Syllabus of IBO
FAQs on IBO Syllabus for the Year 2024-25
1. What Does the IBO Theoretical Exam Test?
Ans: The IBO theoretical exam tests the candidate's understanding, processing skills, and applications of the Biology section. Questions require a proper understanding of the topics rather than knowledge.
2. What are the Important Dates for IBO 2024-25 Theoretical and Practical Exams?
Ans: The IBO practical exam will be held on (3-11) July 2024 (09:00 - Your local time) whereas the theoretical exam will be held on (3-11) July 2024 (09:00 - Your Local Time).
3. What are the Five Stages of the Biology Olympiad Program Scheduled for the Students?
Ans: The five different stages followed by the Biology Olympiad Programme are:
Stage 1: National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)
Stage 2: Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO)
Stage 3: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC)
Stage 4: Pre- Departure Training Camp For IBO
Stage 5: International Biology Olympiad (IBO)
4. When will the IBO exam of 2024-25 be held?
Ans: The IBO exam is generally conducted in the month of July. The exact dates have not yet been released. Candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website regularly and keep checking for any new updates related to the information. The exact dates of the examination will be posted soon on the website. Candidates are advised to start their preparation well in advance so that by the time the examination arrives and is knocking at the door, they are almost ready to nail it.
5. Where can one get hold of the syllabus of IBO?
Ans: One can come to know about the syllabus of IBO from the Vedantu platform. They can visit the official website and through the drop-down menu select the syllabus of their concern. Once they are aware of the same, they should start their preparation without any delay. There is a lot to cover. The faster one starts, the better outcome one might witness. It also becomes easier to cover the entire syllabus without any difficulty. Planning the strategies well from advance is a good step in the examination process.
6. Where can one find the previous year papers of IBO?
Ans: Previous year papers for all Olympiad related examinations, including the IBO, can be found on the Vedantu website. These papers can be downloaded in pdf mode and used in offline mode as per convenience. Solving these papers for IBO will build up the confidence of candidates. This is not only important from the IBO point of view but also related to any other examination. Getting oneself acquainted with these questions, can help candidates to perform better in any examination related to Biology and practical questions.
7. How much time should one devote to the examination of IBO?
Ans: Candidates while starting their preparation for IBO, are advised to frame a routine and strictly adhere to it. They should dedicate themselves to each chapter per day and solve all the questions related to that chapter. In this way, all the topics related to that chapter will be covered up in no time. Following a particular timetable will also enable candidates to develop a time-management skill which will be required at a later stage in life. Preparing for any examination by setting a particular hour as per one’s convenience always goes a long way in the preparation process.