Register with Vedantu’s Online Science Classes for Class 8
FAQs on Science Class 8 Online Tutor: Best Academic Help to Achieve your Goals
1. What are the science subjects taught in Class 8 CBSE?
The NCERT textbook syllabus of Class 8 is based on concepts from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
2. What is Vedantu WAVE?
Vedantu WAVE is the classroom based on Whiteboard Audio-Visual Environment. The recent upgradation WAVE 2.0 is being successful day by day with lesser costs for production and it is making education accessible and affordable for all.
3. What are the study materials available online?
There are NCERT textbooks along with their solution manuals and several previous years’ solution papers to download from.
4. Can I reschedule my class?
Yes. You can always connect with your teacher and reschedule your class in case you miss a class. There is no worry of missing out on a chapter by not being able to join a class.
5. Can I choose more than one mentor for one subject?
Yes. As we have gathered all of our teachers from several renowned educational institutions, you have the opportunity of choosing your own mentor or take classes chapter-wise from more than one mentor.