RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper 2 With Solution
FAQs on RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper 2
1. What is RMO?
Ans: The Regional Mathematics Olympiad is the second stage of the Mathematical Olympiad, and applicants to the Pre Regional Mathematics Olympiad are eligible. Candidates who pass the RMO test are eligible to compete in the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO). The subjects included in the RMO test are the same as those covered in the school curriculum. The questions must be paid extra attention to to master the ideas to pass the RMO/IOQM test.
2. How to check RMO results?
Ans: HBCSE will centrally announce the RMO findings for all areas. The final findings must be sent to HBCSE by November by the regional coordinators.
The steps for checking the result online are outlined below
Go to the HBCSE website for further information
In the upper right corner, choose RMO results.
Students will be sent to their personal results page. RMO results may be seen by clicking on the link.
Input your roll number, and the PDF will show you the specifics of your results.
3. How will solving sample paper help in the preparation of RMO?
Ans: Solving sample papers is essential, as it will help you understand what type of questions come in the exam, the level of ambiguity the question has, and how to solve the questions in the given period. Since the syllabus may appear vast, having good practice will be a great advantage. Maths is such a subject that requires great practise to excel. Moreover, the more you solve sample papers, the more questions you get familiarised with and there are chances of scoring high. Vedantu has a range of Sample Paper for RMO students.
4. How many stages are there in the IMO?
Ans: IMO consists of 6 stages, RMO being the second stage. Students have to clear each level to go to the next level.
The first stage is the Pre Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO).
The second stage is the Regional Mathematics Olympiad (RMO).
The third stage is the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO).
The fourth stage is International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC).
The fifth stage is Pre Departure Camp
The last stage is the International Mathematics Olympiad.
The Olympiad examinations are both objective and subjective, but they always evaluate students' understanding, reasoning, and the idea of the subjects/topics.
5. What are some of the best tips to prepare for the test?
Ans: RMO is a test that is based on the concept. Students can save time and effort if they have a good comprehension of key theorems and their conclusions.
While working on different problems, try to concentrate on the subjects in which you are poor. Students should concentrate on combinatorics, geometry, and number theory based on the test format. Take your time reading the questions. When a problem appears to be too simple, it is a warning indication to be cautious and read it properly.