NSEP 2024-25 Previous years’ Question Papers, NSEP Exam Syllabus and NSEP Exam Updates
FAQs on NSEP Previous Years’ Question Paper - Free PDF Download
1. How to clear NSEP?
NSEP exam is a 12th class level exam, students are advised to read NCERT class XI and XII books thoroughly to prepare for NSEP. NCERT books will be the best choice for you to grasp basics and conceptual understanding. Solving NSEP previous years' question papers is a crucial addition to your preparation level. You should maintain a list of all the derivations, theories, formulas, practical knowledge, important numerical values and definitions. Make sure to glance through everything on a daily basis for best results.
2. How to enrol for NSEP?
The candidates who are willing to participate in the NCEP examination are required to follow a few steps. The candidates are expected to download a registration form from the official website of the IAPT first. After downloading the form, they have to fill in all their details. These details should include the candidate’s name, address, parents’ name, and the preferred language in which he or she wants to write the examination.
After filling in all the accurate information, the candidate is expected to sign in a declaration stating that all the information is true. The registration and the declaration form should be submitted along with a fee of rupees 200 and also the name of the centre in which the candidate wants to give the examination. The amount that is paid is a one-time payment and nonrefundable.
3. Is NSEP difficult?
The National Standard Examination In Physics (NSEP) has been conducted by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) all over India and it is a voluntary examination that is used in selecting the candidates for the Indian olympiad program physics. All the national level examinations are tough and so is NSEP. Like every exam, NSEP could also be cracked with proper planning and referring to the correct study material.
4. How many students are selected in NSEP?
Every years', around 20,000-60,000 students apply for the NSEP Exam and around 1400 centres are associated with NSEP registration. The students who are qualified in the NSEP exam are advanced with an opportunity to attempt the Indian National Physics Olympiad. The estimated range of qualifying students in the NSEP 2024-25 exam is 300-500 students.
5. Is IOQP and NSEP the same?
IOQP stands for Indian Olympiad Qualifier for Physics and IOQP combines two exams together- NSEP (National Standard Examination in Physics) and INPHO (Indian National Physics Olympiad). The first test is NSEP and students who qualify in this exam are advanced to attempt INPHO.