Indian National Physics Olympiad
INPhO stands for The Indian National Physics Olympiad, which is held every year in June and July by the Indian Association Of Physics Teachers (IAPT). It is designed specifically for secondary school students who want to improve their understanding of Physics on a global scale. The success and pleasant experience of the International Mathematics Olympiads in 1959 led to Prof. Czeslaw Scilowski's introduction of Physics in Warsaw (Poland) in 1967. The IPhO is a competitive examination that acts as a standard for pre-university students studying Physics, encouraging good ties among them from all around the world. The primary goal of the INPhO test is to raise the standard of Physics education among students in the country and prepare them for INPhO.
The Indian National Physics Olympiad is an international level competition in the discipline of Physics aimed at secondary school students (grades 11 and 12) to foster worldwide links in school education in Physics. The INPhO Exam is the second level of India's five-stage Olympiad programme in Physics. It is generally hosted on the last Sunday of January by the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education (HBCSE) (or on the first Sunday of February). In the end, qualifying for INPhO leads to selection for the International Physics Olympiad.
Best Reference Books for INPhO 2024-25 Exam Preparation
Below you will find a list of reference books for the Preparation of Physics Olympiad (INPhO and IPhO). Keep in mind that many below mentioned titles are in international languages for which English translations are also available-
32nd International Physics Olympiad– Proceedings, Sinan Kaan Yerti and Ibrahım Gunal
Proceedings of the 33rd International Physics Olympiad
Proceedings of the 34th International Physics Olympiad,
Proceedings of 35th International Physics Olympiad
Proceedings of 36th International Physics Olympiad
International Physics Competitions and First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics- Waldemar Gorzkowski
Medjunarodni Olimpijadi po Fizika, Viktor Urumov
Medzunarodne Olimpijade iz Fizike, Boris Grbic- Marko Dzordzevic- Marko Stoshic - Mirjana Popovic-Bozic -
Gunter Lind- Physikalische Olympiade-Aufgaben
Waldemar Gorzkowski- Andrzej Kotlicki - Lars Silverberg
Recueil des Sujets de Concours des Olympiades Internationales de Physique 1967-1984
Shen Ke-qi - Cong Shu-tong
How to Become an INPhO Exam Candidate
Students interested in taking the INPhO test do this by following the instructions given below.
Students can go to the HBCSE's official website.
The Olympiad option will be available.
After that, the student must choose forthcoming events.
Students can access INO by entering their NSE center code, their Roll Number, and their Date of Birth. NSE center codes, Roll Numbers, Date of birth information will also be required.
At the time of registration, students will be offered the option of selecting an examination center.
Syllabus for INPhO
Mechanics: Newton's laws and inertial systems are the foundations of the kinematics of a point mass. Closed and open systems, momentum and energy, power work, and so forth. Energy conservation, impulse, and linear momentum conservation Elastic forces, gravitational law, frictional forces, potential energy, work in a gravitational field, centripetal acceleration, and Kepler's laws are all examples of elastic forces.
Rigid body mechanics: statics, torque, and the center of mass Translation, angular velocity, rotation, angular acceleration, and angular momentum conservation are all terms used to describe rigid body motion. This course covers subjects such as external and internal forces, equation of motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis, kinetic energy of a rotating body, moment of inertia, and accelerated reference systems and inertial forces.
There will be no specific questions in hydromechanics, but students should be familiar with the basic principles of continuity, buoyancy, and pressure.
Internal energy, thermodynamics' first and second laws, work and heat, and molecular thermodynamics Avogadro's number, absolute temperature, perfect gas model, pressure and molecular kinetic energy, perfect gas equation of state Work done by an expanding gas restricted to isothermal and adiabatic processes includes the Carnot cycle, reversible and irreversible processes, thermodynamic efficiency, entropy (statistical approach), and Boltzmann factor.
Internal energy, thermodynamics' first and second laws, work and heat, and molecular thermodynamics Avogadro's number, absolute temperature, perfect gas model, pressure and molecular kinetic energy, perfect gas equation of state Work done by an expanding gas restricted to isothermal and adiabatic processes includes the Carnot cycle, reversible and irreversible processes, thermodynamic efficiency, entropy (statistical approach), and Boltzmann factor.
Harmonic oscillations and their equations, harmonic waves, transverse and longitudinal waves, wave propagation, linear polarization, sound waves, the classical Doppler effect, and harmonic superposition, interference, coherent waves, standing waves, and beats are all topics covered in this chapter.
Coulomb's law, electric field, Gauss' law, potential, capacitors and capacitance, dielectric constant, and energy density of electric fields are all words that are used to define charge conservation.
The photoelectric effect, photon energy, photon impulse, De Broglie wavelength, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle are all examples of quantum Physics.
The sum of velocities, the principle of relativity, and the relativistic Doppler effect are all examples of relativity. The relativistic equation of motion includes elements such as energy, momentum, the link between energy and mass, and the conservation of energy and momentum. The Bragg equation has a few straightforward applications. The energy levels of atoms and molecules, as well as absorption and the spectrum of hydrogen-like atom emission (qualitatively). Radiation absorption, nuclei's components, nuclear processes, and mass defect (qualitatively) alpha-beta-gamma-decays, half-life, and exponential decay, nuclei's components, nuclear processes, and mass defect.
Oscillatory circuit, feedback and resonance creation, frequency of oscillations, electromagnetic waves Wave optics, diffraction gratings, diffraction from one and two slits High resolving power, Bragg reflection Gas dispersion and diffraction spectra, as well as line spectra polarizers, polarization through reflection, and electromagnetic waves as transverse waves, are all examples of polarization. Black body and Stefan's law, Boltzmann's law, and imaging system resolving power.
FAQs on Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO) Exam
1. What are the INPHO exam eligibility requirements?
The following are some of the requirements for taking the INPhO Exam. Before applying for the test, candidates double-check that they meet all of the qualifying requirements. The following are the INPhO eligibility requirements.
Candidates who have not started university or institution studies before June 1st must be able to have an Indian passport.
The candidate must not participate in the NSEJS in 2024-25.
The candidate must be a resident of India and must have been studying in India from November 30, 2021, and has not finished the 12th board test before that date.
The candidate's birthday should fall between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2010. (both days are included).
2. How is the previous year's question paper from the INPhO olympiad useful to students?
Completing the previous year's question paper for the INPhO Olympiad in 2024-25 will benefit candidates in a variety of ways, including.
It provides a candidate with an estimate of the exam's difficulty level.
Allows for better time management.
It is simple to perform a rapid review of the full curriculum.
Assists pupils in comprehending their strong and weak aspects.
A qualitative assessment of the performance and degree of preparation.
Candidates studying for the INPhO test can study Vedantu's INPhO Olympiad previous year question paper. If the INPhO Olympiad previous year question papers 2024-25 are consulted, the preparation for the INPhO Exam 2024-25 is half done. These question papers play an essential part in the INPhO Exam 2024-25 preparation.
3. How preparation plays a major role for the INPhO students?
Students who plan to take the INPhO test should prepare throughout the year. When it comes to students intending to take the INPhO test, preparation is crucial. Preparation is crucial to the result. Vedantu has published the INPhO Olympiad previous year question paper 2024-25 in PDF format to assist students. Solving these problems offers pupils an understanding of the question paper design, marking scheme, and critical themes that demand extra focus, among other things.
4. What are the stages of INPhO?
The stages of INPhO are:
Stage 1: National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP)- The full title of NSEP is National Standard Examination in Physics.
Stage 2: INPhO (Indian National Physics Olympiad)- The full name of INPhO is Indian National Physics Olympiad.
Stage 3: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC)- In Physics, the full term of OCSC is Orientation cum Selection Camp.
Stage 4: PDT stands for Pre-departure Training Camp for IPhO in its complete form.
Stage 5: IPhO (International Physics Olympiad) - IPhO stands for Participation in International Physics Olympiad.
5. What will be the cut off for indian national physics olympiad result?
The INPho 2024-25 cut off depends upon the changes of marks after reassessment. By executing web scrapers we get to know the marks of every candidate who wrote INPHO.
6. My friend scored 57.5 on 114.5 in INPho 2023. Is this score good or bad? Does she stand a chance for INPho?
Given the academic year 2023, there are scores of more students given the exam, and considering that there must thus be some increment in the INPho cut off because of it, the cutoff shall be around 60 or 62 in 120 marks. However, this is not certain because the whole concept of INPho cut off and selection is based on relative performance; this was presuming that the cutoff remains the same percentage of marks on the whole.
7. What will be the best preparation for the physics olympiad?
Those already preparing for JEE need not do much preparation for these Olympiads separately since they don't have much content outside the general JEE syllabus (unlike INMO for instance, which is a different game altogether). Augmenting your problem-solving skills with an irodov/krotov book is a good idea. Also, as with all exams, check thoroughly through the past year papers which are available on the official website. Practicing steadily through INPho previous year papers will make even mundane calculus optimization come off. In addition, one helpful trick that might come in handy is vector calculus. Ample of physics problems can be pretty mechanically reduced to mathematical equations and then brute-forced with almost 0 physical insights.
8. How do I study for NSEP and INPHO from the beginning? What study material do I refer to?
The first thing you need to do is to be thorough with a basic JEE book (the best example we can provide is HC VERMA’s CONCEPTS OF PHYSICS). If you have set a strong base in solving these problems, half the job is done as it gives you unimaginably excellent concept clarity. Following this, you can begin using these books to crack the INPHO exam…
Aptitude test problems in physics by SS Krotov
Indian national physics Olympiad by SAURABH.A (published by Arihant)
DC Pandey’s series(published by Arihant) (particularly for NSEP)
Problems in general physics by IE Irodov
200 puzzling problems in physics by Peter Gnadig
Note: - you can get access to all these books as pdf files or on Scribd.
If you still seek more questions to practice, you can also solve USAPHO papers available on the web (U.S. Physics Team). Moreover, you can solve past year IPHO papers. For the INPho exam, the most helpful material is the INPHO previous year question papers.