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NSEA 2024-25 Exam Mock Test 2


Practice Paper for NSEA

NSEA generally takes place in 5 stages. The usual five-stage procedure for the selection of the teams to represent India at the International Olympiad that has been followed in prior years is now being shortened to a three-stage procedure as a one-time exception only for the academic year 2024-25. Read more about IOQ 2024-25.

National Standard Examination in Astronomy (NSEA) aspirants must practice well as the exam witnesses fierce competition. Applicants must take online mock test 2 to get familiar with the exam pattern and to improve their speed, accuracy and problem-solving abilities. With this motivation, Vedantu, a premier online learning platform, caters to NSEA Mock Test 2 which can be availed by registering on the platform. These online tests by Vedantu are beneficial in cracking NSEA with excellent results.

NSEA 2024-25 Exam Mock Test 2 will be uploaded on this page.

About NSEA

The National Standard Examination in Astronomy or NSEA is an assessment in cosmology and astronomy for higher auxiliary school students, typically led toward the finish of November (last or second last Sunday). Coordinated by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers for Science Education NSEA is the main phase of determination of students in the IOAA. The NSEA is completed each year beginning around 1987 in English, Hindi only. Around 16000 students from more than 1,200 centres take part in these olympiads.


Indian residents who are in classes ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth at the hour of assessment are qualified to take the test. 

Exam Format

The paper comprises single correct answer questions. There are inquiries from secondary school level material science, math and a few inquiries from general cosmology. 

Question Paper 

The mode of the test is English and Hindi just and involves 80 objective single right sort questions. They have a stamping plan of 3, 0, - 1.

Requirements for the Second Stage 

The fundamental target of leading this test isn't zeroing in on merit however to include as numerous students from the nation to take an interest in the test and attempt to show and uncover their ability. Thus the determination to the stage II assessments for example Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs) depends on the accompanying scheme.


To be qualified to get to a higher level, for example, the subsequent stage, it is important that a student scores something like a Minimum Admissible Score (MAS) which is half of the normal marks scored by top 10 candidates. 

Relative Representation Clause 

The greatest number of students that can get to Stage II (INO) in each subject is around 300. These numerous students are not chosen distinctly on merit premise yet in addition on proportionate premise. This extent is settled based on the number of applicants who showed up for NSE in the earlier year from that middle in each State or Union Territory (UT). 

On the off chance that there is a tie at the last position, then, at that point, every one of the students seeking the last position will be qualified to move to arrange II. Anyway, it's fundamental that the chosen students satisfy the eligibility criteria mentioned above. The chosen students from each State for each subject will be shown on the IAPT and HBCSE website.

Least Representation Clause 

The number of students chosen for INO from each State and UT should be no less than one, given that the qualification provision is fulfilled. 

Legitimacy Clause 

As expressed above, around 300 students are to be chosen for the second stage. Assuming this doesn't occur as indicated by MAS, after choice according to justify, the deficit from 300 students will be chosen dependent on merit minus any additional thought to the corresponding portrayal and least portrayal statements. In case of a tie at the last situation in the rundown, all students with similar imprints at this position will fit the bill to show up for the Stage II examination.

Charge/ Fee

The charge for the NSEA is about Rs. 150 ($5 for abroad applicants). Application for this assessment is normally taken care of through the school/school to which the student is affiliated.

Indian National Astronomy Olympiad 

Students are isolated into two sections; A, with those in class 12, and B, with those in class 11 or underneath. The top 15 students from bunch A and the top 35 students from bunch B are chosen for the third stage.

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FAQs on NSEA 2024-25 Exam Mock Test 2

1. What is the utilisation of the NSEA test?

Ans: The fundamental objective/objective of the National Standard Examination in Astronomy is to find students who are adequately talented to address India at an overall level. The best 300 students who went to the test of NSEA 2024-25 will possess all the necessary qualities for the second round of the Astronomy Olympiad i.e Indian National Astronomy Olympiad. So in case you are one of those students make a point to set yourself up with every one of the offered questions and responses of the false test completely. 

2. Is NSEA hard? 

Ans: NSEA is a test that is fundamentally centred around the subjects of actual science, maths, and cosmology. So it won't be exceptionally hard. On the off chance that you are keen on Astrology, these subjects are essential and the simplest of all. So you can set them up completely and go to the test with certainty. You can likewise peruse or practice earlier year's papers, mock tests to see more with regards to the interaction which makes it simpler for you to practice and compose the test.

3. What is the NSEA test? 

Ans: The National Standard Examination in Astronomy or NSEA is an assessment in stargazing and astronomy for higher auxiliary school students. It is generally led toward the last or end of November (last or second last Sunday). It is a test that just qualifies students for their program, so every participant or the student who is expecting to go to the test should try to plan well and score marks. Only the top 300 people from the first round will be selected for the final round or the second round of the test. For more information on NSEA, visit Vedantu’s website.

4. How might I select for the NSEA test? 

Ans: You want to assemble the application structure from their nearest NSE centres and fill in all of the important archives or subtleties. You should appropriately introduce the NSEA application structure close to the application charge at the NSE Center. The NSE centre in charge will assemble the application structure for you. 2024-25 Application Form is appropriated by detached means just and will be available at any of the NSE Centers. IAPT has numerous NSE Centers spread all through the country.

5. What is the NSEA test Pattern or score sheet? 

Ans: The NSEA question paper will contain a total of 80 inquiries. Each right answer will give 3 imprints and a wrong answer will achieve a recompense of 1 imprint, there is a negative checking in NSEA 2024-25. The test design reliant upon last year's NSEA Olympiad is recorded in the table given underneath:


Number of Questions

Total Marks


15 marks

45 marks


32 marks

96 marks


33 marks

99 marks

Grand Total

80 marks

240 marks