IAPT Sample Question Papers for NSEP 2024-25
FAQs on NSEP Sample Papers (Paper-wise) 2024-25: Paper 1
1. What are the levels of NSEP Exam 2023-24?
There is a slight change in the level pattern of the NSEP exam this year. A candidate will have to go through the following stages to reach the final level:
Stage 1- NSEP exams will be held on various dates in January 2023 at registered schools across the country. About 300-500 students may be selected for the next stage.
Stage 2- Selected students will proceed for the Orientation-cum- Selection camp at the Bhabha Centre for Science and Research. Here, the candidates will be tested on both theoretical and practical knowledge. About 35-50 meritorious candidates may be chosen for the next stage.
Stage 3- The selected candidates will further proceed to the ‘Pre-Departure Camp’ which is likely to take place between July- November 2023. Here, again after various rounds of selection exercises, about 5-7 students will proceed to the last stage, i.e. International Physics Olympiad.
Stage 4- Last level of the exam, the International Physics Olympiad. Students who win gold medals here can have a chance to work directly under the Prime Minister by securing themselves a position at the Department of Atomic Energy.
2. Is it possible for me to change the examination centre once I have submitted the form?
No, once you submit the form online, it is not possible for you to change the preference of the examination centre. It is advisable that you check and cross-check everything, from your personal details, i.e. your name, date of birth, father’s name, mother’s name etc., to your preference of examination centre, because the authorities entertain no requests of any kind of change in the registration form. Also, make sure that your contact details, such as email id and phone numbers, are correctly filled in. Otherwise, you can miss out on important information.
3. How can I download the admit card for the exam?
The admit cards are expected to be out by November 2023. You can download your admit card by logging in to the official website of IAPT.
It is advisable that you check the admit card thoroughly for any errors in the spellings of your name or any other detail. Your registration id, exam roll no and the name of your centre, your photograph, and your signature should be clearly visible on the admit card. Also, read the guidelines provided on the admit card so that you don’t miss out on anything that can cause trouble on the day of the exam.
4. In what languages can I attempt the NSEP exam?
The question paper will be available in English, Hindi, Bangla, Gujarati, and many other languages listed in the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India. You will get to choose your preferred language while filling up the registration form, and please choose carefully. You will not be allowed to make any changes later.
5. Do I have to pay a registration fee while filling up the registration form? What is the last date?
Yes, you have to pay a non-refundable registration fee of a sum of 200 INR while filling up the registration form.