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NCO Syllabus for Class 5


Class 5 NCO Syllabus

The updated NCO Syllabus for Class 5 is now available on Vedantu and students can refer to it for their exam preparation. The NCO Syllabus covers all the sections that the students have to understand clearly before writing the examination. The Science Olympiad Foundation or the SOF has come up with a comprehensive SOF NCO Syllabus Class 5. Students can download the National Cyber Olympiad Syllabus for Class 5 for free from Vedantu, and analyze each section of the syllabus. 

NCO Class 5 Syllabus

Section 1


In one of the new sections among the rest, students have to identify the patterns and answer all the questions in detail to get the right marks. There will be numerous patterns in the form of numbers, alphabets, shapes, words, letters, etc. that the student has to identify using their analytical skills. In the questions, there will be a pattern given to the students that will be in the repeating format, and the students are required to find the same pattern that follows the predictable direction.

Analogy and Classification

Analogy and classification are a form of analogy that needs the students to compare the terms based on the groups each analogy belongs to. They will have to identify the relationship between the given pair of words, patterns, numbers, etc. by focusing on the classification of the terms, as mentioned in the other groups. In this way, they will have to find the right answer by classifying the analogy in the right groups. Students have to be more careful and more precise about the concepts of analogy and classification before appearing in the exam.


In this section, the students will be given a set of letters, numbers, or words in the form of codes. The students are required to decode the words, letters, or names given to them, and find the right codes that match with the one given to them as a question. For example, if the code of ‘EF’ is ‘FG,’ then identify the code of ‘AB.’ The right answer to this question is ‘BC.’ Therefore, students need to know the basic fundamentals of coding-decoding to answer these types of problems quickly.

Geometrical Shapes

Geometry is an interesting chapter in mathematics where students have to focus on taking accurate measurements of the angles, lines, solids, etc. and identifying the relationship between them. In this examination, students will be given a set of questions where they will be asked to find the right relationship between the points and identify the angles. Students are required to understand the concept of angles and theorems of geometry to answer all the questions correctly.

Mirror Images

In the updated NCO Syllabus Class 5, you will also find an interesting section named mirror images. In this section, you will find various photos that you would have come across in your life. You will be given four options in the multiple-choice questions where you will have to circle or tick in the right answer that matches when you mirror the image provided in the question. Students have to be patient and transparent with their understanding to find the right image.

Water Images

In the NCO Syllabus for Class 5, you will also come across this interesting section where you will see many water images questions. Students will have to find out the reflection of the objects in the water. It is quite similar to that of a mirror image where students will have to select or tick the object that looks the same in the water.

Embedded Figures

These are reasoning questions that the students will have to read carefully to understand and answer correctly. In the problems, the students will be given the shape of a figure followed by their alternative figures in the multiple-choice questions. The figure in the problem will be embedded in one of the answers. Students will have to focus on the question carefully to find the right answer.

Direction Sense Test

In this section, the main objective of the students will be finding the right direction of the person or an object that has moved in various directions from its source position. Here, the ability of the student to understand the concept is essential.

Ranking Test

Another reasoning-related question for all the Class 5 students is where they will have to find out the right answer for the given questions. Here, the students are required to find the rank based on the given question. For example, the students might be asked to find the number of students present in the Class by analyzing the positions assigned to them. Students will have to develop their analytical skills to clear the ranking test questions.

Alphabet Test and Logical Sequence of Words

Logical Sequence of words refers to the order of things or any events that are making sense when put in the right format. In the updated NCO syllabus Class 5, students will have to learn by testing their abilities in finding the correct sequence of the words given to them in the question. You can refer to the syllabus to find the latest examples of the alphabet test and the logical sequence of words.

Puzzle Test

In the National Cyber Olympiad Syllabus for Class 5, you will find questions related to logical skills where you will be asked to find the numbers or letters missing in the given puzzle. You will have to read the question carefully and be thorough in finding the right clues to solve the puzzle.

Section 2

Input and Output Devices

In this section, the students will have to find the input and output devices of the computer by identifying them carefully. The students are required to read about the input and output devices of the computer and keep their concepts clear. 


The hardware of the computer devices is something that you can touch and feel. Students will be asked to find the hardware devices of the computer in the given question. They will be asked to identify the devices by seeing the picture given in the question.


Similar to that of hardware questions, the students will be asked about the necessary software required to run the computer. There will be multiple-choice questions given to them where they will be asked to know the specifications of the computer when it comes to software.

Storage Devices

Storage devices in a computer allow you to store files, games, or documents. Students will be given a set of questions where they will be asked to identify the right storage devices as per their understanding.

Memory-Primary & Secondary Memory

Primary memory in the computer is considered to be the main memory where the processing data is stored. Secondary memory in the computer is considered to be the auxiliary memory that stores the information permanently for a longer period. Students will be asked to state the difference between the two of them. They are required to understand the fundamental differences and learn another four to five differences between the two memory storages before appearing in the examination.


MS-Paint is software downloaded on the computer that allows you to paint or sketch. Similarly, students will be given a question where they will be asked to draw an image of an object, person, or thing and colour them, as mentioned in the question. Students are required to practice MS-Paint thoroughly before sitting in the exam.

Introduction to Multimedia

Introduction to multimedia is another interesting section in the NCO syllabus for Class 5. The students are required to understand the concept of representation of the audio, video, or animation, in the computers. Once they see the drawings or graphics on the computer, they will have to identify the right image to get an answer to the question.

MS-Word (Paragraph formatting Using Paragraph group, Drop Cap, Document Views, Inserting Graphics-Pictures and Shapes, Clip Arts, Symbols, SmartArt, Multimedia Objects, Text Box, Inserting Header and Footer in a document and exploring its features)

MS-Word is one of the most critical sections in the updated NCO Syllabus Class 5, where the students will have to learn the MS-Word before appearing on the exam. They will have to understand and learn every vital aspect of MS Word to find the right answers to the questions given to them. 

Introduction to MS-PowerPoint (Component of MS-PowerPoint window and its features, Inserting Graphics-Pictures and Shapes, Clip Arts, Symbols, SmartArt, Multimedia Objects, Text Box, Inserting Header & Footer and exploring its features, Running slide shows, Presentation Views)

Just like MS-Word, the students are also required to learn about MS-PowerPoint before sitting in the examination hall. They will be asked to create a PowerPoint presentation using all the features of the MS-PowerPoint, as mentioned above. It requires a lot of practice for the students to learn all the features mentioned above, so make sure that your child has practiced a lot.


As the world is now dependent on the world of the internet, there will be basic questions asked about the internet in the exam. The students will be asked to define the internet, what information they can collect on it, and where it can be used. Therefore, the students are advised to learn everything about the internet before appearing in the exam.

Computer Networks

Students have to understand computer networks and the interconnection between them. Students will be asked to define computer networks or select the right option from the multiple-choice questions that define networks or computer networks.

Using Windows 7

Similar to that of computer networks, the students will have to learn about the use of Windows 7. They will be asked to state the features and uses of windows 7, how many versions of Windows 7 are there, and many more questions related to windows 7. You should make your child learn about Windows 7 practically by installing the same on your computer.

Latest Developments in the Field of IT

Apart from learning the definitions and uses of computer applications, it is also necessary for the students to learn about the latest developments in the IT field that is taking place in the market. There will be numerous questions asked about the latest developments in the IT world, and students are required to answer the questions correctly.

Section - 3

Higher Order Thinking Questions – Syllabus as per Section -2 

Based on the learning of section– 2, there will be a set of questions asked the students to judge their understanding of the sections. The students are required to go through the sections carefully and understand all the things related to computers to answer the questions asked in this section.

The best way for the preparation is to plan a proper schedule or timetable according to all the syllabus and the topics to be studied. The schedule has to be strictly followed with full dedication which can help the students to be organized and can achieve their target easily.


Preparation of NCO

  • Going through the syllabus before starting the syllabus is very important. This will help in preparing an accurate study strategy.

  • Once you have prepared the schedule the next step is to devote the time according to the topics.

  • Students should study in detail with understanding the concept of each topic which will help in gaining sufficient knowledge and concepts of a particular topic.

  • Preparing organized notes is very important. When you read the chapter you can note down the important points and highlight the topics. You can also give titles and subtitles which help to learn and revise easily.

  • Revise the studied topics regularly so that you will not forget whatever you would have studied previously.

  • Once you have completed the syllabus now it's time to evaluate the progress of the preparation. Try to solve the previous year question paper and take mock tests which will make you familiar with the exam pattern.

  • Study with full focus and dedication. Don't give up and prepare with full concentration. Be always positive.

  • Make a habit of reading newspapers daily to be updated on the happenings around the world. It will be helpful to improve the general knowledge to a great extent.

About Vedantu

With the help of the updated NCO syllabus Class 5, you can make sure that your child is entirely prepared to sit and appear at the olympiad. The NCO Syllabus for Class 5 covers all the aspects that are necessary to learn before appearing in the examination.

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FAQs on NCO Syllabus for Class 5

1. What is the best way to prepare for class 5 NCO?

Ans: There is no specific tip for preparation. Focus and practice is the main element to gain success in any exam. The Olympiad may seem tough because of the large number of students participating. But once you know the syllabus and your approach and the strategy are right you need not worry. Stay focussed throughout the preparation and don't get demotivated. Practice as much as possible and learn with understanding and avoid memorizing. Always start an early preparation as it becomes easier and there will not be any kind of stress.

2. How can I improve my performance in NCO?

Ans: The key to achieving success in any type of examination is constant practice and hard work after thoroughly studying the syllabus and preparing the topics devoting proper time is the main tip to be successful in the NCO. Participation in the NCO  will make the students confident for any other competitive exam. Knowing the syllabus and the topic and learning with proper conceptual understanding and practice is the only way to be successful in the exam. With a positive attitude and dedication, anything is possible.

3. How can I help my child to prepare for NCO?

Ans: As a parent, you should be with your child and guide them with all the preparation tips. You should make sure there is hard and smart work involved but at the same time, no stress should be taken by the child. With your help and the proper study strategy, it is possible to do well at the olympiads. Help them with the study material which will guide them accurately in every step. Strong focus and dedication is the main ingredient required to be successful.