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NCO Important Questions Class 6 - Free PDF Download


NCO Important Questions with Solutions for Class 6

The National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) aims to test the knowledge of students from grades Class 6 in the field of computer and information technology. NCO is a competitive exam organised by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). It is a single-level exam. This national-level exam will help students in many ways. It will identify and empower the technology prowess of the students. They will be able to develop creative, and unconventional problem-solving skills. The exam awards the highest-scoring marks at four different levels, - the school level, the city level, the zonal level, and the international level. 

Vedantu provides Class 6 latest Important Question Papers for National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) Download a free PDF of NCO Important Questions and prepare for your NCO exam in the most efficient manner. All the NCO Important Question Papers are created by our subject matter experts as per the latest NCO Exam pattern of the exam. These NCO Important Question Papers are very useful if you are preparing for the National Cyber Olympiad exam for Class 6 and want to build a very strong foundation for higher-level competitive examinations. Download them here for free!

NCO Important Dates - Exam and Result



  • SOF has declared 2 dates for the conduction of NCO in schools. 

  • The school can select either of these  2 dates - 28th November 2024 & 19th December 2024.

  • NCO Results are usually declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools. They are uploaded on the website as well.

The NCO examination paper is split into 3 sections for Class 6. Let us take a look at the respective syllabus for all these sections. 

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Spatial Understanding

  6. Grouping

  7. Analogy

  8. Ranking Test

  9. Problems based on Figures.

  1. Introduction to Computers

  2. Parts of Computer

  3. Uses of Computer

  4. Keys and Keyboard

  5. Computer Mouse

  6. Starting and Shutting down the Computer

  7. Introduction to MS-Paint

  8. Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Analogy

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Grouping of Figures

  8. Embedded Figures

  9. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Computer-a Smart Machine

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Parts of Computer

  4. Uses of Computer

  5. Learning to use Keyboard and Mouse

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Alphabet Test

  4. Coding-Decoding

  5. Ranking Test

  6. Grouping of Figures and Figure Matrix

  7. Mirror Images

  8. Geometrical Shapes

  9. Embedded Figures

  10. Days and Dates & Possible Combinations.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Storage Devices

  4. Parts of Computer

  5. Uses of Computer

  6. Input and Output Devices

  7. Introduction to Internet

  8. MS-Paint

  9. Introduction to MS-Word 

  10. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns, Alphabet Test

  2. Coding-Decoding

  3. Ranking Test

  4. Mirror Images

  5. Geometrical Shapes and Solids

  6. Embedded Figures

  7. Direction Sense Test

  8. Days and Dates & Possible Combination

  9. Analogy and Classification.

  1. About Computers (General Information

  2. Evolution of Computers, Parts of Computer

  3. Input and Output Devices

  4. Hardware

  5. Software

  6. MS-Word

  7. Using Windows 10

  8. Introduction to Internet and Its Uses

  9. Computer Networks

  10. MS-Paint

  11. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Geometrical Shapes

  4. Mirror and Water Images

  5. Direction Sense Test

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Alphabet Test

  8. Logical Sequence of Words

  9. Puzzle Test

  10. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Input and Output Devices

  2. Hardware

  3. Software

  4. Storage Devices

  5. Memory –Primary & Secondary Memory

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Introduction to Multimedia

  8. MS-Word

  9. Introduction to MS-PowerPoint

  10. Internet

  11. Computer Networks

  12. Using Windows 10

  13. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non  Verbal Reasoning

  1. History and Generation of Computers

  2. Types of Computers

  3. MS-Windows 10

  4. MS-Word

  5. MS-PowerPoint

  6. Internet & E-mail

  7. Introduction to QBasic

  8. Hardware

  9. Software 

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Device

  12. Latest developments in the field of IT 

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Evolution of Computers

  3. Memory & Storage Devices

  4. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Introduction and Basic Symbols)

  5. Using Windows 10, MS-Word

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. Programming in QBasic

  9. Internet & Viruses

  10. Networking, Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computers

  2. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Advanced symbols)

  3. Internet & Viruses

  4. HTML & CSS [Html, Head, Title

  5. Body (Attributes: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink)

  6. Font (Attributes: Color, Size, Face)

  7. Center

  8. BR

  9. HR (Attributes: Size, Width, Align, Noshade, Color)

  10. Comment tag(<!-- -->),  <H1>..<H6>, <P>, <B>, <I>, <U>, <IMG>

  11. Html Elements: A, Ul and Ol (Attributes: Type, Start), Li]

  12. Flash CS6

  13. MS-Access

  14. Networking

  15. MS-Word

  16. MS-PowerPoint

  17. MS-Excel

  18. Memory & Storage Devices

  19. Number System

  20. Basics of Cyber Crimes

  21. Cyber Laws

  22. Operating Systems

  23. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Algorithms and Flowcharts in Programming

  2. Number System (Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion)

  3. Visual Basic

  4. Animations, HTML & CSS (Links, Anchors and Table tags)

  5. MS-Word

  6. MS-Excel

  7. MS-PowerPoint

  8. Hardware

  9. Software

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Devices

  12. Flash CS6

  13. Communication Technology (Networking, Internet and Multimedia

  14. Operating Systems(Types-Interactive (GUI based) Real Time and Distributed, Commonly used OS)

  15. Using Windows 10

  16. Introduction to Scratch

  17. Introduction to Python (2.7.0)

  18. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

Class 6

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Number System

  3. Operating System

  4. MS-Word

  5. Networking

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. HTML & CSS

  9. Internet

  10. Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access)

  11. Using Windows 10

  12. Programming in Scratch

  13. Programming in Python (2.7.0)

  14. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

NCO Class 6 Exam - Structure and Pattern

Class 6


No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total




Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total



Benefits of important questions for the NCO Class 6 exam

Practicing important questions for the NCO Class 6 exam is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • It gives the students an idea of what to expect in the NCO exam.

  • It gives the students an understanding of which sections of particular chapters are important.

  • Practicing and solving important questions gives students an edge besides their regular preparation. 

  • Since all important sections of all chapters are covered by these questions, students feel confident to take the exam. 


The National Cyber Olympiad will help students in a number of ways. It will identify and strengthen students' technological prowess. They will be able to develop creative and original problem solving skills. And with Vedantu’s help, students will clear the tests easily. The students will benefit immensely from the set of important questions provided for each class. 

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FAQs on NCO Important Questions Class 6 - Free PDF Download

1. What do the winners of the NCO win at the zonal and international levels?

The NCO offers lucrative prizes to its top-scoring students. Winners from the Zonal category win medals and certificates. The top 10 students also get to win prize money from the SOF. A participation certificate is provided to everyone, regardless of their rank. At the International level, the cash prizes are quite generous. The top-ranking student gets to win INR 50,000 alongside a gold medal and a certificate. The student ranking 2nd gets INR 25,000 while the one who ranks 3rd gets INR 10,000.

2. Where can I find NCO sample papers for Class 6?

Vedantu has assembled the NCO sample papers for all classes in one place. If you want to check out the sample paper for Class 6. Go through the sample papers a few times to understand the exam pattern and grasp the type of the questions asked. Try to get your hands on as many papers as possible because regular, consistent practice will enable you to clear the NCO exam easily.

3. What is the time duration of the NCO Class 6 examination?

The NCO exam for Class 6 is for 1 hour during which a total of 50 questions have to be answered Since the examination has no second-level, a single examination will determine your performance. Try to be as calm and focused as possible during the exam. Read the questions carefully in a sequential manner to not waste any time.

4. What is the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory taught in class 6?

Volatile and Non-Volatile Memory are types of computer memory that are discussed in Class 6. Volatile memory is used to store data that will be lost once the computer is switched off. In contrast to this, non-volatile memory has the data even after the power supply is switched off. RAM and Cache memory are two major examples of volatile memory. On the other hand, ROM and HDD are examples of non-volatile memory. It is important to note that data transfer is easier where volatile memory is concerned.

5. What is the marking scheme of the NCO Class 6 exam?

The NCO Class 6 paper consists of 3 sections. Section 1 has 10 questions on Logical Reasoning that carry 1 mark each. The second section comprises 35 questions. Each question here also carries 1 mark. Section 3 is termed as the Achievers section. 5 Higher Order Thinking Questions are asked here that assess the conceptual clarity of students. The questions carry 3 marks each.