Introduction to Indian Physics Olympiad (InPho)
The INPhO also referred to as the Indian National Physics Olympiad Exam, is conducted by the Homi Bhabha Centre For Physics Education each year for the students of higher secondary level to bring the higher secondary students of the world in a friendly competition of the highest level.
Among 40,000 students attempting the examination at almost 14000 centres throughout India, around 300-400 candidates are selected on the basis of the INPhO scores and the regional quotas for the states from which they attempt. Qualifying for the INPhO exam will help the candidates to participate in the International Olympiad Exam.
The Indian National Physics Olympiad previous year question paper 2023 is a beneficial resource for the students preparing for the INPhO exam 2024-25. Solving these Indian National Physics Olympiad previous year question papers on a regular basis increases the self-confidence of the candidates and minimises the examination stress. Also, they get an idea about the important topic along with the pattern of the questions that can be asked in the examination.
Moreover, the Indian National Physics Olympiad previous year question paper with the solution given below helps the students in knowing the exam pattern and marking scheme of the exam.
INPhO Olympiad Previous Year Question Paper 2024-25
Candidates preparing for the INPhO exam can refer to the INPhO Olympiad previous year question paper offered by the Vedantu. Preparation of the INPhO exam is a work half done if the INPhO Olympiad previous year question papers 2023 are referred to, as these question papers play an important role in the preparation of the INPhO exam 2024-25.
Referring to the INPhO Olympiad previous year question papers helps the students to prepare thoroughly for the exams and even prepare them for the kind of challenges that the actual exam might throw up.
No amount of studies can enable students to understand the exam pattern, question paper, marking scheme, and all other important topics unless they refer to the INPhO Olympiad previous year's question paper.
Attempting the INPhO Olympiad previous year's question paper 2023 will help candidates in multiple ways such as.
It gives the candidate an estimation of the complexity level of the exam.
Enable to enhance time management.
A quick revision of the entire syllabus can be done easily.
It helps the students to understand the strong and weak points accordingly.
Qualitative evaluation of the performance and preparation level.
Most of the time, candidates seek the previous year's question papers before the exam but fail to search. In order to help those candidates focus on their exam preparation and avoid wastage of time, Vedantu has compiled the Indian National Physics Olympiad's previous year's question paper with solutions.
Download INPhO Olympiad Previous Year Question Paper 2024-25 with Solution
Students looking to attempt the INPhO exam prepare throughout the year to clear the exam. Preparation plays a major role in the students planning to attempt the INPhO exam. The final outcome relies on preparation. So to help the students in a feasible manner, Vedantu has provided the INPhO Olympiad previous year question paper 2023 that appears in PDF format. Solving these papers gives an idea to the students about the question paper pattern, marking scheme, important topics on which more concentration is required, etc. Solving the INPho Olympiad previous year question papers, 2024-25, will also boost the student’s confidence levels and even help them score high marks in the exam.
FAQs on InPho 2024-25: How to Download Previous Year Question Paper Online?
1. What Are the Benefits of Solving the INPhO Olympiad Previous Year Question Paper 2023 Offered by Vedantu?
Ans: Indian National Physics Olympiad previous year question paper 2024-25 is beneficial in the following ways:
Helps students to evaluate the current preparation level of the students.
Students get aware of the exam pattern and marking scheme.
Learn the time management skills which enable them to complete the exam on time.
Students feel more confident to face the INPHO exam.
On the basis of the INPhO Oltmpiad nprevious year question paper, students can estimate the question paper which eases their preparation for the exam.
2. How to Qualify for the INPHO Exam?
Ans: Students must satisfy the eligibility criteria of NSEB in order to qualify further for the INPhO exam. The candidate must score more than 50% of the average of the top ten scores. This is considered as the Minimum Admissible Scores (MAS). Students who scored more than 80% of the minimum admissible score are eligible for the INPhO exam. This is considered as the Merit Index. After the selection of these students, more students can be selected who score below merit index and above the minimum admissible score till the quota of the seats permitted to their respective state is completely filled, or to as large an extent as possible.
3. What are the Different stages for the Physics Olympiad Programmes?
Ans: There are 5 different stages for the Physics Olympiad Programmes. These are:
National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP)
Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPHO)
Orientation - Cum - selection - Camp ( OCSC) in Physics
Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IPHo
Participation in International physics Olympiad Programme (IPho)
4. How to Enroll for the INPhO Exam?
Ans: Students can enroll for the INPhO exam 2024-25 through the HBCSE official website. Here is the detailed procedure for the enrollment of the INPHO exam.
Visit the Holy Bhabha Centre For Science Education (HBCSE) website.
Click on the option displayed as Olympiad on the top of the website.
The next step is to click on the upcoming event after clicking on the Olympiad option.
Complete the details asked in the form such as NSE roll number, NSE center code, etc.
Students can select a preferable examination center during the registration process.
5. In order to qualify for the INPhO exams, what syllabus should one complete?
Ans: There are usually about six subjective problems in the INPhO, and the students must solve them within three hours. As long as the display does not have more than four lines, graphing features are not included, and CAS-like capabilities are not supported, you are usually permitted to use a non - programmable scientific calculator. There is no set number of marks awarded. The syllabus used to correspond with that of IPhO, but now it is roughly equivalent to that of NSEP. To make it possible for students to study for the IIT JEE and the physics olympiad simultaneously, the time was changed.