NSO Science Olympiad Important Question for Class 8 with Solutions
FAQs on NSO Science Important Questions Class 8
1. Should the participants Refer to Any Specific Book for the Preparation of The NSO Exam?
Ans: NCERT books/Coursebooks issued by the CBSE, ICSE /State boards can be used to prepare for NSO exams. Along with the NCERT and other course books, the following books can also be referred to:
MTG Class wise workbooks( for all Classes from 1 to 12)
‘SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) Olympiad Trainer’ mobile app designed by SOF for guiding the students looking to attempt the exam.
Previous year papers and sample papers by Vedantu.
Different magazines can be used which discuss subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics for you etc.
Olympiad books of reasoning ( for preparing the reasoning section of the NSO olympiad exam).
2. What are the important benefits of Olympiad Exams for a student?
Ans: Some important benefits of the Olympiad exam for students are:
They are feasible to judge a student’s conceptual understanding of the particular subject,
Enhance the problem - solving skills of the students and challenge them to think logically.
Prepare the students for competitive exams by assessing students' aptitude along with the subject knowledge.
Improving the student’s performance at school as the Olympiad exam sharpens the thinking and learning process of the students which helps them to grasp the concepts easily which has been taught at school.
Induce the quality of hard work among the students by encouraging them to prepare diligently for the exam and improve their academic as well as Olympiad performance.
3. How to participate in the NSO Olympiad Exam?
Ans: Prospectus including the registration form of the NSO exam is sent to schools registered with SOF Olympiad. Schools who have not registered with SOF Olympiad can also request a registration form by sending an email to the foundation.
The school’s coordinating teachers can also generate student’s roll numbers as per the guidelines mentioned in the prospectus issued by SOF. A copy of the student's roll number, student's registration form, and school registration form is sent to the Science Olympiad Foundation's office before the last date of submission of forms.
The foundation then further sends the question paper to the school after the applicant school and student get registered.
4. What is the NSO student Performance Report?
Ans: Every student who attempts the SOF NSO exam is offered a student performance report. The student's performance report shows a detailed analysis of how the particular student attempted in the NSO level 1 exam.
The SPR i.e the Student Performance report contains a total of six sections. Each of these sections provides a subjective analysis of the student’s performance. Moreover, a comparative analysis is also drawn between the student’s performance and their peers. The aim of sharing SPR with students is to make them understand their strengths and areas requiring improvement in absolute terms and also on a competitive level comprising lakhs of students of his/her Class who attempted the NSO exam.
5. How to prepare for NSO Exams?
Ans: Here are a few tips to prepare for the NSO exams:
If you are appearing for NSO, then prepare for answering questions of varying difficulty levels that test your logical and observational skills.
Solving sample papers will give you a fair idea of the pattern of the questions asked. They are also good for improving the speed to attempt the paper in a limited amount of time.
You must thoroughly study course books suggested by your board like ICSE, CBSE or State Board.