IGKO Online Mock Test for Class 1
FAQs on IGKO Olympiad Mock Test for Class 1
1. What is the total number of Olympiads and what is the eligibility?
There are a total of 8 Olympiads exams conducted every year. The exams are conducted to test the concept and the knowledge of the students. This is a competitive exam and students preparing for this exam will also have good preparation in their academics as well. All students from Class 1 to Class 12 from the recognised boards like CBSE, ICSE, and ISC are eligible to give the exam. The student should be encouraged to participate in the Olympiad so that they are well-prepared for more challenges ahead confidently.
2. What is the importance of a mock test?
The mock test and sample papers are very important. Students get the practice of answering the question in a better way. They will also understand the type of questions that are asked in the exam. This will also help them in time management and enhance their speed while writing. Class 1 children are at the beginning level and they might not understand the value of mock tests or the question paper initially but they can be made familiar so when they are in the higher classes they can practise and be well versed with the subject.
3. How can Olympiad exams be helpful for the students?
Olympiad exams are a combination of many competitive exams. Students from Class 1 to Class 12 from any recognised boards are eligible to participate in the exam. This will help the students to know about the competitive exams and get well versed in the preparation method. Students preparing for the olympiad will also simultaneously get prepared for academics as well. Olympiads help the students to be familiar with various topics and gain knowledge.
4. How much time does a student get for the completion of the IGKO exam?
Every student gets 60 minutes or 1 hour to complete the IGKO exam.
5. What will be the language medium in which the IGKO exam shall be conducted?
According to the IGKO syllabus for 2024-25, the exam will be conducted only in the English language.
6. How can parents help their kids participate in the Olympiads?
Class 1 students are very young and need the help of their parents to know exactly what the olympiad is all about. They should be made familiar with the exam and start to make them know about the different subjects and develop their general knowledge. They should not be pressured to score high or be at the top. At this age, they should be encouraged to participate and help them learn without any stress or pressure. Learning about the Olympiad from a young age will give the children to face the competitive exam with confidence when they go to the higher classes.
7. How can General Knowledge be developed in children from a younger age?
Class 1 children are very young in age and they themselves cannot learn or gain the habit of learning systematically. Therefore, parents have to develop the habit of asking them questions related to General Knowledge, making them read the small sentences in the newspaper or magazines. These habits when developed from a young age can be useful and children once they get used to certain habits, they automatically gain the required knowledge. But making them develop the habit of learning from sources like newspapers and telling them the importance is very essential. Parents should also keep in their mind that they are not pressured and children should learn with enjoyment.
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