Vocal Cord
Have we ever wondered that whatever we want we get it by saying or expression. One of the best modes to express our feelings is by our voice. We can say that voice is one of the medium by which one recognises us as well.
The size that is of vocal cords generally affects the pitch of voice. This opens when there is a process of breathing and vibrating for speech or singing and then the folds are controlled via the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve.
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Parts of Production of Voice
The means of communication is said to be very essential for the well-being of any animal and human as well. Even the organisms which are the microorganisms communicate with each other by means of chemicals. Fortunately we can say that our means of communication are far better than that. So we rely on it every day to interact with others. As is the case with walking and seeing, taking as well. We can say that the human voice is very versatile and this is rich both incontent and range. We generally use it to laugh and cry and scream as well as shout, sing and the list goes on. The human voice which is produced by the vocal cord is capable of producing highly sound intricate. We can tell if our mother is angry at us by her voice. Some people do one better and can tell if people are lying that too just by their voice.
Following Are Said to Be the Main Parts of Production of Voice
We can say that the power source: that is lungs.
The vibrator: that is the voice box.
The resonator: that is the throat, mouth, nose and sinuses.
The Power Source: Which is Lungs
We can say that the lungs here perform the essential function of supplying adequate airflow and air pressure in order to vibrate the vocal cord. When we inhale the oxygen that is when we draw air into the lungs. This air is then later exhaled which is creating a stream of air that is through our wide throat and pipe. This is said to be very exciting that the air provides the energy to vibrate the vocal cords in the box or we say the voice box to produce sound. If we want to make a sound that is loud then we have to exhale hard to create a strong airflow.
The Vibrator: The Voice Box
The part of the throat that generally moves when we swallow is called a voice box. The Voice Box that is the Larynx sits on the top of the wide pipe. The voice box is said to be a part of the wide pipe and the exhaled air which is from our lungs generally passes through the voice box. The vocal cord generally consists of two tight strings that open during breathing and later close when we exhale to make a sound. They vibrate very fast that is almost from 100 to 1000 times per second in terms. We may vary the pitch that is which explains the concept of frequency and pitch etc by controlling the tension in the muscles that is present in the voice box. The vocal cord is generally also known as a fold that is the vocal fold. The vocal cord generally modulates the flow of air from the lungs.
The Resonator: That Includes Throat and Nose and Mouth and Sinuses
The chords that are the vocal cords by themselves produce only a buzzing sound much like a bee. The sound is not usually created by vocal cords. Instead we can say that it is created by the interactions of the vibrations which are created by our vocal cord with the muscles and tissues which are present in your mouth, nose, throat and tongue. When we talk, our tongue generally darts all around our mouth which is helping us to pronounce complex syllables. The vibrations that are said to be deliberately altered in our throat and mouth to produce the unique voice of humans.
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Disorders of Voice
There are many disorders which affect the voice of humans. These usually include speech impediments and the growths and lesions on the folds of the vocal box. We are talking improperly for long periods of time causing vocal loading which is stress inflicted on the organ of speech. When vocal injury is done then often an specialist of the ENT may be able to help but we can say that the best treatment is said to be the prevention of injuries through good vocal production. The therapy of voice is generally said to be delivered by a speech-language pathologist.
The nodules which are the vocal are generally caused over time by repeated abuse of the vocal cords which results in soft and then the swollen spots on each vocal cord. These spots which usually develop into harder that is the callous-like growths known as the nodules. The longer and the abuse generally occurs the larger and stiffer the nodules will become. We can say that most polyps are larger than nodules and may be known by other names such as polypoid degeneration or the Reinke's edema. The polyps are said to be caused by a single occurrence and may require removal from surgery. The irritation which occurred after the removal may then lead to nodules if additional irritation persists for a longer time. The hoarseness or the breathiness that lasts for more than two weeks is a symptom that is common of an underlying disorder of the voice such as nodes or polyps and should be investigated medically.
FAQs on Human Voice - How Do Humans Create Sound with their Vocal Cord
1. Explain how human beings produce sound while talking?
The folds that are the vocal folds or the vocal cords are attached within the larynx to the largest of the laryngeal cartilages called the thyroid cartilage or "Adam's apple". The vocal folds generally produce sound when they come together and then vibrate as the passing of the air that is through them during exhalation of air from the organ that is lungs.
2. Explain what does the voice box or larynx of humans produce?
Larynx that is also known as the voice box that has a hollow and a tubular structure which is connected to the top of the windpipe that is trachea. The air that passes through the organ that is the larynx is on its way to the organ that is lungs. The larynx also generally produces sounds that are vocal and prevents the passage of food and other foreign particles as well that are into the lower tracts that are respiratory.
3. Explain why humans can speak and animals can't?
The area that is the Broca's area in the cerebrum of our brain is closely associated with speech comprehension. This part of the brain is said to be less developed or we can say that is absent in other animals. Therefore we can conclude that it is said to confer upon us the ability to talk. There is also the presence of pathways that are said to be certain pathways which are found only in some animals and humans among them.
4. Explain what are the 3 functions of the larynx?
The organ that is larynx generally serves three important functions in humans. In order of functional priority we can say that they are protective and respiratory and phonatory as well. A sound that is understanding of these functional priorities generally appears essential to the management of the myriad diseases that is besetting this organ which is complex.