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CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2017


Download Free PDF of Class 12 Accountancy CBSE Question Paper 2017

The CBSE Class 12 board exam of Accountancy was conducted on March 29, 2017. The time interval given for this exam was from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. This exam was held for three hours and it carried 80 marks.

Some General Instructions for the 2018 Cbse Class 12 Accountancy Exams were

  • A & B are the two sections of the question paper.

  • Part A is compulsory for all. 

  • Under the Part B section, there are two options i.e., Analysis of Financial Statements and Computerized Accounting. 

  • Attempt only one option of Part B. 

  • You should attempt all parts of a question in one place.

How to download CBSE 12th Accountancy Question Paper 2017? 

Interested students can download the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper 2017 in PDF format from our website. The link is specified below.

CBSE Accountancy Question Paper 2017 solved for Class 12

Some CBSE Accountancy question papers 2017 solved for Class 12 are given below.

1. Explain, with reason, whether securities Premium Reserve can be used to write off Bad Debts.

Ans: Securities Premium Reserve cannot be used to write off bad debts. Securities Premium Reserve can be written off for the following purposes: 

  • In granting non-issued shares to be allotted as fully paid bonus shares. 

  • In cancelling preliminary expenses. 

  • For buyback of shares Under Section 11 A. 

  • In writing off the expenses, etc.

2. What do you mean by Cash Equivalent according to Accounting Standard 5? If the Current Ratio of a Company is 2: 1, then explain whether the Current Ratio will Improve or Decline, or Won't Change.

Ans: Cash and Cash Equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are converted into cash without much effort. This includes money market funds, commercial papers, treasury bills, etc. 

  • It will increase the number of debtors but reduce the number of bills receivable. So, current assets will remain the same. Thus, no change in the current ratio will be observed here. 

  • The cash collected from debtors will rise for the bank/cash balance, but decrease the number of debtors. Hence, the total current assets remain unchanged. So, it is concluded that there will be no change in the current ratio.

3. As Per the Given Information Here Below, Find (Up to Two Decimal Places): 

  1. Operating Ratio

  2. Quick Ratio 


  1. Net revenue from operations - Rs. 12,00,000 

  2. Cost of revenue from the operation - Rs. 9,00,000 

  3. Current Assets - Rs. 2,00,000 

  4. Current Liabilities - Rs. 75,000 


Operation ratio = Cost of revenue from operation/Net revenue from operations

Cost of revenue from operation/Net revenue from operations * 100

= 900000/1200000

900000/1200000 * 100 = 75%

Quick ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities

CurrentAssets/CurrentLiabilities = 200000 / 75000 = 2.67: 1


4. Describe the Differences Between a Company’s Balance Sheet and Firm’s Balance Sheet?

Ans: The balance Sheet is organized as per the Indian Companies Act, 2013, under Schedule III. On the other hand, the Balance Sheet is organized as per the Partnership Act, 1932. 


The particulars of Balance Sheet items are to be given in the Notes to Accounts in the Company's Balance Sheet, but there is no need to maintain Notes to Accounts in the firm's Balance Sheet.


5. Depict the Account Type That Is Prepared to Find the Profit/loss of the Joint Venture, When;

(a) One co-venture records all transactions.

(b) All co-ventures record their transactions.


(a) Joint Co-venture Account is the Personal Accounts of other Co-ventures.

(b) Memorandum Joint Venture Account is the Joint Venture with another Co-venture Account.


Why choose Vedantu for CBSE Class 12 Accountancy?

There are some important features about the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy that can assuredly change your mind to choose Vedantu as your study program partner.

  • The PDF files uploaded on our website contain CBSE Class 12 Accountancy notes, which are well systematized and supportive for learning with ease.

  • The notes of the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy are organized by particular experts who can benefit the students very much.

  • Regular practice of the model papers of the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy can undeniably give you the ability to secure the best marks in the board exams.

  • In the CBSE Class 12, Accountancy PDFs contain numerical problems that are responded to precisely by giving perfect clarification to each question. 

Salient Features of CBSE Syllabus

Here are some points regarding the salient features of the CBSE syllabus.

  1. This syllabus helps to make standardized textbooks for a better learning experience in a structured and controlled manner.

  2. Till 8th grade, no child can fail.

  3. Many competitive exams are following the CBSE syllabus alone.

  4. The 10th-grade board exam is optional, and the 12th board exam is mandatory.

  5. For students who look forward to making their careers in engineering or medical, the CBSE board is the best option to build their foundation.

  6. CBSE covers all subjects in their syllabus to provide perfect knowledge for students.

  7. The CBSE deals with streams like science, commerce, and arts.

With the ever-changing economic times, accountancy has become the most sought after subject in schools, especially higher secondary classes and colleges. Accountancy serves as a source of financial knowledge and expertise which has made itself indispensable in Class 12. CBSE Class 12 Accountancy covers topics on the basics of accounting and the different concepts related to accounting. 

At Vedantu, we provide CBSE Accountancy Class 12 answer keys which help the students in the preparation of the examinations. They give the students access to the possible questions which are needed to score well in the examination. Using previous years’ question papers helps the students to prioritise their tasks effectively. This gives them ample time to prepare for the more important questions in the examinations.  

Vedantu provides CBSE Accountancy Class 12 question papers 2017 in an easily downloadable PDF to help the students get accustomed to the question paper pattern. The question paper will be based on the given CBSE syllabus provided by the board.  

Vedantu has CBSE Class 12 Accountancy answer keys and relevant questions papers that offer step by step solutions and a concrete foundation to understand the advanced concepts of Accountancy easily and understandably. 

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FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2017

1. What do we learn from CBSE Class 12 Accountancy?

Accountancy is an important subject for students of Class 12 as it deals with basic accounting concepts. Studying this subject will help you to increase your fundamentals on the subject. You will be able to understand some of the complex concepts through this subject such as Analysis of Business Transaction, Trial Balance & Rectification of Errors, Provision, Depreciation, and Reserves, how to maintain a computerized accounting system and how to maintain the procedure of Bank Reconciliation Statement.

2. How will CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question papers help me in my exam preparations?

At Vedantu, you are provided with the previous year’s question papers to understand the level of questioning in exams. Learning questions paper wise helps in comprehending the important topics which will be covered in the subsequent exams. This method will help you to manage your time effectively in learning relevant content and give you ample time for practising the most important information beforehand. CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question papers cover topics that require an essential understanding of Accountancy and ensure a smooth preparation and learning experience.

3. What are the benefits of using answer keys during studying?

While answer keys provide numerous benefits, there are three prominent advantages of using answer keys as study materials. 

  • Enhanced understanding: The student can easily understand the solutions to any given problem by reviewing their answers on a self-appraisal basis. 

  • Tracking progress: It helps the students to evaluate their performance and helps them in dedicating time to problems they have difficulty solving. 

  • Self-teaching skills: Answer keys help the students to develop the habit of learning by themselves and understand the places where they are flourishing and where they need improvement. 

4. How are CBSE Class 12 answer keys used to evaluate marks?

Answer keys are used to evaluate a student’s score in CBSE Class 12 question paper. They are done through a marking system which is specified on the question paper as per rules. In Vedantu, CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper is designed in a multiple-choice question format, where the students have to choose one correct answer out of the four choices provided to them. By cross-checking the answer keys, the students can determine the final score of their question paper before receiving the final results. 

5. How is the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper designed?

The CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper is made in a multiple-choice question format. There is no use of questions that require long and descriptive answers. In Term 1 and Term 2 of the paper, the format is the same. After the exams are done, students can download the question paper from the official site of Vedantu in PDF format. Answer keys can also be downloaded from Vedantu for students to grade their performance and determine a rough structure of their overall marks. 

6. Are the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question papers reliable?

Vedantu provides all the previous years’ question papers along with the answer keys on its relevant links after thoroughly verifying its contents and ensuring its reliability. It is to be noted that the answer keys may have a few alterations but the overall subject matter is not compromised in any form. They are quite relevant to the subject so that the students can get an overall understanding of their performance and be able to evaluate themselves seriously. 

7. What does the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper consist of?

The CBSE Class 12 Accountancy question paper consists of a total of 69 questions. IT is divided into three parts. All the questions in Part 1 are to be attempted by all the students. This part is divided into two sections: Part A and Part B. There are 15 questions in Part A which need to be attempted. There are two subjects in Part B. To answer the questions in this part, the student has to choose only one subject among the two. This part is further divided into Section A and Section B. 

8. Is Class 12 Accountancy Difficult?

For Class 12 students, Accountancy can be a very challenging major. It requires a serious commitment to complete the syllabus. 

The CBSE board offers the best syllabus in the subject of Accountancy so that with proper guidance and knowledge, students can tackle the hard part and score well.

9. How many Books of Accountancy are there in Class 12 CBSE?

In the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy, there are two books available that are published by NCERT. Students can have these books from our website in digital format. The digital format (PDF files) documents can help them anywhere. They can access them or download them for further access. 

10. Is CBSE Accountancy Solved Papers enough for Class 12 Boards?

Solving the sample papers can be helpful for the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy subjects. This can bring you a brief idea about the future examination's pattern, way of question arrangements, along marking strategies. 

The solved papers are available on the Vedantu website. Students can download them and practice them with ease.

11. How can I score Good Marks through the Vedantu App?

Here are some aspects that are beneficial for the students who have downloaded the Vedantu app:

  1. They can access the CBSE syllabus anytime at their convenience.

  2. The layout of the app is very familiar and can easily be accessed.

  3. They can download the PDF files of respective subjects for further learning.