National Cyber Olympiad Exam 2024-25 Class 1 - 10 Result Announcement
FAQs on NCO Class 1 - 10 Exam Result Are Out for Level 2: 2024-25
1. What is the official title of the NCO exam?
National Cyber Olympiad is the official full form of NCO which is conducted for every Class 1 - 10.
2. Who may submit an application for NCO?
As it is conducted on school level so only students in Class 1 - 10 are able to take the NCO test.
3. What is covered in the NCO exam?
The National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is an exam that is available to everyone. A single-level test is used for administration. This exam's main objective is to evaluate students' understanding of and familiarity with cyberspace from Class 1 to 12.
The National Cyber Olympiad is organised by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF).NCO competition is Class based which helps in deciding how well they performed at First Level. After passing the first level of the test, students can assess their academic progress at four different levels: within the school, locally, state-wide, and, most crucially, internationally.
4. What is SPR?
A student performance report is sent to each student who competes in the National Cyber Olympiad. The student performance report is a thorough examination of their responses. This outcome allows pupils to assess their strengths and limitations. The SPR has 6 section
Section A - The student's school, city, zonal, and worldwide ranks are listed in this section.
Section B - This section examines previous performance.
Section C - In this section, the student's percentage score is analysed, and a comparison is made at the school, city, zonal, and worldwide levels.
Section D - This section compares the student's average marks at the school, city, zonal, and worldwide levels.
Section E - This section contains the student's topic-by-topic analysis.
Section F - Comparative study of past years' results.
5. Do NCO exams have any negative marking Scheme?
No, the NCO Exam does not have any negative marking scheme.