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NSEB 2024 - Previous Year Question Paper


NSEB 2024 Previous Year Question Paper, Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Students preparing for the National Standard Examination in Biology can get a clear idea of the question paper pattern of this exam by solving the NSEB previous year question papers.


Solving the NSEB previous year question papers of NSEB will help students understand the difficulty level of the questions asked and the time management required to answer all the questions in this exam. Students can download the previous years’ paper for National Standard Examination in Biology from the official website for NSEB and practise them for their exam preparation. Read this article to know the advantages of practising NSEB PYQPs, exam pattern, syllabus and more.

The National Standard Examination in Biology 2024 - Brief Overview

Competitive exams like NSEB are not only helpful for the improvement of learning abilities but also widen the arena of knowledge and IQ status.


NSEB question paper comprises multiple-choice questions and no lengthy questions. The major focus is on human physiology, genetics, and plant physiology in NSEB, to be precise. The syllabus followed is generally of the CBSE Class 11 and  Class 12th Biology Subject.


The fee structure for the application of NSEB, it is said to be around ₹150 as per the recent norms. After acquiring a well-talked score in NSEB, one is directly taken to the next level of exam which is the International Biology Olympiad (IBO).


Advantages of Solving NSEB Previous Year Question Papers

Listed below are some of the advantages that NSEB aspiring candidates will enjoy by downloading the previous years’ question papers.

  • Solving NSEB gives you an insight on the exam pattern, marking scheme and also guides you about your weak points and strong points. 

  • It will enhance your problem solving speed and prove a plus point in improving time management skills. 

  • Students can familiarise themselves with important questions by solving previous year question papers.

  • Analysing topics and questions will help students to prepare a good study plan.

  • Students will be able to implement target studying by knowing about their weak and strong points. 


NSEB 2024 Complete Syllabus 


Important Topics

1. Diversity of Living

Plant Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

The Living World

Classification in Biology

2. Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Morphology of Plants

Anatomy of Plants

3. Cell: Structure and Function

Cell Theory

Cell Division

Cell Cycle


4. Plant Psychology

Growth and development of Plants

Respiration, Transportation, Photosynthesis in Plants.

5. Human Psychology

Neural Coordination and chemical coordination

Breathing, body fluids, digestion, excretion, circulation of body fluids, locomotion.

6. Reproduction in Organisms

Process of reproduction and its types

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction


7. Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Structure of Flower

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Development of gametophytes- female and male



8. Human Reproduction 


Placenta formation and pregnancy

Menstrual cycle



Female and male reproductive systems


Anatomy of testes and ovary

9. Reproductive Health

Reproductive technologies

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Necessity for reproductive health


Medical termination of pregnancy 



10 Principles of Inheritance and Variation 

Sex determination

Similarity between parents and offsprings

Variation between parents and offsprings


Mendel’s law of Inheritance


Genetic Disorders

11. Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Structure of DNa, RNA, DNA- Replication


Gene expression

Gene regulation

Genetic code


Genetic translation 

12. Evolution

Mechanism of Evolution

Darwin’s theory

Adaptive radiation

Natural selection and its types

Hardy- Weinberg’s principle

Modern synthetic theory of evolution

13. Human Health and Diseases

Types of diseases and their prevention


Maintenance of health

Drug abuse

Alcohol abuse

14. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Plant breeding

Food production technique- drawbacks and improvement


Single-cell protein

Animal Husbandry

Tissue culture


15. Microbes in Human Welfare


Industrial production


Energy generation

Household food processing

Sewage treatment


Biotechnology principles

Genetic Engineering

Processes involved 

17. Biotechnology and its Application

Application processes involved

18. Organisms and Populations


Ecological adaptations

Organisms habitat





Population Interactions

19. Ecosystem

Flow of energy in ecosystem

Succession and services (ecological)

Biomass energy


Patterns of Ecosystem

Carbon cycles

Nutrient cycles

Phosphorus cycles

20. Biodiversity and its Conservation

Introduction to concept

Biodiversity- importance, conservation and loss 

21. Environmental Issues

Greenhouse effect

Ozone layer depletion

Solid waste management

Climate change


Air pollution

Water pollution

Radioactive waste management


NSEB 2024 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern and structure for the NSEB are subject-specific and similar to the National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS). The subject of focus in the NSEB Exam - Biology.




Exam Subject



2 Hours


English, Hindi (Optional)

Maximum Number of Questions


Maximum Marks



How Can Vedantu Help?

Before applying for NSEB, it is highly advisable to go through the NSEB previous year question papers. Vedantu provides engaging learning experience from the best teachers for NSEB. From flexible time schedules, personal attention to every student enrolled, and writing tests and assessments conducted regularly, Vedantu is considered as students’ favourite study partner. It provides sample papers and previous year question papers for the National Standard Examination in Biology.


The recent information updated on Vedantu is about the stages of procedure for the selection of teams which are thereafter sent to apply for the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). Due to the surge in Covid-19 in the year 2019-20, the three-stage procedure is now changed to a two-stage procedure for the only academic year 2021-22.

Previous year question papers are the best study guide for the students to get an idea about the format and pattern of the questions asked in NSEB. Students can download the previous year question papers for NSEB from the official website of NSEB for free. Students should solve the previous year question papers in the scheduled time so that they can manage the time in the exam strategically. 



Solving the previous year question papers can help students to improve their performance by identifying and working on their weak areas. Students can revise the important concepts covered in the previous year questions for the final exam to score well. They can solve the previous year question papers after finishing the entire syllabus to assess their preparation for NSEB. Therefore, without much delay, students are advised to download the free NSEB PYQP PDFs and visit our website for more information and study materials on NSEB.

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FAQs on NSEB 2024 - Previous Year Question Paper

1. How to Attain the Maximum Benefits From Previous Years’ Papers for the National Standard Examination in Biology?

Ans: The best way of gaining the most benefit from the previous years’ paper is to refer to the questions from many years and not just the last 3 years which is usually the case. The preparation being for the first stage should not be a limiting factor that prevents you from exploring previous years papers of the INBO (Indian National Biology Olympiad) and IBO (International Biology Olympiad).  

2. What are the Benefits of the National Standard Examination In Biology Previous Year’s Papers?

Ans: It is always beneficial to practice from previous years’ papers, as you will get to learn how to manage time in the actual examination. Previous years’ papers are a great way to understand which topics are being repeated every year and accordingly schedule your learning sessions and doubts to help yourself be prepare for the National Standard Examination in Biology.  These question papers will also provide a clear image of the quality and the way a question is asked in the examination.

3. Where can I get the National Standard Examination In Biology Previous Years Papers?

Ans: The previous years’ papers are easily available on the official website of NSEB. We at Vedantu, with the help of the expert knowledge of the professionals, along with the questions of the previous years’ papers also provide solutions in a stepwise manner that will prove to be extremely beneficial for students to understand on a basic level. Vedantu will also provide study material, extra practice sheets, mock tests, and much more for helping students achieve their dreams. Students can simply visit Vedantu's for more information. 

4. Will National Standard Examination in Biology 2024 be conducted online?

Ans: The National Standard Examination board very efficiently holds the National Standard Examination In Biology offline. Every year the mode of examination is pen and paper-based and the previous year the exam was not conducted due to unavoidable circumstances. As of now, the mode of examination for the National Standard Examination In Biology 2024 as per the latest update remains offline. You can download the admit card online from the website.  

5. Is it mandatory to register for the NSEB from school?

Ans: The schools in the country usually take up the responsibility of registering talented students who are excelling in science. However, there is no such rule declared by the IAPT and HBCSE making it mandatory for the students to appear only if they are registered by their respective schools. If your school is not registering for the National Standard Examination In Biology you can do it on your own at the nearest registration centre and suit yourself accordingly. Registration fees should be paid in both cases to ensure participation. Admit cards will be provided to students only after they have submitted the application form along with the registration fee.