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NCO Olympiad Sample Paper 1 for Class 8


NCO Olympiad Sample Question Paper 1 for Class 8 with Solutions

Science Olympiad Foundation National Cyber ​​​​​Olympiad (NCO) is a national level olympiad and is popular among students. The Olympiad is held for students from grades 1 to 12. Previously the exams had 2 levels but now there is only 1 level. To prepare for the exam, Vedantu provides the latest sample papers from Class 1 to Class 12. The best way to prepare for this olympiad  is to download PDFs of sample papers from the website either from the official website of SOF NCO or Vedantu. These sample papers are completely free and have been curated by subject matter experts. Experts not only follow the latest patterns but also keep students' thinking processes and knowledge in mind while preparing this paper. SOF NCO aims to build a strong foundation among students from an early age.

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is the organizing body for the National Cyber ​​Olympiad. The Science Olympiad Foundation is a non-profit educational foundation founded in 1999. The base of this organization is in New Delhi. SOF aims to promote science, math and computer knowledge among students from the early stages of life. Through these Olympiad a higher level of education is provided. NCO is a reputable exam and anyone who wants to gain cyber expertise should participate in this exam. Through these Olympiad, young talents get the opportunity to show their intelligence that can help them for a better future. The Olympiad also builds a very strong foundation for students. When they take these national and international level exams, it helps them to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses.

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FAQs on NCO Olympiad Sample Paper 1 for Class 8

1. What to study for the National Cyber ​​​​Olympiad?

Ans: The National Cyber ​​Olympiad is a single-level olympiad organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation. To excel in the exam, students must practice the previous year's NCO questions. The main subjects to focus on are Mathematics and Computers. Since the exam is about testing the participants' IT knowledge, one should place more emphasis on solving computer-related concepts. For more information on the NCO syllabus, you can visit the official SOF website. Vedantu has sample NCO questions with solutions to improve your skills and help you prepare for the exam better, you can find them on the Vedantu website for free.

2. What is the National Cyber ​​Olympiad?

Ans: The National Cyber ​​Olympiad is a competitive exam for students studying in grades 1 to 12 organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation. It is a single level exam in which students have to take a test to excel. The main purpose of this olympiad is to test cyber concepts and their knowledge of the students from Class 1 to 12. Although grade 1 seems to be a very early age to take this exam, if we look at the bigger aspect, you will understand that the world is getting more tech-savvy every day and it is better to start preparing for it as early as possible. Vedantu can serve as the best source to prepare for this olympiad.

3. Why is the National Cyber ​​Olympiad held?

Ans: The main goal behind the National Cyber ​​Olympiad is to identify students who have a penchant for IT and empower them. This exam nurtures the little scientist who lives within the student. The best part of this exam is that it helps students analyze themselves at different levels - school, city, state and lastly at international level. The National Cyber ​​Olympiad is held annually by the Science Olympiad Foundation. This exam has become very popular among students and by participating in these exams we are actually developing a healthy competitive spirit among the students.

4. How does a student benefit from taking this olympiad exam?

Ans: The National Cyber ​​Olympiad though seems like just an extracurricular activity but when viewed from a bigger perspective, it adds a lot to the academic growth of a student. The participants are ranked in this olympiad according to the scores obtained which will help students to analyze where they stand and work to improve their weak topics. Students are awarded based on their international ranking, state, zone and school. While most winners are awarded cash prizes, medals, prizes and certificates, selective international winners are awarded the grand prize. The distribution of the grand prizes took place in a ceremony held in Delhi. In 2021, a total amount of 20 crores will be spent on awards, scholarships and other awards.

5. What is the structure and pattern of the examination?

Ans: Students need to know in detail the NCO exam pattern. The Olympiad is organized to help students learn in detail about various aspects of trade through a competitive approach. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes containing 50 objective questions. Each question gets 1 point except for 3 questions from the Achiever section which each brings 3 points. While this for the students from grade 5 to 12, for the students from 1 to 4 there are 40 questions. The pattern is different for class 1 to 4 and 5 to 12.