Class 12 Accountancy CBSE Question Paper 2016 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2016
1. How many chapters are there in CBSE Class 12 Accountancy?
Following is a list of subjects covered in class 12 Accountancy: Part I of Accounting
An Overview of Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations
Basic Concepts of Partnership Accounting
How to Reconstitute a Partnership Firm - Admission of New Partners
Retirement of a Partner/Death of a Partner - Reconstitution of Partnership Firm
Firms - Dissolution of Partnership Firms
Taking a second look at accounting
Accountant's Guide to Share Capital
Issues and Debenture Redeeming
for a Company's Financial Statements
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis
Statement of Cash Flows
2. When answering Accountancy questions, what are the main points you need to look out for?
Answers to Accounting Class 12 Question Papers - Important Points to Remember. According to the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Marking Scheme, the evaluation of the accounting question paper is conducted. You have a high chance of scoring maximum marks by preparing according to the marking scheme. Marking is not done according to one's own interpretation or any other consideration. It is strictly governed by the CBSE Marking Scheme and is then strictly adhered to.
When you attempt an extra question, the answer deserving more marks is retained, while the other answers are discarded. The student is not penalized if they do not follow the order of the section/question while answering if they have time. Remind students to answer extra questions when they have time so that they may have a better chance at getting maximum marks. If a word limit is required in the question, any marks gained by exceeding the word limit will not be deducted.
Questions pertaining to theory are credited for their content, not their format. Make sure you summarize all the key points of your answer. Write the answer in your own words including all of the key points / important posts. To do this, you need to learn the key points and not the language used in the answer.
3. What is the purpose of a marking scheme in the subject of Accountancy?
The CBSE Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking of Accountancy Subjects. Suggested answers are given in the marking scheme. The CBSE additional subject rule provides candidates with the opportunity to improve their overall percentage, if they are not successful in achieving good marks in the fifth subject. Any answer other than the one given in the marking scheme that conveys the same meaning should be given full weightage.
4. Is the CBSE Class 12 Accounts subject easy?
In the CBSE class 12 commerce exam, students find accountancy to be the most challenging paper. Therefore, it becomes all the more difficult for students to understand business principles and themes in their class 12 board exams which are just around the corner. Commerce is a popular choice among students after their 10th standard board exams. Business administration, chartered accountancy, and finance is the most popular careers for kids in this stream. It is a challenge to achieve high marks in CBSE class 12 commerce, however. This course consists of three mandatory subjects-Accountancy, Business Studies, and Economics-which present a great deal of challenges to students due to complex theories and formulae. Furthermore, commerce isn't familiar to them from childhood, unlike Science and the Arts. Therefore, it becomes tougher for them to understand the concepts and themes of business and score well in their 12th standard exams that are just around the corner. For a detailed view of the concept, you can click Vedantu.
5. When studying for the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy exam, what are the important topics to cover?
Calculate the income and expenditure account, balance sheet from the given receipts and payments account (very important), retirement and death of a partner, preparation of deceased partner's capital account, preparation of profit and loss appropriation account, realization of profits and losses. account, dissolution of a Firm, the difference between shares and debt, the accounting treatment of debt, the meaning and purpose of financial statements, the form and contents of income statements, the classification of activities within the preparation of cash flow statements, the preparation of cash flow statements