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NSEA 2024-25 Exam Sample Papers
FAQs on NSEA 2024-25 Exam Sample Paper
1. How Do I Study For NSEA?
Ans: To prepare for NSEA, you will have to be thorough with the concepts of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy, covered in the +2 NCERT syllabus. For studying the concepts of Astronomy, you can consult the book, Universe, written by William J. Kaufmann, Roger Freedman, and Robert Geller. Also, you can refer to another book, Astronomy- Principles and Practice, written by Roy and Clarke. This book will help you get an insight into the mathematical aspects of astronomy. Apart from the theoretical studies, you will also need to practice sky observation, in any astronomy club to get a better practical understanding of the subject.
2. How Does Solving Nsea Sample Papers Help in Preparing For the Exam?
Ans: There are several benefits of solving and practising NSEA sample papers. The sample papers simulate the exam pattern of the National Standard Examination in Astronomy. Hence, when you solve the NSEA sample papers, you will get an insight into the expected level of difficulty of the exam. By solving these sample papers, you will also get to know the types of questions asked in the exam and work on optimising time management. Therefore, solving NSEA sample papers will help in boosting your confidence and enhance your exam preparation.
3. Can I Get NSEA Sample Papers Online?
Ans: Yes, you can get NSEA sample papers online. Vedantu provides one of the most recommended sample papers for the National Standard Examination in Astronomy. You can download the NSEA sample papers from Vedantu for free of cost, and practice them at your own pace.
4. What is NSEA?
Ans: The National Standard Examination in Astronomy is organised and conducted mutually by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education. It is one of the not many lofty competitive tests for students keen on Astronomy. NSEA is the absolute first phase of the International Olympiad in Astronomy and AstroPhysics IOAA. Students can enrol in NSEA through their separate schools. There are five phases of the International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics Program. Nonetheless, this year because of the COVID pandemic circumstance, the specialists of IAPT and HBCSE are yet to announce the mode and process of test for NSEA and IOAA.
5. Who gets qualified for the second stage?
Ans: The National Standard Examination in Astronomy is the primary phase of the International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Candidates who meet the cut off marks criteria in the NSEA test get equipped for the second phase of the Olympiad program. Candidates are needed to score the minimum admissible scores or MAS, in NSEA to fit the bill for the following phase of the Olympiad program. The MAS is determined as 50 per cent of the average marks scored by the top 10 students in NSEA.
6. What is the application fee for NSEA?
Ans: Candidates are needed to pay a nominal charge of 150 rupees to fill the application form for the National Standard Examination in Astronomy. The NSEA application fee is to be paid at the exam centre chosen by the student to register for the exam.
The application fee is partly acquired by the IAPT and the rest is kept by the school as their upkeep charges. The application charge is 5 USD for the students who are overseas citizens of India and for students residing in India, the fee is RS. 150. It is to be noted with caution that the application fee is to be paid only one time for every one of the phases of the selection process included in the NSEA.
7. What is the exam format of NSEA?
Ans: The exam pattern for the NSEA or the National Standard Examination in Astronomy was attempted by the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education (HBCSE) and the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). The format adopted is a comparatively unique and simple format that includes an only objective or multiple-choice questions. The medium of the exam is to be English and Hindi. The test does not have a proper syllabus that has been laid out. The questions are by and large posed from three subjects to be specific, Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. An aggregate of 80 questions are included in the question paper and students will be granted three marks for each right answer and a negative of one mark for each wrong answer they attempt. For the most part, the test is conducted in offline modes across a large number of exam centres all through India. However, considering the Covid-19 situation in and around the country, the mode during the current years' test has not been affirmed or declared exactly.
8. What are the benefits of taking mock tests in NSEA?
Ans: Although the NSEA or the National Standard Examination in Astronomy is not entirely a difficult exam to crack, consistent efforts and proper preparation strategy become an important requisite to score high marks in the exam. One of the best methods for students to gain enough confidence before attending the exam is to keep doing mock tests.