The law of conservation of mass is a very important concept, it says that we cannot create or destroy the mass; however, this mass can be transformed into another form.
In Physics, we express the law of conservation of mass as the differential form by continuity equation of the mechanics of fluids and continuum mechanics with the following equation:
∂ρ/∂t +⛛(ρv) = 0
ρ = density
t = time
v = velocity
⛛ = divergence
The law of conservation of mass states that in all the physical and chemical processes, the total mass of products in a chemical reaction is equal to the mass of reactants.
What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?
The Law of conservation of mass was studied by a French Chemist named Antoine Lavoisier in 1789.
This law states that in a chemical reaction, the mass of products in chemical reactions equals the mass of reactants.
According to this law, the matter cannot be created nor be destroyed. We call this law the law of indestructibility of matter. Let’s study the following experiments as the law of conservation of mass examples to get clarity in the conservation of mass definition:
When Matter Undergoes a Physical Change
Take a piece of ice (ice is solid water) and place it in a conical flask. This flask is properly corked and weighted and it is now heated gently to melt the ice into water.
Ice → Heat → Water
(solid) (Liquid)
The flask is weighed again, we notice that the weight of the flask remains the same because the mass of ice does not change after it undergoes a physical change.
When Matter Undergoes a Chemical Change
A Swiss Chemist named Hans Heinrich Landolt took two test tubes joined with a common line as shown below:
(Image will be uploaded soon)
One tube contains a solution of sodium chloride and another contains a silver nitrate solution; the tube containing these two solutions is called Landolt’s tube.
Both tubes were corked and weighed. Now, the above arrangement is tilted to let these solutions mix. The chemical reaction occurs, resulting in a curdy white precipitate of silver chloride. The reaction is as follows:
Nacl (s) + AgNO3 (aqueous) → AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aqueous)
Sodium chloride Silver Nitrate Silver Chloride Sodium Nitrate
(White precipitate)
After this reaction, the above arrangement was weighed again, it was found that the weight remains the same.
Decomposition of Mercuric Oxide (HgO)
When 100 g of HgO is heated, it decomposes into two compounds viz: one mole of Hg and a half mole of O2. The reaction occurs in the following manner:
HgO (s) → Hg (l) + ½ O2
Mercuric Oxide Mercury Oxygen
100 g 92.6 g 7.4 g
Here, if we calculate the mass of products viz: Hg and O2, i.e., 92.6 + 7.4 = 100g, which is equivalent to the mass of the reactant, i.e., HgO. So, the law of conservation of mass verifies here.
Combustion Process
When we burn pieces of wood, these pieces turn to ashes, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.
If we weigh the piece of wood and after burning it, ashes, water vapors, and CO2 are heated, there will not be any change in the mass before and after the reaction.
Now, let’s look at some more examples of the law of conservation of mass:
Law of Conservation of Mass Examples
Example 1:
Take a container and place 16 g of methane or CH4 and 64 g of O2. After the container is closed, CH4 and O2 remain closely packed. Now, ad the reaction proceeds, i.e., the combustion reaction, we get the following products:
CH4 (gas) + 2 O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2 H2 O (g)
Methane Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Water vapor
16 g 64 g 44 g
Here, before the reaction, the total mass of reactants was:
16 + 64 = 80 g
So, here what do you expect could be the mass of water vapor after the reaction?
Well, by the law of conservation of mass, the total mass of products must be 80 g.
44 + mass of H2O = 80 g.
So, we get the mass of 2 moles of H2O as 36 g.
Therefore, our final balanced equation after applying the principle of conservation of mass is:
CH4 (gas) + 2 O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
Methane Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Water vapor
16 g 64 g 44 g 36 g
From here, we conclude that the sum of masses of reactants and products remain constant.
Example 2:
Take 10 g of CaCO3. Now, after the decomposition, CaCO3 decomposes to 6.2 g of CaO and 3.8 g of CO2. So, let’s represent this equivalence of mass as the conservation of mass:
CaCO3 -- decomposition → CaO + CO2
Calcium Carbonate Calcium Oxide Carbon dioxide
10 g 6.2 g 3.8 g
FAQs on Law of Conservation of Mass
1. State the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy.
The mass and energy are inconvertible; however, their total during any physical or chemical change remains conserved.
In a nuclear reaction, the mass of products is somewhat lesser than that of reactants. It’s because the lost mass is converted into energy according to the following equation:
m = mass lost
c = velocity of light
2. If 4.2 g of KClO3 is Heated to Produce 1.92 g of O and 2.96 g of KCl as Residue. Show that this Result Follows the Law of Conservation of Mass.
KClO3 → KCl + \[\frac {3}{2}\] O2
Sum of masses of products
1.92 + 2.96 = 4.88 g
The difference between the total mass of reactants and products and that of the sum of products is:
4.9 - 4.88 = 0.02 g
Here, the value must have been zero; however, the law of conservation of mass still holds good for experimental errors.
3. How is the law of conservation chapter in physics used in our daily life?
Physics gets highly involved in our daily routine right from you wake up in the morning until you go back to bed. Examples of the law of conservation of mass and energy are common in our everyday life. The manufacturer of an electric heater can tell his consumers how much heat will be produced by a given model of the heater he is trying to sell and this is possible because the amount of heat produced is easily determined by the amount of electrical current that is produced and goes into the heater. In this chapter, we study the occurrence, propagation, and properties of any object, which you cannot see through eyes but can only be heard and experienced.
4. Does the Law of Conservation of Energy apply to machines?
We are, with or without our knowledge actually using the law of conservation of mass in our everyday life simple activities such as walking, playing, watching, listening, cutting, cooking, and opening and closing things. They are also mainly implemented in the field of transportation and movement but not in the machines as they use constant input of energy in order to work.
5. What is the law of conservation of mass state?
The law of conservation of mass states that in a chemical reaction between any object the mass that is produced by them is neither created nor destroyed. The carbon atom changes from a complex solid structure to a simple gas but yet its mass remains the same. Similarly to this, the law of conservation of energy states that the amount of energy can neither be created nor destroyed as a whole.
6. Why is this Law of Conservation of the mass Chapter so important?
This chapter helps us to understand the laws and rules that govern the entire physical world around us which we are not aware of most of the time. Everyone uses basic physics concepts that involve this Law of conservation of mass to navigate through their everyday life. This fact can never be denied. Even the uneducated class use concepts mentioned in this chapter without knowing the actual theory behind this.
7. Why does the law of conservation of mass only apply to chemical changes?
The law of conservation of mass states that mass in any particular isolated system can neither be created nor destroyed by chemical reactions or any physical transformations that follow. According to the law of conservation of mass, the mass of the products in total during a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the reactants that result after the process. Thus the law of conservation of mass applies only to chemical changes that evolve.