and in the 12th grade can appear after enrolling for the exam.

  • The next step of the format is stage II of the exam is the Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO) where only the 300 qualified students who scored high can appear and there are a total of only 15 centres in the country for this exam. This stage is extremely difficult.

  • Stage III- In this stage, i.e., the Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Biology, the top 35 students in the merit list are only selected. They go through many theoretical tests and experiments and among the top performing 4 students are selected. 

  • The top 4 students then enter stage IV- which is Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IBO the required criteria fulfilling category is checked and they are even awarded a cash prize of 5000 rupees.

The final stage V is the Participation in International Biology Olympiad (IBO) and representing the school and country at an international level.

NSEB Exam Registration Process 2024-25

The National Standard Examination in Biology expertises in the study of Biology. The NSEB is a great platform for students to prepare themselves mentally for future Biology exams and increase their level of interest in Biology if they want to pursue Biology in further studies and higher institutes.

Check out the steps given below and follow the procedure for registering for the NSEB 2024-25 Exam: 

  • Students have to inform their schools that they are enrolled in to apply for the NSEB.

  • School authorities will guide the students with the process to register for NCEB 2024-25.

  • Students have to fill out the application form with their personal details.

  • You have to pay the mandatory nominal fee of Rs 100 to register.

  • The fees cannot be reimbursed once paid.

  • If the application form is not filled with correct information, the aspirant will be disqualified.

NSEB Eligibility Criteria 2024-25

The eligibility criteria for every examination that is included in the National Science Olympiads is set by the IAPT since they are the organising committee and for any NSEJS and any NSE (National Standard Examination), the eligibility criteria remain the same.

  • The candidate must be studying in an Indian school if they wish to appear for the NSEB 2022. 

  •  The date of birth of the candidate intending to appear for the NSEB 2023-24 exam must be between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2010,  both days inclusive to meet the eligibility criteria of NSEB 2023-24 examination.

  • The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian Passport, basically proof of residing in India to be eligible for the exam. 

  • Students should not have completed  (or scheduled to complete)  their 12th board exams prior to 30th November 2023.

  • He/she should have not applied for or appeared in any other NSE scholarship examination for that year if they intend to sit for the NSEB Examination.

  • Must not have started (or planning to start) studies in a university or equivalent institution by 1 June, 2023. 

  •  Must not be preparing for NSEJS 2024.

  • Even if one criterion is not followed, the students will be not eligible for attempting and be immediately disqualified

NSEB 2024-25 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern and structure for the NSEB are subject-specific and similar to the National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS). The subject of focus in the NSEB Exam - Biology.



Exam Subject



2 Hours


English, Hindi (Optional)

Maximum Number of Questions


Maximum Marks



NSEB 2024-25 Complete Syllabus


Important Topics

1. Diversity of Living

Plant Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

The Living World

Classification in Biology

2. Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Morphology of Plants

Anatomy of Plants

3. Cell: Structure and Function

Cell Theory

Cell Division

Cell Cycle


4. Plant Psychology

Growth and development of Plants

Respiration, Transportation, Photosynthesis in Plants.

5. Human Psychology

Neural Coordination and chemical coordination

Breathing, body fluids, digestion, excretion, circulation of body fluids, locomotion.

6. Reproduction in Organisms

Process of reproduction and its types

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction


7. Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Structure of Flower

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Development of gametophytes- female and male



8. Human Reproduction 


Placenta formation and pregnancy

Menstrual cycle



Female and male reproductive systems


Anatomy of testes and ovary

9. Reproductive Health

Reproductive technologies

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Necessity for reproductive health


Medical termination of pregnancy 



10. Principles of Inheritance and Variation 

Sex determination

Similarity between parents and offsprings

Variation between parents and offsprings


Mendel’s law of Inheritance


Genetic Disorders

11. Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Structure of DNa, RNA, DNA- Replication


Gene expression

Gene regulation

Genetic code


Genetic translation 

12. Evolution

Mechanism of Evolution

Darwin’s theory

Adaptive radiation

Natural selection and its types

Hardy- Weinberg’s principle

Modern synthetic theory of evolution

13. Human Health and Diseases

Types of diseases and their prevention


Maintenance of health

Drug abuse

Alcohol abuse

14. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Plant breeding

Food production technique- drawbacks and improvement


Single-cell protein

Animal Husbandry

Tissue culture


15. Microbes in Human Welfare


Industrial production


Energy generation

Household food processing

Sewage treatment


Biotechnology principles

Genetic Engineering

Processes involved 

17. Biotechnology and its Application

Application processes involved

18. Organisms and Populations


Ecological adaptations

Organisms habitat





Population Interactions

19. Ecosystem

Flow of energy in ecosystem

Succession and services (ecological)

Biomass energy


Patterns of Ecosystem

Carbon cycles

Nutrient cycles

Phosphorus cycles

20. Biodiversity and its Conservation

Introduction to concept

Biodiversity- importance, conservation and loss 

21. Environmental Issues

Greenhouse effect

Ozone layer depletion

Solid waste management

Climate change


Air pollution

Water pollution

Radioactive waste management


Selection Process for National Standard Examination in Biology 

  • If the school is registering the students for the NSEB Exam then the first level of selection is at the school level.

  • Every school student in and below 12th grade can participate in the NSEB and notably each year over 30,000 students of 12th grade sit for this examination.

  • Among all these students the country toppers, state toppers, and registration toppers can be segregated and the top 300 students are selected based on their marks.

  • It is an authentic platform where selection is done entirely based on merit.

  • The basis for selection is scoring greater than 80% of the average of the top ten scores at the national level; this score is referred to as the Merit Index (MI) Score. 

  • The students scoring above the MI score then go on to appear for the next exam in the format of NSEB which is the INBOX (Indian National Biology Olympiad).


NSEB Admit Card 2024-25

The Admit card is crucial for students to sit for the exam, it can be downloaded from the official website of IAPT. NSEB 2024-25 exam’s important details including the exam time, slot, centre and roll number. Students have to attest their admit cards with their respective schools and carry it with them on the day of examination. Vedantu will update the latest announcements regarding NSEB 2024-25 exam and its release of admit card.


NSEB Results Declaration 2024-25

NSEB 2024-25 results will be declared in December 2024 tentatively. The scores will be uploaded on the official website of IAPT. You can check your results by following the given steps:

  • Visit the official website of IAPT.

  • Click on the result tab displayed on the IAPT’s home screen. 

  • Enter your roll number and other details asked.

  • The result will be displayed on your screen.

  • You can download and print for your future reference.



The updated details about NSEB 2024-25 including syllabus, key dates and results declaration are provided here in this article. Students can visit our website for all the latest announcements and updates. Also, download the updated sample papers and NSEB previous years’ papers for smooth preparation.

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FAQs on NSEB 2024-25 - National Standard Examination in Biology

1. How to find out the pattern and format followed in the question papers of NSEB?

To find out about the pattern or format followed in the exam and to take note of what sort of questions to expect in advance, students are usually advised to go through and work out questions from the previous years' question papers along with the sample papers. Working out and finding the precise answers to the various types of questions posed in these question papers will guarantee proper and consistent practice for students. These question papers will prove effective for students to generate speed and different abilities expected to crack the NSEB.

2. What is the revised exam pattern for NSEB?

According to the latest updates, the pattern for the NSEB Exam has been updated. The IAPT or Indian Association of Physics Teachers has decided to combine the first two stages of the national science Olympiad program and conduct it as a single exam. The exam will have two parts, the first one containing only objective type or multiple-choice questions and the second part containing subjective type questions requiring the students to write long answers in the answer sheet booklet given to them. While the time duration allowed for the former is 75 minutes, part 2 is allowed a total of 120 minutes to complete. Students are expected to finish both parts of the exam in a single sitting. For more information on NSEB, visit Vedantu

3. How Do I Qualify for the National Standard Examination in Biology?

NSEB qualification requirements are as follows:

  • The Student should be an Indian citizen.

  • Students should be in 12th grade or lower.

  • The student should not have attempted 12th board examination before Nov 30, 2024.

4. How Can I Participate in the National Standard Examination in Biology?

The interested aspirants can register for NSEB 2023-24 exam through their respective schools or a neighbouring registration centre. The application form of  National Standard Examination in Biology has to be filled and submitted along with the fee payment of Rs 100.

5. How Do I Apply For the National Standard Examination in Biology?

The candidates for National Standard Examination In Biology Candidates can apply via school and their institution or via self. And the students who have registered themselves from a state other than the state of their school due to convenience reason are required to send their copy of the National Standard Examination in Biology admit card and the school ID to the IAPT (Indian Association Of Physics Teachers) through the IAPT email given on their official website before the due date.