An Introduction to Olympiads
FAQs on Class 9 IEO Syllabus English 2024-25
1. Should the students focus more on school studies rather than additional exams in the 9th grade?
Ans: While many students appear for additional exams in classes 5, 6 and 7, it is usually an observation that more and more students opt out of appearing for such exams later on and the participation rate dwindles quite significantly. This decline may be attributed to the fact that students want to prioritize their school studies over these exams and hence do not appear for them. While it is perfectly okay to prioritize your school studies in the higher standards, it is important to note that appearing for the IEO will actually help boost your score for the English paper without much of an additional effort put in by the student. In fact, the study material is the same for both the exams and the only thing that changes is the pattern of the paper. School exams are more subjective focused and contain less objective type questions whereas, for the IEO, it is the other way around.
2: How do the students know if they have qualified for the second level?
Ans: Although there are no particular eligibility criteria for the first exam, in order to qualify for the second level the student has to meet the following demands:
The student must be in the top 5% of scorers in his class who appeared for the level one exam
The top 25 rank holders for every zone also qualify
In each participating school, at least 10 students from a class have appeared and scored more than 50% qualifying marks.
You can enter your roll number on the official website to check what your score is and if you have qualified for the next level, you will also get an SMS on the registered mobile number regarding the same.
3. How does the IEO benefit the student?
Ans: Exams like the IEO help students massively in the long run by making them accustomed to the pressure of appearing for exams at the national and international level while also competing against lakhs of other students. Competitive exams, which most students will have to appear for in the near future (like JEE and NEET) are a completely different ballgame than school exams and without the right discipline and mindset, it is close to impossible to do well in such exams. Thus, students who give exams like IEO, IMO are more likely to perform well and handle the pressure in a better manner. Along with all this, students who get good grades are rewarded with gifts and certificates which reflect very well on the student’s profile.
4. What is the eligibility criteria for the exam?
Ans: The eligibility criteria for the IEO is pretty straightforward and students from classes 1 to 12 are eligible to appear. Other than that there is no particular restriction as to the number of minimum marks the students must have in their school exams, or an entrance test of any sort. Students will be judged on the basis of their performance in level 1 and those who excel in it are also advanced to level 2. Students who perform well in the 2nd level are rewarded with gifts and certificates from the organization.
5. What are the different ways in which I can register for the exam?
Ans: There are two ways in which students can register for the IEO. One way is to register through the school, as and when the school provides you with the required forms. Some schools also provide reference books and sometimes even offer to provide extra classes in order to encourage maximum participation from the students. If at all this student does not wish to register through the school and wants to appear individually, he has been given the choice to do so by the organization. Such students can register through the official website of the organising body, and pay the fees online.
That’s about it from our side, and we can’t wait for you to start with your preparation for the IEO and coming out of it with flying colours.