InPhO Exam - Registration, Exam Date, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Result and Other Details
FAQs on InPhO Exam: All you need to know about Indian National Physics Olympiad
1. How Do You Qualify for INPhO?
Ans: Students must satisfy appropriate eligibility criteria in NSEP. The student must score more than 50% of the average of the top ten scores. This is the Minimum Admissible Score (MAS). If the candidate scores more than 80% of the average mentioned above, they're selected for INPhO.
2. How to Prepare for INPhO?
Ans: Here are a few books you can refer to:
For classical mechanics, refer David Morin. Its a really tough book, but I recommend you do this book after you are done with Irodov and Krotov.
For Electrodynamics and Quantum Physics you can read D.J Griffiths.
Relativity by AP French and Modern Physics by Tripler
Waves and oscillations by Waves and Oscillations by H.J Pain
3. How to Check the Result for INPhO?
Ans: INPhO 2024-25 Result
The result of the INPhO Exam will be available online on the official website of HBCSE. All the candidates are able to download their results by filling the details like NSE Roll Number, DOB, and the verification code.
4. What is the INPhO exam pattern?
Ans: The INPhO curriculum is based on the CBSE school curriculum for grades 9 and 10. The National Physics Olympiad curriculum, on the other hand, is far more difficult and unusual than the questions that come with the questions for higher secondary school pupils, which are merely a broad guideline. As a result, the IPhO and INPhO curricula should be considered equal. You can also check Vedantu for the INPhO syllabus.
Part 1 (180 marks) | Part 2 (60) |
50 multiple-choice questions | 5 or 6 short-answer type questions where all the questions carry equal marks. |
40 questions. Four options will be provided, out of which only one will be correct. | |
10 questions. Each question with one or more options will be accepted. |
5. What are the awards for the International Physics Olympiad?
Ans: The theoretical test will be worth 30 points, while the experimental examination will be worth 20. The competition organiser will decide how the examination marks will be distributed. The organisers create a minimum for Gold Medals, Silver Medals, Bronze Medals, and Honorable Mentions after preliminary grading. A total of 8% of the contenders should get gold medals (rounded up the nearest integer). Sixty-seven per cent of the competitors should get an Olympic Medal or Honorable Mention (rounded up the nearest integer).
Without rounding, the bottoms corresponding to the aforementioned percentages should be stated. If one-half or more of the members of the International Board vote in favour of the recommended minimum, it will be declared carried. Members shall only know the results of those candidates who only get a certificate of participation of the International Board and those who are permitted to attend its sessions.
6. What is the INPhO Exam's Final Stage?
Ans: The INPhO Exam is used to choose candidates for OCSC (Orientation Cum Selection Camp) and to represent India in the Asian Physics Olympiad in the discipline of Physics (APhO). There are a total of five stages in the INPhO exam NSEP, INPhO, OSCE, PDC and APhO. APhO is the last stage of the. Many students get their grades by combining 40% of their NSEP score (as a percentage of the maximum marks achievable in the exam (typically 240)) with 60% of their INPhO score (as a percentage of the maximum marks attainable in the test (usually 240)).
As a result, there is now a list of the top 50 students and the top eight students who are willing to take the test. The APhO test has been chosen. It should be emphasised, however, that just 5 people died in 2017 and 2018 students had signed up for APhO.
7. When did INPhO publish its results?
Ans: The Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO) is an international level competition in the domain of Physics for secondary school students to establish global connections in school education in Physics. The INPhO test is the second stage of India's five-stage Physics Olympiad. Qualifying for INPhO eventually led to selection for the International Physics Olympiad. On the official website of the HBCSE, the INPHO olympiad result 2024-25 will be available.
Each applicant will be able to get their Indian National Physics Olympiad result 2024-25 by entering information such as their NSE roll number, date of birth, and verification code. The exam schedule for Orientation-Cum-Selection Camps (OCSC) for Physics 2024-25 is usually held during the final week of May and the first week of June.
8. What is the International Physics Olympiad?
Ans: An annual Physics competition for secondary school students has been organised in recognition of the growing importance of Physics in all fields of science and technology, as well as in the general education of young people, and to enhance the development of international contacts in the field of school education in Physics. The competition is known as the International Physics Olympiad, and it is a one-on-one competition.
The competition is organised by one of the participant nations' Ministries of Education, Physical Societies, or another competent agency. The organising country is required to guarantee that all delegations are represented equally and invite teams from all countries that have competed in the previous three years. It also has the authority to invite other countries.