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NCO Important Questions for Class 1 to 10 - Free PDF Download


NCO Important Questions for All Classes

The National Cyber Olympiad is an international level exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation every year for the students of grade 1 to 10. As this exam is conducted at the international level, the difficulty level of the exam is also high. The students need to prepare themselves well for the NCO. To help the students with their preparation, Vedantu has provided “ Important Questions with Solutions”. Students can now download the important questions for NCO 2024-25 and start preparing. 

These important questions are prepared by the academic experts of Vedantu who have been working in this field for a long time and hold good experience. You can practice these questions to score a higher rank in Science Olympiad Foundation’s National Cyber Olympiad. You will be able to score high rank at school level, city level, zonal level and international level if you prepare well taking the help of Vedantu’s Important Questions for National Cyber Olympiad 2024-25. You can now download the important questions for grade 1 to 10. 

NCO Important Questions for Class 1 to 10

NCO Important Questions for Class 1 to 10 - Free PDF Download

On the app and site of Vedantu, you will find a complete package for your exam preparation free of cost, you will find the syllabus, sample question papers, exam-related guidance, and important questions as well. These resources will help you study and revise. You can also download these to view them offline and these files can be accessed on any device. 

The national cyber olympiad, as the name suggests, is an olympiad that tests the computer, information technology, and internet skills of students. Since IT is playing a major role in the growth and development of many sectors and the internet is used for multiple purposes like sending and receiving information and also storing important information we have to upgrade our technical knowledge to make full use of the boons of technology. Appearing for the NCO exam will be a great start and form a base for your computer knowledge. 

How do Olympiad Exam Benefits Students of Classes 1 to 10

The sheer intention behind the Olympiads led by Science Olympiad Foundation is to fabricate awareness in young students and energize their learning in Mathematics, Science, Computers, General information, English with more interest.

By taking Olympiads, your kid will master and develop new abilities, like logical thinking, and critical thinking abilities. This will assist them with understanding ideas better and more profoundly, not at all like the traditional repetition learning. Aside from this, the openness to trying tests as SOF Olympiads will ingrain the certainty which will flawlessly shape their character and their future. They will consistently aim for better to be the most incredible in all that they do. 

Participating in these Olympiads have a lot of advantages, the significant ones are: 

  • Test the Understanding of Concepts 

SOF with its incomparable and unrivaled quality in Olympiads is deliberately serving young students in building a solid establishment of central ideas. The questions posed in Olympiads are application-driven, which tests students' information on ideas as well as the agreement. If your concepts are clear you will do well in the exams. Learning the base of any topic is always beneficial for a student because if the memorization doesn't help, you can always rely on the knowledge you have.

  • Improves with Analytical and Problem-addressing Skills 

SOF Olympiads test the abilities in students, for example, noticing, recognizing, contrasting, grouping, gathering, foreseeing, quantitative thinking, critical thinking, logical reasoning, tuning in, talking, perusing, composing and that's just the beginning. By participating in Olympiads, students will foster abilities and further develop their fitness which has surely helped them since quite a while ago. Students that can place these abilities into activities will be all set for Olympiads. 

  • Fabricate Confidence Among the Students 

With lucidity of ideas and worth expansion of new abilities, students foster certainty to take on new difficulties. The new attitude for parallel speculation assists with widening the skyline of learning. 

  • Improve Academic Performance 

Students' execution in school is additionally improved as Olympiads hone their reasoning and learning process which assists them with getting a handle on the ideas instructed in schools better. The right arrangement of books can establish a decent framework for the Olympiads. Aside from the fundamental educational plan books, these exceptionally planned books are an interface of ideas learned in homeroom with their applications. 

  • Stepping Stones for Future Competitive Exams 

Participating in Olympiads gives the student an idea about other competitive exams as well. Thus, appearing for Olympiads can be an experience of a lifetime for a student and help him/her for other major competitions too.

  • Advantages of Olympiads 

Olympiads assist students with knowing their potential in more significant levels of serious tests like NEET, JEE, CAT, IAS, UPSC tests. Students get to know their mistakes and shortcomings in various subjects which can help them design their vocation well ahead of time. 

  • A Big Platform to Shine 

Olympiads, directed by Science Olympiad Foundation, gives a major stage where every student can exhibit their ability at State, National, and International levels. students get the experience of a cutthroat test and get to know where they remain among their friends at the National level. 

  • Profile Building 

Students who get accomplishments in SOF Olympiads are given cash grants, decorations, gifts, authentications, and a great deal of acknowledgement. Their accomplishment gets added to their scholarly profile. A decent Olympiad rank will likewise assist students with getting into Top Universities on the planet easily. Most importantly, taking part in Olympiad tests and addressing their state or country at the National and International levels give fulfillment and joy to students which itself is the best compensation for them. 

From developing new interests beyond the school curriculum to an opportunity to participate in an international level competition - there are so many advantages that come along with Olympiads. You must encourage your child to participate in Olympiads to keep them enthusiastic for new learning and to instill a healthy attitude towards competitions. 

NCO Important Dates - Exam and Result

The NCO 2024-25 important dates have been announced by the SOF. Students can go through the table below for an overview of the same.



  • There are 2 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  2 dates - 28th November 2024 & 19th December 2024.

  • NCO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.


NCO Syllabus for Class 1 to 10 

Before you look through the important questions, you must have a clear idea of the syllabus. Find below a concise view of the NCO syllabus for your class.


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Spatial Understanding

  6. Grouping

  7. Analogy

  8. Ranking Test

  9. Problems based on Figures.

  1. Introduction to Computers

  2. Parts of Computer

  3. Uses of Computer

  4. Keys and Keyboard

  5. Computer Mouse

  6. Starting and Shutting down the Computer

  7. Introduction to MS-Paint

  8. Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Analogy

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Grouping of Figures

  8. Embedded Figures

  9. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Computer-a Smart Machine

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Parts of Computer

  4. Uses of Computer

  5. Learning to use Keyboard and Mouse

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Alphabet Test

  4. Coding-Decoding

  5. Ranking Test

  6. Grouping of Figures and Figure Matrix

  7. Mirror Images

  8. Geometrical Shapes

  9. Embedded Figures

  10. Days and Dates & Possible Combinations.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Storage Devices

  4. Parts of Computer

  5. Uses of Computer

  6. Input and Output Devices

  7. Introduction to Internet

  8. MS-Paint

  9. Introduction to MS-Word 

  10. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns, Alphabet Test

  2. Coding-Decoding

  3. Ranking Test

  4. Mirror Images

  5. Geometrical Shapes and Solids

  6. Embedded Figures

  7. Direction Sense Test

  8. Days and Dates & Possible Combination

  9. Analogy and Classification.

  1. About Computers (General Information

  2. Evolution of Computers, Parts of Computer

  3. Input and Output Devices

  4. Hardware

  5. Software

  6. MS-Word

  7. Using Windows 10

  8. Introduction to Internet and Its Uses

  9. Computer Networks

  10. MS-Paint

  11. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Geometrical Shapes

  4. Mirror and Water Images

  5. Direction Sense Test

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Alphabet Test

  8. Logical Sequence of Words

  9. Puzzle Test

  10. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Input and Output Devices

  2. Hardware

  3. Software

  4. Storage Devices

  5. Memory –Primary & Secondary Memory

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Introduction to Multimedia

  8. MS-Word

  9. Introduction to MS-PowerPoint

  10. Internet

  11. Computer Networks

  12. Using Windows 10

  13. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non  Verbal Reasoning

  1. History and Generation of Computers

  2. Types of Computers

  3. MS-Windows 10

  4. MS-Word

  5. MS-PowerPoint

  6. Internet & E-mail

  7. Introduction to QBasic

  8. Hardware

  9. Software 

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Device

  12. Latest developments in the field of IT 

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Evolution of Computers

  3. Memory & Storage Devices

  4. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Introduction and Basic Symbols)

  5. Using Windows 10, MS-Word

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. Programming in QBasic

  9. Internet & Viruses

  10. Networking, Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computers

  2. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Advanced symbols)

  3. Internet & Viruses

  4. HTML & CSS [Html, Head, Title

  5. Body (Attributes: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink)

  6. Font (Attributes: Color, Size, Face)

  7. Center

  8. BR

  9. HR (Attributes: Size, Width, Align, Noshade, Color)

  10. Comment tag(<!-- -->),  <H1>..<H6>, <P>, <B>, <I>, <U>, <IMG>

  11. Html Elements: A, Ul and Ol (Attributes: Type, Start), Li]

  12. Flash CS6

  13. MS-Access

  14. Networking

  15. MS-Word

  16. MS-PowerPoint

  17. MS-Excel

  18. Memory & Storage Devices

  19. Number System

  20. Basics of Cyber Crimes

  21. Cyber Laws

  22. Operating Systems

  23. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Algorithms and Flowcharts in Programming

  2. Number System (Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion)

  3. Visual Basic

  4. Animations, HTML & CSS (Links, Anchors and Table tags)

  5. MS-Word

  6. MS-Excel

  7. MS-PowerPoint

  8. Hardware

  9. Software

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Devices

  12. Flash CS6

  13. Communication Technology (Networking, Internet and Multimedia

  14. Operating Systems(Types-Interactive (GUI based) Real Time and Distributed, Commonly used OS)

  15. Using Windows 10

  16. Introduction to Scratch

  17. Introduction to Python (2.7.0)

  18. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Number System

  3. Operating System

  4. MS-Word

  5. Networking

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. HTML & CSS

  9. Internet

  10. Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access)

  11. Using Windows 10

  12. Programming in Scratch

  13. Programming in Python (2.7.0)

  14. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

NCO Important Questions for Class 1 to 10 - Structure and Pattern

Before you sit for the NCO Exam 2024-25, it is essential that you are aware of the structure, pattern and the marking scheme of the Exam. For a detailed explanation, look through the table below.



No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total




Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total




The National Cyber Olympiad will help students in a number of ways. It will identify and strengthen students' technological prowess. They will be able to develop creative and original problem solving skills. And with Vedantu’s help, students will clear the tests easily. The students will benefit immensely from the set of important questions with solutions provided for each class. 

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FAQs on NCO Important Questions for Class 1 to 10 - Free PDF Download

1. What type of questions are asked in National Cyber Olympiad Class 1 to 10 exam?

The National Cyber Olympiad Class 1 to 10 exam contains questions on Logical Reasoning, Computer and IT and the Achievers Section. 

2. My daughter studying in Class 1 to 10 has already appeared for the NCO in the previous classes. Can she appear again?

Absolutely Yes! You can re-appear for the Olympiad entrance. It will help you improve your weak areas, enhance your analytical skills and automatically improve your scores and ranking for the forthcoming NCO exam 2024-25. Also, preparing for the competitive exams not only makes your exam ready but also helps you reign supremacy in your Class 1 to 10 syllabus as the NCO entirely covers topics from the class subjects.

3. How many levels are there in NCO 2024-25 Class 1 to 10?

NCO Class 1 to 10 is divided into 4 levels. They are - school level, city level, zonal level and international level.

4. What will the NCO 2024-25 international winners of Class 1 to 10  receive?

First rank holders of Class 1 to 10 - a total of 10 students, will receive cash prizes of 50 thousand each along with a gold medal and a certificate. The students securing the second position - again a total of 10 students, will acquire a cash prize of 25 thousand each along with a silver medal and a certificate. The 10 students holding the third rank will receive 10 thousand each coupled with a bronze medal and a certificate. So hurry up and apply for it today!

5. Are NCO Class 1 to 10 sample papers useful?

If you want to score good marks in NCO 2024-25, it is essential that you use NCO sample papers Class 1 to 10 while studying. This will not only help you with strengthening your foundation in the subject but also to time yourself accordingly.