What is a Semiconductor Diode and What are its Characteristics?
A semiconductor, as the name mentions, is an element that bears partial conducting ability. A semiconductor does neither fit itself under the category of conductors nor under the category of the insulator. Generally, some impurities are always added to the semiconductor for the best results. This process is commonly termed doping. Based on the type of impurity, semiconductors are further categorized into two types- a) p-type semiconductor (positively charged) and b) n-type semiconductor (negatively charged). P and N-type semiconductors have limited usage when they are used in isolation. But when we make a collaborative usage for both p and n-type semiconductors, it is called a p-n junction.
When a p-n junction is affixed to some external voltage provider, for instance, a battery, the complete set-up will be known as a Semiconductor Diode. Though the entire set-up is bi- terminal, the passage of current is unidirectional.
Types of Semiconductors
Semiconductors are classified under two heads based on the connection used:-
Semiconductor Diode Forward Bias: It is a very well-known fact that a battery has two terminals- a positive terminal and the other negative one. So, when the semiconductor's N and P end is fixed with the negative and positive sides of the battery, respectively, the set-up is coined as Semiconductor Diode forward bias. Since the negative extreme will drive away free electrons in the front of the junction, and the P end of the semiconductor will thrust the holes, they will merge at the junction. But free electrons coming out of the battery will penetrate the N region, and the valence electrons abandon the P region, thus creating a movement of current.
Semiconductor Diode Reverse Bias: As the name suggests, it is just the opposite concept of forwarding bias. Now, the semiconductor's N side is affixed with the positive end of the battery. This entire set-up is known as Semiconductor Diode reverse bias. The electrons that arise from the N side of the semiconductor will be directed along with the positive terminal of the battery. The negative terminal will drive the holes away from the junction. The holes and electrons do never meet at the junction, and there is a clog of current in this setup. As we can see, the majority current does not flow in the reverse bias. Instead, there is a reverse flow of current in this situation due to minority carriers.
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Symbol of the Circuit
There are certain symbols used to express an electrical circuit. Following the above discussions, we can create a symbol of the Semiconductor Diode. It is represented as:-
(image will be uploaded soon)
Semiconductor Diode Characteristics
There is a graphical representation of the voltage and current, as applied in the case of Semiconductor Diode forward bias and Semiconductor Diode reverse bias. When a forward bias is raised, we also observe a rise in current up to a stable voltage called knee voltage in a linear fashion. But after this voltage, the current differs in a non-linear way.
As we know, reverse current does not depend on the reverse bias. Rather this current depends on the temperature of the junction. It is calculated that the current multiplies to the extent of 7% for every 1-degree rise in temperature.
Zener Breakdown
If the reverse bias is raised to a large extent, the electric field also gets expanded, which in turn creates a huge number of electrons and holes. It is defined as a Zener breakdown.
Dynamic Resistance
It is explained as the ratio of minor changes in the voltage to the ratio of minor changes in the current. It is expressed in the form of rd. Therefore the numerical expression of voltage resistance is rd = \[\frac {\Delta V} {\Delta I}\]
Numerical:- A diode is made constant in a circuit. The voltage falls by 0.5 V, and the highest power marked is 100 mW. What should be the value of the resistor R, which is attached in series to this diode?
Solution:- Current that flows among the diode the, I = \[\frac {Power} {Voltage}\]
Therefore, I= \[\frac {(100 \times 10^-3)} {0.5V}\]
(as we know 1mW= 10-3 W)
= 0.2 A
Resistance=Net Voltage/Current \[\frac {Net Voltage} {Current}\]
= \[\frac { (1.5−0.5)} {0.2}\]
= 5 Ohm.
The devices made from semiconductors have very much eased our lives. There are different types of diodes like the Semiconductor Diode that are used in many devices. So, it becomes important for us that we know about these devices in detail. The motive of this article is the same i.e it is meant to give you in-depth detail on the Semiconductor Diode. You will be able to study the definition of Semiconductor Diode, its different characteristics and its symbol.
A diode is a semiconductor device made up primarily of silicon components. The anode, which is inherently positive and has a lot of holes, is positioned next to the cathode, which is negatively charged and contains a lot of electrons. A depletion area forms at this point, with no holes or electrons. A positive anode voltage causes the depletion region to be small, allowing current to flow; a negative anode voltage causes the depletion region to be big, prohibiting current flow.
A diode is a two-terminal electrical component that conducts electricity mostly in one direction. It has a strong resistance on one end and a low resistance on the other.
To limit the voltage across circuits or to convert AC into DC, diodes are used. They also serve to safeguard the circuits. The most common semiconductors used to manufacture diodes are silicon and germanium. Although they both transport electricity, in the same way, however, how they do so, differs. Diodes are available in a range of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of uses.
Diode Construction
The two semiconductor materials that can be utilized to manufacture diodes are silicon and germanium. When the anode voltage exceeds the cathode voltage and the diode conducts readily with minimum voltage loss, it is said to be forward-biased. When the cathode voltage exceeds the anode voltage, the diode is said to be reverse-biased. The direction of conventional current flow is depicted by the arrow in the symbol.
Diode's Symbol
The anode and cathode are the two terminals of a diode. The anode is represented by the arrowhead. In the forward-biased condition, the anode represents the traditional current flow direction. The cathode is represented by the vertical bar.
The following are some of the most commonly used and essential diodes:
Tunnel Diode
Because of the quantum mechanical process known as tunneling, a tunnel diode (also known as an Esaki diode) has essentially zero resistance. In tunnel diodes, the PN junction is heavily doped and about 10 nm wide. The n-side conduction band electron states are more or less aligned with the p-side valence band hole levels, resulting in a broken bandgap.
Zener Diode
The most valuable sort of diode is the Zener diode, which can provide a constant reference voltage. When a specific voltage is supplied, these are reverse biased and break down. When the current flowing through the resistor is limited, a stable voltage is formed. Zener diodes are often used in power supplies to provide a reference voltage.
LED (Light Emitting Diode)
A photodiode can detect even a little amount of current flow induced by light. Even a small amount of current flow caused by light can be detected by a photodiode. When it comes to detecting light, these are incredibly useful. Photodiodes are reverse bias diodes that are commonly found in solar cells and photometers. They're even used in the generation of electricity.
FAQs on Semiconductor Diode
1. What are the Benefits of a Semiconductor Diode?
If you go through the Semiconductor Diode notes, you will come across certain ideas that show how they are beneficial for us. These are:-
There is no scope for any noisy sound in the device.
It is useful as there is a relatively lower usage of power.
The device does not consume any extra time for preparing itself.
It may serve for a longer period.
Apart from these, there are certain limitations too. These are:-
The current does not flow in reverse bias.
The adapting and reporting of voltage is of a quite inferior type.
Another significant limitation is that if we provide high voltage and temperature, the diode may face the possibility of breaking down.
2. What are the Applications of a Semiconductor Diode?
There are several applications of Semiconductor Diodes. Some of which have been listed:-
Semiconductor Diodes in logic gates: These are also used to perform logic operations. Both small and large states of logic gates are comparable with forward and reverse the biased state of Semiconductor Diodes. Thus diodes help in OR, NAND, AND gates.
Semiconductor Diode as a rectifier: Diodes are generally used to convert Alternating current to direct current.
Semiconductor Diode in clamping circuit: These are used to switch over to a positive from a negative input signal or vice versa.
Semiconductor Diode in clipping circuit: These are widely used in FM transmitters.
A Semiconductor Diode is used in LED devices. The main agenda is to release infrared light.
Zener diode, as studied earlier, is used in the stabilizer. It primarily stops the overflow of current.
3. What is the composition of a Semiconductor Diode and what are its characteristics?
The Semiconductor Diode is usually made from silicon. In this, a negatively charged cathode is placed near the anode which has an overall positive charge. The cathode has excess electrons while the anode has excess holes (positively charged). In between a cathode and anode, there develops a depletion zone where there are neither electrons or holes. A diode has a forward voltage, forward current, reverse voltage and current as of its characteristics.
4. What are the different types of diodes?
There exist several Diodes and each one of those performs a specific function. The different types of diodes are Light Emitting Diode (LED), avalanche diode, laser diode, Schottky diode, Zener diode, PN junction diode, etc. All these diodes have different features, for instance, a Light Emitting Diode is used to produce light and similarly, a Zener diode is used to regulate the voltage.
5. What is a Light Emitting Diode (LED)?
The type of Semiconductor Diode or device that can be used to produce light is called a Light Emitting Diode or LED. The basic principle of an LED is that it converts electrical energy into light as in this electrons recombine with holes to produce light. This is different to other sources of light which are not that efficient as these light sources first convert electric energy into heat energy and then light but LED converts electrical energy directly into light.