Simple Machines in Detail
In the olden days, whenever people don't know how to do smart work, they work hard to achieve a simple task. From there onwards, slowly, people have learned to construct specific machines with low moving parts to accomplish their required task. These machines are known as simple machines. Let us see what a simple machine is and its types and examples.
What is a Simple Machine?
A mechanical device that changes its motion or position or magnitude by the moment of few parts or no parts to achieve the required task is known as a simple machine. We have six types of simple machines. Let us explore more about the types of simple machines in detail.
Types of Simple Machines
We have six different types of simple machines and each has brought a drastic change. They are:
Inclined plane.
Wheel and axle.
Inclined Plane
An inclined plane is a simple machine that is used to raise heavy bodies using a sloping plane; it lifts the objects in two different ways. One is lifting in a straight direction, and the other is bringing the object to the top by moving it diagonally. Sidewalk ramps, highway access ramps, inclined conveyor belts, switchback roads, etc. are the inclined plane examples.
Wheel and Axle
The wheel and axle is another type of simple machine that brought a drastic change in the world of physics. It has two parts, one is real, and the other one is the axle. It moves in a circular or cylindrical shape. If the wheel rotates, then according to the speed and the direction of the wheel, the axle also moves. This principle is used to move the objects or to lift the objects from one place to another. The size of the object can be defined as the small gear and large gear. Bringing out a bucket from the well is a well-known wheel and axle example.
What is Pulley?
It is similar to the wheel and axle. A simple machine that uses the wheel but not the axle. Instead of the axle, the pulley uses a rope, cord, or belt. Any of these can be rotated, which in turn rotates the wheel. This leads to an increase in mechanical energy and pushes up the object which we need to lift. Here, if the rotation can be done singly, it is a simple pulley whereas it is known as a compound pulley in multiple ways. If we refer to Pulley examples, the first and foremost one is hosting a flag using a rope.
A wedge is another type of simple machine used to break the heavy objects into smaller ones. The breakdown of heavy objects can be done by giving some force on the magnitude. Examples of a wedge are - Nail sinks into the object, etc.
Screw - Simple Machine
The screw is defined as a shaft wrapped by an inclined plane. It helps to hold things together and to lift things. Screw, bolt, clamp, spinning stool, and spiral staircase are examples of the screw, which is a simple machine.
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Levers are another type of simple machine. It is very handy. It is also used to lift objects. It has an arm and fulcrum. Both are moving in opposite directions. If we apply force in one direction, then the pivot exerts force in the opposite direction. Here the force and distance are inversely proportional to each other. If the force is increased or decreased, it depends on the distance. Examples of levers are, hammer used to pry nails loose and the kids’ favorite play tool, see-saw.
Types of Levers
Delivers can be classified as three different classes of levers. They can be identified using a simple technique.
A First-Class Lever - It has the fulcrum between the load and the effort. The first-class lever example is See-Saw.
A Second-Class Lever - It has the load between the effort and the fulcrum. The second-class lever example is a wheelbarrow.
A Third-Class Lever - It has the effort between the load and the fulcrum. A third-class lever example is a fishing rod.
Hence these are the various types and examples of a simple machine Richard highly effective and efficient in achieving the task.
FAQs on Simple Machines
1. Name some Simple Missions Which we can see in our Houses?
Ans. As we have discussed several types of simple machines, we will try to specify at least one example for each type of simple machine.
Inclined Plane - Wheelchair ramp
Lever - Bottle opener, crowbar, etc.
Double Lever - Toilet seat, broom, door, etc.
Wedge - Shim is an example of a wedge that is used during the installation of doors, leveling furniture, etc.
Wheel and Axle - Cabinet door glides, doorknobs, etc.
Pulley - Wooden windows, garage doors, etc.
Screw - Well, plumbing valves, etc.
2. What are the Advantages of Using These Simple Machines?
Ans. As we are calling, these are simple machines which involve simple logic and simple equipment. But achieving the task successfully and quickly. These simple machines have several advantages. Namely:
It is easy to construct and install.
These simple machines are not expensive.
These are easy to use, and illiterates can also utilize these machines.
These machines help to achieve the task very fastly.
It helps to save time and reduces the stress and strain of human beings.
By observing and understanding the principle of simple machines, one can think more creatively, which leads to another innovation.
Even by reducing the work, people can also have leisure time to learn new things and implement their ideas.
3. What are Compound Machines?
Ans. Compound machines are an advanced innovation of simple machines; they have two or more simple machines. It is simply a combination of multiple simple machines that carry out more work in less time effectively. If the simple machine can lift a single object, the compound machine can lift more objects in no time.