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NCO Mock Test for Class 3


NCO Olympiad Online Mock Test for Class 3

National Cyber Olympiad or NCO Mock Test is available here for all the classes starting from class 3. All the mock tests are available in a free PDF format that can be downloaded by students for free. The National Cyber Olympiad is a terrific platform from which students can learn a lot of things that will help them better understand the subject. Most importantly, the NCO Olympiad Mock test will help you to grasp the best time management skills needed to get good marks in the exam.

The NCO Online Mock Test results will be uploaded to the official website of the NCO. Students who want to know their results can log in to the website and check it as soon as they get home from school. The winners of the NCO online mock test for Class 3 will be announced 4-6 weeks after the last NCO Paper.

NCO Online Mock Test for Class 3

What is the NCO Exam All About?

  • The National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is an event for teenagers and young adults to show off their hacking skills and compete for prizes. Hacking skills can include coding, programming, solving riddles and puzzles, or solving math problems. 

  • Competitors at the NCO will be rated on a scale of 1-5 according to how well they performed in the various events. Finalists will compete in a Board Review Round composed of interview questions related to cybersecurity concepts such as information security, cryptography, cyber operations, and cyber law.

  • On the second day of the NCO, the Board Review round will be conducted by members of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and local judges. The finalist with the highest score will be named as National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) winner and proudly take home a trophy and cash prize.

  • The National Cyber Olympiad is an event that hopes to attract talented teenagers from across Malaysia. The topics tested by the NCO are based on well-known challenges from international mathematics competitions such as those from MIT, Putrajaya, LGU Cyber Games as well as those from other countries. In addition, there would be a challenge specially designed for this competition.                      

When is the NCO Exam 2024-25?

NCO 2024-25- Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) will conduct the NCO 2024-25 (National Cyber Olympiad). SOF NCO exam is held for classes 1 to 10 students. The details of SOF National Cyber Olympiad 2024-25 are made available online on the official website- From each school, a minimum of 5 students should apply for SOF NCO 2024-25. Each school has to select a feasible date to conduct the exam.  Individual participation is not allowed.

SOF NCO will be conducted on two dates, as under. A school may select one date to conduct the SOF NCO as per its convenience.

First Day - 28th November 2024

Second Day  - 19th December 2024

Please note that the dates of exams may change depending on the impact of Corona on the functioning of schools.

After the declaration of NCO result 2024-25, SOF will provide a participation certificate and Student Performance Report to the participants. The rank holders in the National Cyber Olympiad will get an award, medal, and certificate.

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FAQs on NCO Mock Test for Class 3

1. Is the National Cyber Olympiad useful?

Ans: Wondering if the National Cyber Olympiad is a good fit for you? Look no further than these reasons:

  1. You’ll learn new skills and expose yourself to new knowledge
  2. You’ll be able to work on projects with others, helping you establish contacts and increase the potential for future collaborations.
  3. With the rise of cyber-attacks and hacking, this course provides an excellent foundation in security.   
  4. It offers a chance of achieving something greater than what many university degrees can offer - such as obtaining government recognition or accreditation for your work.

2. What is the National Cyber Olympiad?

Ans: The Olympiad is a challenging contest of knowledge and skills related to information technology. Open to high school students, it will be conducted in the form of online events held on different dates all over the country. Participants can register and participate in events from anywhere in India. National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is the biggest online competitive programming event for high school students across India. It has been conducted every year since 2010 with thousands of participants, more than 10 city-based preliminaries, and one grand finale at IIT Bombay (2010-2012) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (2013 onwards). The seventh round was conducted in January.

3. How well is the National Cyber Olympiad recognised?

Ans: The Cyber Olympiad is an international, online competition for 14-18 year-olds. Entry is free and open to all ICT enthusiasts around the world. The Olympiad provides a forum for young people to demonstrate their skills in computing, problem-solving, and leadership. It serves as the ultimate test of these vital 21st-century skills. Participants are challenged to solve difficult problems across three different categories: Computer Science, Programming, and Digital Arts. Students compete in four rounds; round one is compulsory with the other rounds optional.

4. How will Vedantu help students?

Ans: Vedantu is a personalized learning app that claims to help you reach the summit of education. It offers 

  • Comprehensive Study Material
  • Personalized Learning Plans 
  • Regular Test Series for Teachers 
  • Test Series for Students - helped learners prepare for their exams.

5. Will the National Cyber Olympiad help in the future?

Ans: The National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is a first-of-its-kind competitive summer programming and cyber games event. It will put high school students up against other students from across the world who share their interest in cyber technologies and code skills. "The idea is to bring together those interested in computer science, software development, and engineering as well as those who love playing games," said Gil Weinberg, CEO of Iron Mountain Sports Network (IMSN).

This event could very well serve as a stepping stone for future tech professionals and provide opportunities for kids who may not have had any luck getting into coding programs at schools around the country.