A Peek Into the Olympiads
FAQs on InPho 2024-25 Sample Paper
1. What is the Eligibility Criteria for INPho?
Ans: Students who enrol themself for the examination of INPho must follow the eligibility criteria before the exam. The eligibility criteria for INPhO is given below:
The students must not be studying in any university or institution before 1st June.
The student must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
The student must not appear for NSEJS.
The student must be a resident of India.
The student must be studying in India since Nov 30, 2023, and not completed his/her 12th board examination earlier than the same date.
The student’s date of birth must be in between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2010 (including both days).
2. How many stages are there for the Physics Olympiad?
Ans: There are five stages for The physics Olympiad program:
Stage 1: National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP)
Stage 2: Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO)
Stage 3: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in physics
Stage 4: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IPhO
Stage 5: Participation in International Physics Olympiad (IPhO)
3. How to Enroll for the INPho Exam?
Ans: Students who want to enrol for the INPho exam can follow the steps that are mentioned below.
Students can visit the official site of HBCSE.
An option called the olympiad will be given.
Next, the student will have to click on upcoming events.
There the students can enter the necessary details such as NSE centre code, their roll number, and Date Of Birth to enrol in INO.
Students will be given to make a choice of the examination centre at the time of registration.
4. How to get the INPhO to admit card online?
Ans: Students can get their physics exam’s admit card of the INPhO through the online mode. All eligible students can download the admit card of INPhO from the official site. They should keep an eye on the regular updates available on the website and then take necessary steps accordingly. Once the release dates of admit cards are announced, they should keep track and get it downloaded by putting in their registration number and date of birth. They should also keep a hard copy with them for future use.
5. How is Vedantu helpful?
Ans: Vedantu provides all the study materials compiled by subject-specific experts. They also make various worksheets and sample papers available for candidates absolutely free of cost. Students can easily access the Vedantu official page or download the mobile for better access. Vedantu also provides free online lecturing sessions from which candidates can benefit and jot down important notes. This will help them to stand out from the rest. As a matter of fact, enrolling oneself in the mock tests conducted by various research scholars will also help them assess their performance.