NCO Class 5 Important Questions with Solutions
FAQs on NCO Important Questions Class 5
1. When will the results of the National Cyber Olympiad be declared?
Ans: The results of the National Cyber Olympiad conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation will be declared within the 8 weeks of the exam. As the last exam date is 28 November and 19 December 2024, the students can expect the results on January 2025.
2. What are some preparation tips for NCOs?
Ans: Firstly refer to the NCO syllabus and verify it. You could check the exam-related guidelines, sample papers, and other material from Vedantu’s app or site. These facilities have been provided free of cost as well. As per the syllabus, you could gather reliable reading material and prepare for your exam. Have a good understanding of technology and everything related to computers and the internet etc. It’s not easy but with thorough preparation and hard work, you will surely crack the exam.
3. How do I check my NCO results?
Ans: Steps to check Science Olympiad Foundation’s National Cyber Olympiad result are as follows:
Step 1 - Visit the official website of the Science Olympiad Foundation.
Step 2 - On the homepage of SOF, select the olympiad NCO.
Step 3 - Enter your Roll No.
Step 4 - Enter the captcha.
Step 5 - Your NCO result will be displayed on the screen.
4. What is the NCO answer key?
Ans: Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) releases the answer key of NCO in online mode at official sites. Students can download the NCO answer keys 2024 from the official sites and check their probable scores. Many coaching institutes also release the NCO 2024 answer key for SET A & B right after the commencement of the exam. The NCO answer key 2024 comprises correct answers to each question asked in the exam. Students can calculate the expected marks obtained in the SOF NCO exam.
5. What are some of the primary tips to follow in NCO?
Ans: Some the primary tips to remember in NCO are:
Shading code significant data for future references.
Partition the subject into primary points that are comparable or have development so you can have a basic structure and can easily follow it every time you revise or study about it.
Get ready with brief notes for a modification later. Notes help you a lot; they not only save time but also help you to fit everything in mind.
Remember significant hypotheses.
Recognize and use your qualities.
Remain quiet and don't be annoyed.