Sample Question Papers Paperwise Paper 2 for NSEP 2024-25 - Free PDF
Solving sample papers plays a vital role while preparing for the National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP). The experts at Vedantu recommend solving as many NSEP sample papers as possible to crack the exam. One can avail the NSEP sample papers 2 on Vedantu’s site. Provided by our experts, it is the best way to understand the exam pattern and solve relevant questions. These NSEP sample papers 2 are solved by our subject experts who are dedicated to training students for such contests.
Benefits of the NSEP Sample Paper 2024-25
The dates of the exam are declared and you are preparing yourself for the exam. How can you prepare better? You can prepare better if your concepts are crystal clear. Understanding the concepts instead of randomly mugging up theories, principles and numericals will secure you high chances of clearing the exam. We at Vedantu stand for this principle and try to make this process as fun, easy, and smooth as possible. We have well researched videos by our faculty, which you can watch multiple times over and ask your doubts by writing in the comments section below. For those of you on our subscription plans, we have a separate doubts app for you! Now, how cool is that? An app just to solve your doubts- no hesitations and no judgments!
Secondly, our mentors swear by one thing that there are no shortcuts to success and success comes with perfection. How do you gain perfection?
We have sample papers for you to solve and list your doubts or difficulties and we’ll be there with the solutions. The only condition is that you have to be consistent and give your best. We recommend that you solve each sample paper at least twice so as to avoid silly errors.
NSEP Sample Papers Paperwise Paper 2 (2024-25) - Registration, Exam and Result Dates
The Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) has published the NSEP 2024-25 Exam dates along with the tentative result date. Students can find the dates in the table below.
NSEP Sample Papers 2024-25 - Exam Pattern
Students must have a thorough idea of the exam pattern before they sit to prepare for the same. Find below an overview of the NSEP 2024-25 exam pattern.
NSEP Sample Papers 2024-25 - Syllabus
Before students start solving NSEP Sample Papers, it is imperative that they know the extent of the syllabus for the exam. Below is an overview of the NSEP syllabus 2024-25.
NSEP Sample Papers 2024-25 - Marking Scheme
It is necessary that students have an idea of the exam marking scheme. This will allow them to strategise their learning better. Find below the marking scheme for NSEP 2024-25.
We have provided NSEP sample papers that are free to download in a PDF format, making it easier for students to practise. Make the most of the time in hand and solve the sample papers to test your knowledge and level of preparedness. This is an essential exam that will help you prepare for your future aspiration to pursue a career in Physics, hence diligent study and rigorous practice will help you ace the exam successfully.
FAQs on NSEP 2024-25 Sample Papers Paperwise: Paper 2
1. How many students participate in NSEP 2024-25?
About 20000-60000 students participate in NSEP annually.
2. Are calculators allowed in NSEP 2024-25?
Yes, calculators allowed in NSEP 2024-25. However, they should not have more than 3 rows for any function in their display. Also, a calculator with a graphic mode is not allowed.
3. Is there any negative marking for NSEP 2024-25?
Yes, for every wrong answer 1 (one) mark will be deducted from your score. It is advisable to solve the questions whose answers you are sure of first and then move to the questions whose answers you don’t know. Out of the questions you are not sure about, attempt only those which you think could be easy to guess. Take calculated risks otherwise you could lose out your marks due to negative marking and it can heavily affect your rank.
4. Do I have to pay a registration fee for every level?
No, you just have to pay a one time, non- refundable sum of Rs 200 (two hundred rupees) only while filling up the Registration form. Students who qualify to next levels won’t have to pay anything extra till they reach the last stage i.e. International Olympiad stage. When you reach the final stage, you might have to make some travel arrangements on your own. Don’t worry, you will be told everything in detail by the authorities at the Pre-Departure Camp.
5. Amid so many websites providing information about NSEP 2024-25, from where can I get the most authentic information?
You can get the most accurate, authentic and latest information from the official website of the exam conducting authorities i.e. www.iapt.org.in. In case of any confusion, please head over to the official website and adhere to the guidelines provided by the authorities on the official website. At the same time, we also recommend that candidates visit Vedantu’s website from time to time to seek accurate and reliable information on all NSE exams.