Pre RMO 2024-25 Exam Pattern
FAQs on Pre RMO Exam Pattern
1. What is the total number of questions asked in the Pre-RMO examination?
Ans: A total of 30 questions are asked in the Pre RMO examination. It is mandatory to answer all the questions. Most likely, the answers to these questions will be of 1-digit or 2-digits and you will have to mark it in the OMR sheet provided during the examination. Read each question properly before you answer it. At times, students miss out on crucial details as they are in a hurry and fail to read the questions thoroughly. Therefore, read each question thoroughly before you proceed to answer it. To know more about the pattern of the exam, visit Vedantu.
2. Is there any negative marking in the Pre-RMO examination?
Ans: No, there is no negative marking in the Pre RMO examination. You can answer all the questions, without worrying about any negative marking. However, any discrepancy in filling the bubbles in the OMR sheet will affect your scores, adversely. If you do not fill in any bubbles properly in the OMR sheet, that particular answer will not be counted at the time of checking. No negative marking also allows you to take guesses. However, keep in mind that you should be thoroughly prepared for the exams and should not rely on guesswork.
3. What is the time duration allotted for the Pre-RMO examination?
Ans: Pre RMO is a 3-hour long examination and most likely there will be no breaks during the examination. You need to be fast enough to finish attempting all the 30 questions within the stipulated time. You should go through the instructions carefully before you start solving the paper. Your name, date of birth, email address, and roll number, written in the OMR sheet, are your login credentials for checking the scores. In case, you finish the examination before three hours. Kindly keep checking and rechecking your paper for any mistakes.
4. What is the marks division for the pre-RMO examination?
Ans: As per the previous year’s Pre RMO question paper, there will be questions of 2 marks, 3 marks, and 5 marks. In recent papers, the first 7 questions carried 2 marks each, the next 15 questions carried 3 marks each, and the last 8 questions carried 5 marks each. Solving sample papers and mock tests will give you a better idea of the marks division. There was a change between the paper patterns for 2020, and other years because of covid guidelines, so students need to check for that. There are various ways of answering the questions. You can opt to go for the ones which give you higher marks or you can answer the questions you find easy first. You can also decide to go the conventional way and answer the questions in order.
5. What is the overview of the examination pattern?
Ans: Before beginning exam preparation, students should be aware of the examination pattern. The students must fill out an OMR form with their responses and follow the instructions on the OMR sheet and the question paper. The Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO) takes three hours to complete. The exam will consist of 30 questions, with each question having a single-digit or two-digit response. The questions in the exam will be in both English and Hindi. The questions in PRMO are based on the syllabus for classes XI and XII. The questions are of a high difficulty level.
At the Vedantu website and app, free study materials for this examination are available.