INAO Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, & More
FAQs on INAO Exam: Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO)
1. What is the Procedure For Selection In Astronomy Stage II (INAO 2024-25)?
There will be the division of the students batch into two groups i.e. Group- A & Group - B.
Group A: Consists of students of class XII from November 30, 2023.
Group B: Consists of students of class XI or lower as of November 30.
The question paper of NSEA 2024 and INAO 2024-25 will be the same for both groups.
A total of 250 students will be selected from each group for stage II of INAO and therefore, a total of 500 students will be selected.
Separately Merit Index (MI) and Minimum Admissible Score (MAS) are calculated for each group.
2. What is HBCSE Science Olympiad 2024-25?
Ans: The science olympiad is a 5-stage selection process for shortlisting the Indian team for representation at the International Olympiads in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science, and Physics. The very first stage is the NSE (National Standard Examination), and the 2nd stage is INO (Indian National Olympiad). The students who qualify for stage 1 have to register online for the 2nd stage on the official HBCSE site. The selection procedure consists of the following 5 stages: NSE, INO, Orientation-cum-Selection camp (OCSC), pre-departure camp, and International Olympiad.
3. What is the Astronomy Olympiad Screening Procedure?
Ans: The students are split into two classes, A and B, in the batch/pool. Students in Group A must be in class XII as of November 2023, while students in Group B must be in class XI or lower as of November 2023.
A total of 250 students will be chosen from each category for INAO stage II. As a result, 500 students will be chosen.
4. How to get the INAO Admit Card?
Ans: Students can get their Astronomy exam admit card from the INAO in an online mode. All eligible students can download the admit card of INAO from the official website. They should keep an eye on the regular updates available on the website and then take necessary steps accordingly while keeping in mind the deadline attached to every procedure. INAO admit cards should be downloaded and students will have to produce a hard copy of their INAO admit card at the examination hall.
5. Why is Vedantu essential?
Ans: Vedantu is essential since it provides candidates with multiple sample papers and mock tests which when practiced regularly can lead to good scores. It simultaneously prepares students for any other competitive exams that they may take part in the future. It also provides various interesting sessions conducted by subject experts where students can have one-to-one doubt clarification. They also help with solving the INAO previous year question papers and help in making the learning process easier for students.