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Don’t Rush Me Please Poem

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Has your mother ever advised you to go to school quickly? or for food? If so, you are aware that it can be a little annoying at times. This poem will teach us about a snail who receives urgent orders from everyone. So let's get started with the rhymes and poems that are intended to educate kids moral lessons without spending any time. The main ideas to remember are:

  • Please Don't Rush Me Rhyme

  • Meaning of the Poem

  • Education from the Poem is Important

Rhyme on a Snail

This poem, "Don't Rush Me, Please," is based on the tale of a snail that prefers to stroll slowly but who is always being hurried along by people. So the poet Barbara Vance is the author of this poem. In this chapter, we'll look at a charming tale told as snail poetry. We will learn the most important lessons about life from the narrative. The need to embrace oneself in order to avoid disappointment and demotivation from listening to others. Let's get to the rhymes right away so you can appreciate the poetry.

Don’t Rush Me Please Poem Lyrics

I am a snail—

Don’t rush me, please. I’m heading for

Those cherry trees.

I have no place

I have to be,

No pressing thing I have to see.

I like this speed; I like being slow; It gives me time To get to know

All the flowers That I pass, Every blade Of every grass.

I am a snail;

This is my way.

Don’t rush me, please. We’ve got all day.

Snail Eating Grass

Snail Eating Grass

Don’t Rush Me Please Poem Summary

In this poem, a snail explains that she is a snail and asks that we not hurry her or make her go quickly since snails can't. She informs us that she is heading in the direction of the cherry trees. She is stating that she has nowhere to go. a place she may call home or dwell. She enjoys her pace despite being sluggish. She likes to move slowly so she can take her time. She has enough time to find out. She passed through every blade of grass and nearly every flower she came across. We shouldn't rush her since she walks like a snail and that's how she does it. We all have all day to do our stuff at our own speed.



Tips for Parents

Don’t Rush Me, Please is a very simple and interesting rhyme. Use the song lyrics of this poem to teach kids new words. This poem shows the pain behind the snail rushing her as she meant to walk slowly. Show them the gestures to explain the words so that the kids can understand the meaning of the words. 

The snail poem for Kindergarten will also help remember the first letter of all the verbs. Design a rhythm to explain this song and let the kids mimic you. Even children can dance by using this song. This will help children to interact more and they will enjoy dancing to this song. 

Kids Enjoying with Snail

Kids Enjoying with Snail

Values to Learn

In this chapter we have seen how the snail likes her own speed. Like that every person has different speed and everyone is unique and we shouldn’t compare ourselves to anyone. Everyone is good in their own performance.


Mouse and Snail

Mouse and Snail


This poem can be called a snail poem for preschool, as this poem is based on a snail. As we have read in this article, the beautiful snail song that the snail is trying to tell about herself shows how much she liked herself. We have also read all the explanations of the poem to understand it better. We have also understood the value that we have learnt from this poem that is we should always be ourselves. Everyone is different, we shouldn't compare and rush by seeing anyone.

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FAQs on Don’t Rush Me Please Poem

1. Who is telling other people not to rush her?

The snail is telling other people not to rush her.

2. Who wrote the poem “Don’t Rush Me, Please”?

The poem ‘Don’t Rush Me, Please’ was written by Barbara Vance.

3. Who walks very slowly?

The snail walks very slowly.


Has your mother ever advised you to go to school quickly? or for food? If so, you are aware that it can be a little annoying at times. This poem will teach us about a snail who receives urgent orders from everyone. So let's get started with the rhymes and poems that are intended to educate kids moral lessons without spending any time. The main ideas to remember are:

  • Please Don't Rush Me Rhyme

  • Meaning of the Poem

  • Education from the Poem is Important