Introduction to the NSEP Admit Card
FAQs on NSEP 2024-25 Admit Card
1. What is the Importance of the Previous Year’s Question Paper Released by IAPT?
Ans. For students preparing for the NSEP test, IAPT also makes available the previous year's NSEP question papers. Candidates may use these question papers to assess their level of readiness and determine the exam's difficulty level. To download NSEP query papers with solutions, go to the link provided above. The previous year’s question paper will help in preparing the students to complete the examination in time along with understanding their strengths and weaknesses. This will also make the students familiar with the concepts that are common in the NSCE test and prepare them well for the exam.
2. What is the Exam Pattern of the NSEP 2024-25 Examination?
Ans. The NSEP 2024-25 examination pattern is given below:
A1 and A2 are the two components of the NSEP 2024-25 test.
Section A1 will have 48 questions, and section A2 will have 12 questions.
NSEP 2024-25 will have an overall marking of 216 points.
Students will also lose one rating for each incorrect answer, and three points will be credited to their scores for each correct answer.
The query paper will be available in a variety of languages, including English, Hindi, Gujarati, and Bangla. During the NSEP enrollment process, students must choose one.
3. When will the NSEP 2024-25 Examination Results be Declared?
Ans. NSEP 2024-25 examination is expected to be conducted on 24th November 2024 at various centres across the country and the result of the examination is expected to be released by December 2024. The students have to note that the dates could change due to the ongoing pandemic crisis in our country. Students who pass the NSEP will be entitled to compete in the Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO), which serves as a preliminary to the Orientation-cum-selection round and the 50th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).
4. Who can give NSEP 2024-25?
Ans. For being eligible for NSE the applicant must have been living and studying in India since November 30, 2023, or earlier. The Students must not have qualified for the class 12 board exam before November 30, 2023, as per the guidelines. The applicant must not be or planning to be in a university or equivalent institution by June 1, 2024 for being eligible. Apart from this, the students should not appear for the IOQJS 2024-25. Thus, a candidate can appear in the exam if he/she fulfils this criterion. For more information visit Vedantu.
5. What is NSE?
Ans. The National Standard Examination (NSE) is conducted by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) for different subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and Junior Science. The first stage for the international Olympiad is NSE which moves further with the level. All further stages are conducted by (HBCSE) Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Mumbai. After the NSE examination, the next step for the qualifying students is the Indian National Olympiad (INO) examination in the respective subjects. From the third stage onwards the level of the exam becomes more competitive and the final stage is held on the International level.