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IGKO Sample Papers With Answers For Class 3 PDF


IGKO Sample Papers With Answers For Class 3: Free PDF Download

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Sample Papers for Class 3 are available on Vedantu in PDF format. IGKO sample questions 2024-25 for Class 3 are based on the latest exam pattern. Students can download the sample papers PDF for practice purposes. These sample papers  are the best study material for Class 3 students preparing for IGKO by themselves.

By downloading the IGKO sample question papers for Class 3, students will find the solutions to the sample question papers, exam pattern, and marking scheme.

The marking scheme helps students to understand how marks are awarded for each answer in IGKO. By going through the sample papers, students will learn to solve the question paper fast in the exam to fetch more scores. They can download SOF IGKO 2024-25 Sample Papers for Class 3 by clicking on the PDF download link provided here.

SOF IGKO 2024-25 Exam Overview

Full Exam Name

International General Knowledge Olympiad

Short Exam Name


Conducting Body

Science Olympiad Foundation


Once a year

Exam Level


Mode of Application


Application Fee (General)

Rs. 125/- (Online)

Exam Duration

1 Hour

IGKO Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme For Class 3

The IGKO will be an objective-type exam of 1-hour duration. IGKO Sample Paper comprises 35 multiple-choice questions for Class 3. SOF IGKO 2024-25 marking scheme for Classes 1 to 4 is tabulated below.


No. of Questions

Marks per Question

Total Marks

General Awareness




Current Affairs




Life Skills




Achiever’s Section




Grand Total




IGKO Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme For Classes 5 To 10

  • Classes: 5 to 10

  • Total number of objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions: 50

  • Total marks: 60

 SOF IGKO 2024-25 marking scheme for Classes 5 to 10 is tabulated below.


No. of Questions

Marks per Question

Total Marks

General Awareness




Current Affairs




Life Skills




Achiever’s Section




Grand Total




IGKO Class-wise Syllabus



Achiever’s Section


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills, Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Transport and Communication, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills, Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Me and My Surroundings, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Language and Literature, Earth and Its Environment, Transport and Communication, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Team Work, Environmental Sensitivity, Communication, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs.

HOTS from Syllabus


Our Body and Health, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Environment and its Conservation, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Flexibility, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Team Work, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs .

HOTS from Syllabus


Our Body and Health, Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Environment and its Conservation, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Sports, Maths Fun, Life Skills (Moral Values, Flexibility, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Team Work, Leadership, Time Management), Current Affairs .

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and Its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, India and the World, Science and Technology, Earth and its Environment, Universe, Language and Literature, Entertainment, Social Studies, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, Our Environment, Science and Technology, India and the World, Social Studies, Language, Literature and Media, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus


Plants and Animals, Our Environment, Science and Technology, India and the World, Social Studies, Language, Literature and Media, Sports, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Current Affairs, Life Skills (Empathy, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Emotions, Self-awareness).

HOTS from Syllabus

How Can Students Best Prepare For IGKO 2024-25 Olympiad Exam?

To prepare for the International General Knowledge Olympiad, what matters the most is students' dedication and consistency. All the students, irrespective of their grades, should follow the following step-by-step guide to plan their study schedule for IGKO Olympiad 2024-25.

1. Make an Outline:

The students must be thorough with the syllabus and the topics that they need to study. The syllabus for IGKO has been put up on the official website of SOF and is also reflected by previous papers or the IGKO Olympiad Sample Papers for class 3. The important topics necessary to be prepared, so that the students are aware of every topic to be studied are given below. There are very important to be taken into consideration:

1. Plants and animals

2. Science and technology

3. India and the world

4. Language and literature

5. Sports

6. Life skills

7. General Awareness

8. Current affairs.

2. Prepare a suitable study timetable:

The following tip on how to prepare for the IGKO  2024-25 exam states that students should create an appropriate study schedule and devote time to all stages according to weightage. Also, incorporate leisure time and interests to keep your mind fresh.

  Section Name 

Marks for class 1 to 4 and Class 5 to 10

Devote time 

General Awareness

20 and 30

80 Minutes  

Current Affairs

5 and 10

20 minutes  

Life Skills 


20 minutes   


The Achievers section will contain high thinking order questions from all three sections, so students need not prepare this section separately. But they should try to solve some of the high thinking order questions from last year's papers.

3. Form Charts and Sticky Notes whenever Necessary

Last moment revision notes help the students to revise properly. The important points and the tough ones generally form a part of it. Pasting the charts and sticking them on the nearest wall of your room will help you to see them daily while doing any other activity.

4. Solve Sample Papers

By now, we know the importance of sample papers and how to prepare for the IGKO Olympiad using the sample papers. It is the best for the students at all levels. They will come to know about the type of questions asked in the exam and then preparation can be done accordingly.

5. Stay Calm and Relaxed

This is the most important advice while preparing for the exam. Students must not panic and doubt themselves if they are not able to solve the IGKO Olympiad Sample Papers. They should stay calm and relaxed. The previous year's papers are available with the answer keys and it will help to prepare well. They must not panic as the topics will vanish from their mind.

Benefits of Solving IGKO Sample Papers For Class 3

Some of the benefits of referring to SOF IGKO Sample Papers for Class 3 are mentioned below.

  • The sample papers are designed as per the latest exam pattern released by the foundation.

  • All IGKO sample question papers  for Class 3 by vedantu include all the topics that are important from the exam perspective.

  • The sample papers  contain new types of questions that prepare students for the Olympiad exam.

  • Solving the papers will provide good practice for the students so they can finish the paper on time.

  • Also, not just the sample  papers, a detailed explanation and solutions along with the marking scheme are provided for self-assessment.

IGKO 2024-25 Sample Papers for Classes 1 to 10

Students can access IGKO Sample papers from below for Class 1 to 10:


By solving these IGKO sample papers for Class 3, students will get enough practice so that they can handle any problem with ease during the actual Olympiad exam. Practicing questions from sample papers provided here  will boost students' confidence and add an edge to their exam preparation. Hence, downloading IGKO sample papers for Class 3 is the best option to score good marks.

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on IGKO Sample Papers With Answers For Class 3 PDF

1. How Do I Clear the IGKO 2024-25 exam with good scores?

You need to carefully prepare for all phases of the IGKO exam and devote most of your time to general awareness and current affairs as these sections will cover more than 60% marks of the paper. Along with academics you should contribute sufficient time to the preparation process. There are many workbooks and question banks available that will assist the students throughout. The students can always download the content from Vedantu’s IGKO Olympiad Sample Papers Class 3. For further details, head over to the Vedantu website.

2. What are the four major sections that the students need to concentrate on?

Ideally, students should focus on all four sections of the IGKO Olympiad. The International General Knowledge Olympiad offers four sections – General awareness, Life Skills, Current Affairs and Achievers section. A student should focus on all of the sections to achieve better results in the Olympiad. Along with that one should note that for classes 1 to 4 the level of difficulty is less as compared to classes 5 to 10. The student’s memory skills and power of comprehending get sharpened with the help of this Olympiad.

3. How to avoid weakness and dizziness during the examination?

In the IGKO Olympiad examination, to solve difficult questions, the mind needs calmness, creativity, and relaxation. Do not finish them before testing. Sleep well the night before the test. It is one of the few tests that allow students to learn something out of the box. It allows students to open the horizon and know more than just what is taught in schools. General Knowledge tests play an important role in shaping the future of students. So while you have decided to take the test, be completely active and avoid dizziness.

4. I am weak in current affairs. How can I start my preparation for it?

The term "current affairs" refers to events that take place around us. The latest world affairs and current news from the world is included in it. Students learn to develop their thinking skills and should be constantly in touch with music, films, films, social, political, economic and technological, science, art, and literature stories. The general knowledge of the students gets sharpened with this kind of information. Reading newspapers daily is a very healthy habit of staying up to date with current events. Keep a close watch on the Vedantu website and register to lecture sessions for further help. 

5. Can I take part in more than one Olympiad?

All the Olympiads are conducted by the same foundation – The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). But all of them, National Cyber Olympiad, National Science Olympiad, International Mathematical Olympiad, International English Olympiad, International General Knowledge Olympiad and International Social Studies Olympiad & International Commerce Olympiad are completely different competitions. Hence, the students are advised to appear for all of them to increase their level of competency. The study material and sample papers for all the Olympiads can be found on the internet. The students need to prepare for the Olympiad with hard work and dedication. So, yes the students can take part in more than one Olympiad.