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NSEB 2024-25 Exam Mock Test


About Online Mock Test Series NSEB 2024-25

The National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB) takes place at the month end of November and is set by the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences.


Taking a lead on NSEB with this association, the other two organisations involved are the Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). 


The NSEB is a part of the National Standard Examination, an organisation responsible for holding national scientific olympiads to promote student's interest in science and test their knowledge at the international level. Students who have not completed Class 12 can take the NSEB exam. Read this article to discover complete details about NSEB 2024-25 test, the exam structure, eligibility requirements, dates and more.

Why Should Students Go for the NSEB Olympiad?

Considering the National Standard Examination in Biology as a principal and vital walk, it helps the students to be clear about their future options and to align how they want their career to mould. If one is fascinated by this particular subject and is willing to take it forward in a concrete way, such examinations, NSEB to be precise, is nothing less than an opportunity which one should grab without any second thoughts. After scoring a good respectable score in NSEB, one crosses the eligibility to enter the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) with all due respect.


Before applying and sitting for the NSEB exam, there is a conduction of even Mock Tests as well for the students. The motto behind the Mock Tests is nothing but to make the students familiar with the pattern and atmosphere of the main exam which will clear their vision most diversely. From boosting their confidence to authenticating the knowledge students are holding at the current stage and what all they are carrying with themselves, Mock Tests will stand tall and stiff with the students till the final day and that is that.


NSEB 2024-25 Complete Syllabus


Important Topics

1. Diversity of Living

Plant Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

The Living World

Classification in Biology

2. Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Morphology of Plants

Anatomy of Plants

3. Cell: Structure and Function

Cell Theory

Cell Division

Cell Cycle


4. Plant Psychology

Growth and development of Plants

Respiration, Transportation, Photosynthesis in Plants.

5. Human Psychology

Neural Coordination and chemical coordination

Breathing, body fluids, digestion, excretion, circulation of body fluids, locomotion.

6. Reproduction in Organisms

Process of reproduction and its types

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction


7. Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Structure of Flower

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Development of gametophytes- female and male



8. Human Reproduction 


Placenta formation and pregnancy

Menstrual cycle



Female and male reproductive systems


Anatomy of testes and ovary

9. Reproductive Health

Reproductive technologies

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Necessity for reproductive health


Medical termination of pregnancy 



10 Principles of Inheritance and Variation 

Sex determination

Similarity between parents and offsprings

Variation between parents and offsprings


Mendel’s law of Inheritance


Genetic Disorders

11. Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Structure of DNa, RNA, DNA- Replication


Gene expression

Gene regulation

Genetic code


Genetic translation 

12. Evolution

Mechanism of Evolution

Darwin’s theory

Adaptive radiation

Natural selection and its types

Hardy- Weinberg’s principle

Modern synthetic theory of evolution

13. Human Health and Diseases

Types of diseases and their prevention


Maintenance of health

Drug abuse

Alcohol abuse

14. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Plant breeding

Food production technique- drawbacks and improvement


Single-cell protein

Animal Husbandry

Tissue culture


15. Microbes in Human Welfare


Industrial production


Energy generation

Household food processing

Sewage treatment


Biotechnology principles

Genetic Engineering

Processes involved 

17. Biotechnology and its Application

Application processes involved

18. Organisms and Populations


Ecological adaptations

Organisms habitat





Population Interactions

19. Ecosystem

Flow of energy in ecosystem

Succession and services (ecological)

Biomass energy


Patterns of Ecosystem

Carbon cycles

Nutrient cycles

Phosphorus cycles

20. Biodiversity and its Conservation

Introduction to concept

Biodiversity- importance, conservation and loss 

21. Environmental Issues

Greenhouse effect

Ozone layer depletion

Solid waste management

Climate change


Air pollution

Water pollution

Radioactive waste management


NSEB 2024-25 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern and structure for the NSEB are subject-specific and similar to the National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS). The subject of focus in the NSEB Exam is Biology.




Exam Subject



2 Hours


English, Hindi (Optional)

Maximum Number of Questions


Maximum Marks



How Can Vedantu Help in the Preparation?

For the preparation of Mock Tests, certain educational apps have proved to be immensely helpful to the students who all are applying for such competitive exams. Talking about it, one of a kind which is a leading platform in this arena has to be Vedantu. From preparing students for the exams which are based on the primary, secondary and higher levels of schooling to make them all ready for other exams such as JEE and NEET, Vedantu is opted majorly by parents and their kids as well. One of the reasons which lie behind the success of Vedantu is the healthy promotion of the learning environment concerning live educational classes in the smartest way it can go.

  • You will be benefited by the facility provided by Vedantu. The study material is programmed for free test analysis.

  • At the end of each test, you can see feedback provided by Vedantu teachers which can help you gain insights and this can prove to be a major plus point. 

  • It is highly recommended to go for Vedantu mock tests as there is no harm but only positive aspects of solving mock tests.


Tips to Ace the NSEB 2024-25 Exam 

Here are a few essential tips to ensure a well-rounded preparation for NSEB 2024-25.

  • You are advised to schedule your learning time which involves practising each topic at least twice. Follow the timetable that you’ve created and you can include mock tests in your study time to complete your preparation. Be real to your approach and do not make an unachievable timetable. 

  • Keep in mind the exam dates and admit card release date so that you don't miscalculate your needed studying duration.

  • Gather study material online, only select reliable sources for preparation. You can solve previous year question papers and mock tests to experience the real exam beforehand. Free mock tests are available at Vedantu for downloading in pdf format.

  • Make sure to revise every chapter of Biology thoroughly as remembering all the names can prove to be a challenge. You will be able to ace your exams with complete knowledge of chapters and multiple revision.



Students can download the NSEB Mock test 2024-25 for free in PDF format at Vedantu. The NSEB Mock tests series are a crucial source available for student’s preparation. You can analyse your subject understanding and time management skills with the help of NSEB Mock tests. Students can read about benefits of solving mock tests and some preparation tips as well for enhancing their range of knowledge.

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FAQs on NSEB 2024-25 Exam Mock Test

1. What are the Best Ways to Ace the Mock Tests for the National Standard Examination in Biology?

If you are a beginner and have just started your practice do not worry about acing the mock test papers, all you need to do is focus on practising more. Before appearing for the mock exam of IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) that will help you for the main exam it is important to take other online mock tests. To ace the main exam, you need to invest your time in strengthening your knowledge of the subjects and their topics.

2. Are There Any Rules for Giving the Mock Test for the National Standard Examination in Biology 2024-25?

The mock tests of the National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB) that is conducted by the IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) is held in September. The mock test is conducted on the online platform, unlike the main exam which is pen and paper-based. The rules to be followed are strictly monitored. The test can be taken on any electronic device and there should be an uninterrupted internet connection and battery life for 2 hours. And The student must log in to the portal 10 minutes before the examination commencement. The student must not take any pictures and screenshots of the questions and the test at any point of time of the exam.

3. How do I qualify for the National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)?

The eligibility criteria for every examination that is included in the National Science Olympiads is set by the IAPT since they are the organising committee and for any NSEJS and any NSE (National Standard Examination), the eligibility criteria remain the same.

  • The candidate must be studying in an Indian school if they wish to appear for the NSEB 2024-25. 

  •  The date of birth of the candidate intending to appear for the NSEB 2024-25 exam must be between,  January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2010,  both days inclusive.

  • The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian Passport, basically proof of residing in India to be eligible for the exam. 

  • Students should not have attempted their 2024 12th board exams prior to 30th November 2024.

  • He/she should have not applied for or appeared in any other NSE scholarship examination for that year if they intend to sit for the NSEB Examination.

  • Even if one criterion is not followed, the students will be not eligible for attempting and be immediately disqualified

4. How do I take the NSEB Mock Exam in Biology?

The following points will help you understand the processes related to NSEB.

When a school enrols in NSEB, the selection is based on the first level of the school level. 4,444 students under grade 12 can take the National Standards Examination for Biology. Approximately 30,000 students in grade 12 take the exam. Of all students, only 300 students are selected based on their score and get selected based on their score The performance Index (MI Score) is the basis of the selection process and students are on average in the top 10 A national-level score that must be achieved at 80% or higher. Students with scores above the  MI score will be taken to the next NSEB-style exam, INBO (Indian National Biology Olympiad). The exam lasts 2 hours and students are required to answer 80 questions within the time limit. The exam will be rated on a total of 240 points and a negative rating system will be used.

5. How Do I Apply For the National Standard Examination in Biology?

The candidates for National Standard Examination In Biology Candidates can apply via school and their institution or via self. And the students who have registered themselves from a state other than the state of their school due to convenience reasons are required to send their copy of the National Standard Examination in Biology admit card and the school ID to the IAPT (Indian Association Of Physics Teachers) through the IAPT email given on their official website before the due date.