What is the Minute Meaning?
Minute is one of the most generally used units of time. Formerly, it was well-defined as the 60th part of an hour. The average period of earth rotation relative to the sun, which means the 1440th part of the mean solar day also, defines the min. 60 seconds make one min, and 60 minutes make an hour. It means that different times, minutes, seconds, and hours are related to each other.
Moreover, it’s straightforward to convert second into minutes or vice-versa. Similar to it, one can convert minutes into an hour and vice-versa in simple steps. The minute meaning and the relation of min with other units of time are discussed below.
Definition of Minute
Mins refer to a sixtieth of angular measurement degree. It refers to a period, which is equal to one-sixtieth of an hour and sixty seconds.
Process of Converting Seconds to Minutes
In one min, there are 60 seconds. The process of converting number given in seconds into minutes is as follows:
Label the given number of seconds as sec and multiply the number by 1/ 60. This fraction shows that there are 60 seconds in a minute. After multiplying, the correct unit in a minute can be obtained. It is the same way as dividing the given number by 60 seconds. For example, if there are 3600 seconds, then by dividing it by 60 seconds, the answer will be 60 minutes. Mathematically,
3600 sec/ 60 sec = 60 min
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The above picture shows the conversion of a second into minutes and back minutes into seconds.
If the decimal is obtained by dividing the given number by 60 seconds, then convert it back into sec by multiplying with 60. This decimal denotes the number of seconds left. For example, converting 7600 seconds in minutes gives:
7600/ 60 = 126.6 min
Now, 0.6 x 60 = 36 seconds
Hence, the final answer is 126 minutes and 36 seconds.
Process of Converting Minutes to Hours
In one hour, there are 60 minutes. The process of converting the number given in minutes into the hour is as follows:
Label the given number of minutes as mins and multiply the number by 1 hr/ 60 min. This fraction shows that there are 60 minutes in an hour. After multiplying, the correct unit can be obtained. It is the same way as dividing the given number by 60 minutes. For example, if there are 120 minutes, then by dividing it by 60 minutes, the answer will be 2 hours. Mathematically, it can be represented as:
120 mins x 1 hr/60 min = 2 hr
Now, look at how to convert the number given in hour back into minutes.
Multiply the given number in an hour by 60 minutes to get the final answer in minutes. For example, multiplying 3 hours by 60 minutes gives 180 minutes. Mathematically,
3 hrs x 60 min = 180 min
However, if the given number is in hours and minutes like y hours z minutes, then a different procedure is followed to convert it in minutes. One has to convert y hours into minutes by multiplying it by 60. After that, add the obtained number in minutes to the z minutes given. For example,
Convert 2 hours and 45 minutes to minutes.
To do these, convert the given 2 hours into minutes by multiplying as 2 x 60 = 120 minutes.
Now add 120 minutes to 45 minutes, i.e., 120 + 45 = 165 minutes.
Minutes in Quarter of an Hour
One hour equals 60 minutes. One-quarter of an hour is written as ¼.
For finding a total number of minutes in a quarter of an hour, multiply ¼ with 60 minutes. It gives:
(¼) x 60 min = 15 min
Continuing this way, one can calculate the total number of minutes in two-quarters of an hour, three-quarters of an hour, and so on.
Minute is a vital time unite and possesses relation with different units of time. By going through with the above conversion ways, one can understand how to change the minute unit into an hour and second.
FAQs on Minute
1. How Many Minutes and Seconds are there in 1 Day?
Ans: There are 24 hrs in 1 day. In one hour, there are 60 minutes. By converting a given number in an hour to minutes, multiply that number by 60. It means that when 1 hr is multiplied by 60 min, it gives 60 min. Similarly, multiplying 60 min with 2 hr gives 120 min. It shows that there are 120 mins in 2 hrs. Continuing this way, multiply 24 hours with 60 min. It gives 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes. Hence, there are 1440 minutes in 24 hours or 1 day. For knowing how many seconds there are in 1 day, simply multiply the given number in an hour by 3600 seconds. It is because 1 hour possesses 3600 seconds (60 min x 60 sec). Hence, 24 hr x 3600 sec = 86400 sec. Hence, there is a total of 86400 seconds in 1 day.
2. How Many Min is there in One Leap Year?
Ans: There are 366 days in one leap year. 1 day has 24 hours, and there are 60 minutes in one hour. First, we have to calculate the total number of hours in a leap year. Multiplying a total number of days with hours in one day gives a total number of hours in a leap year. 366 days x 24 hours = 8784 hours. It shows that there are 8784 hrs in a leap year. Now, to know how many minutes are there in one leap year, multiply the total number of hours by 60 minutes. It gives 8784 hours x 60 minutes = 527040 minutes. Hence, there are a total of 527040 minutes in 1 leap year.