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Economics Question Paper for Class 12 2017


CBSE Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2017 PDF

In Class 12, students get to learn more new concepts of this subject but at a much larger level. In Class 11, students have covered the concepts of Micro Economics and Statistics. Now in Class 12, they have to apply the concepts on the Macro level. They have to cover two books that are Macro Economics and Indian Economy. Where in Macroeconomics, students will learn how to learn and apply concepts of Economics at a much larger level, they also get to know about the Economy of India ie. how it has emerged from Independence till now.

In Macroeconomics, the students get to learn topics like introduction to Macroeconomics, concepts related to National Income and how to measure it, money and banking, determination of income and employment, government budget, the balance of payments, etc. This book covers both theoretical and practical questions, for example practical questions related to National Income and budget.

In the Indian Economy, the students get to learn topics like the economy before the during the British period, during and after the Independence, how the economy has emerged from 1950 to 1990, LPG in 1991, various topics related to demography, poverty, unemployment, human capital formation, rural employment, infrastructure, environment, etc.

We at Vedantu know the importance and value of the previous year's paper and have consolidated many CBSE previous year question papers for all the subjects. That is why we have brought the previous year's paper of Economics of 2017 here. The format of the Economics question paper for the Class 12th CBSE board has been provided below. The pattern of the paper can be changed at any time.

Syllabus of Economics Class 12

The syllabus is included in the following table:




Part A: Introductory Microeconomics






Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand



Producer Behaviour and Supply



Forms of Market and Price Determination






Part B: Introductory Macroeconomics



National Income and Related Aggregates



Money and Banking



Determination of Income and Employment



Government Budget and the Economy



Balance of Payments






Introductory Microeconomics

Introduction- The introduction section, as its name suggests, will give you a general understanding of what Economics is about and introduce you to some basic concepts.

Consumer Equilibrium and Demand- This chapter provides a clear understanding of utility, marginal utility, and the law of diminishing marginal utility, as well as conditions of consumer's equilibrium for using marginal utility analysis. If you study this chapter well, you can easily earn 16 marks.

Producer Behaviour and Supply- In this paper, the concepts of Short-Run and Long-Run competition are discussed.

Forms of Market and Price Determination- You will examine different market forms with perfect competition - their characteristics, the determination of market equilibrium, and the effects of changes in demand and supply.

Introductory Macroeconomics

National Economic and Related Aggregates- Part B contains the following chapters, which include the definitions of consumption goods, capital goods, final goods, intermediate goods; stocks and flows, gross investment, and depreciation.

Money and Banking- It will discuss money transactions, the banking system and much more. In particular, it will examine the way that money is created by commercial banks.

Determination of Income and Employment- It deals with aggregate demand and its components. This chapter can be confusing for students, but once you grasp the basics you will have no problem understanding it. 

Government Budget and Economy- Students will gain knowledge of what actually happens in the country. They will learn about the meaning, objective and components of the government budget. 

The Pattern of the Paper:

  • This Paper is of total 100 marks and the time allotted is 3 hours.

  • 80 marks are for written paper and 20 marks are for the project.

  • The question paper is of two parts - Part A and Part B. Both have compulsory and optional questions.

  • Both the books have equal importance in the paper.

CBSE Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2017 - Question Paper Pattern

Section A

1 x 5

Question 1-5 

  • Very short questions.

  • They must be answered in one sentence.

3 x 2

Question 6-8

  • These are short answer questions.

  • They must be answered within 60 words.

3 x 4

Question 9-11

  • These are also short answer questions.

  • The word limit is 70 words.

3 x 6

Question 12-15

  • These questions are long answer types.

  • Answers must not exceed 100 words.

Section B

1 x 5

Question 16-20

  • Very short questions.

  • They must be answered in one sentence.

3 x 2

Question 21-23

  • These are short answer questions.

  • They must be answered within 60 words.

3 x 4

Question 24-26

  • These are also short answered questions.

  • The word limit is 70 words.

3 x 6

Question 27-30

  • These questions are long answered.

  • Answers must not exceed 100 words.

Benefits of Solving Economics Previous Year Question Paper

  • The question paper of Economics of 2017 is available here and also attached here on this page. You can download that and can use it offline for practice.

  • This is the actual final board exam question paper of Economics of 2017 and if you solve this and practice this, you will get an actual idea of the exam and will come to know about the level of the paper, difficulty standard of the questions, pattern, and weightage of the paper and topics, etc.

  • Economics is a kind of subject that includes both theoretical and practical problems and theoretical questions also demand tables, graphs, diagrams, and their explanations. You can practice all these things by solving actual previous year papers.

  • If you will solve this 2017 Economics paper of Class 12 CBSE, it will definitely help you in managing the time along with attempting good answers including everything mentioned above.

  • You will come to understand how to answer any particular kind of question because it will help you in enhancing your confidence for attempting the paper and you will become ready to deal with the pressure of the board examinations.

  • You can judge the relevance of questions and topics by going through each year's paper which was asked often and can make sure, those topics and questions are on your tips.

  • Besides all the above benefits, solving the previous year paper of Economics will also help you to evaluate your performance and will give you ideas to improve.

Tips for Attempting Economics Paper

  • Even if you are attempting and solving the previous year's paper or sample paper, always try to solve the paper in 3 hours which is provided in the actual examination.

  • Always read all the instructions and read the whole question paper once and then decide which section you are going to attempt first.

  • Any code number mentioned on the top right-hand corner of the question paper must be written in the answer sheet.

  • The question paper consists of 30 questions and 9 pages, please check the pages and questions properly and do not skip any questions. Even if you are stuck on any question, do not skip that completely and try to solve it in the end.

  • Always use a wristwatch during the attempt. It will help you in judging which section takes more time and which section takes less and you can manage accordingly.

Thus, whatever we have discussed above we can say at the end to sum up that previous year's paper helps in good preparation of the subject for Class 12 Board examinations in a right manner and their importance can not be denied at any cost. Usually, students face a lot of problems in finding out the previous year's papers but we have provided you here one of the previous year's papers of Economics you ie. CBSE Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2017 and you can assess other papers on our website. We are sure these papers will create a huge impact on your preparation and way of answering.

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FAQs on Economics Question Paper for Class 12 2017

1. What is the importance of solving previous year questions for class-12 Economics?

With a vast syllabus and various types of numerical and derivation, Class-12 Economics is one of the hardest subjects to score. Thus, only completing the syllabus from NCERT books is not enough, this is where previous year question papers will come to your rescue. Solving previous question papers will help you get an idea of the marking scheme, the pattern of examinations and the most frequently asked questions. Solving previous year papers will also help you improve speed, and accuracy while solving numerical. Last but not the least, it will help you know the chapters that need more preparation. 

2. Is it enough to solve only Previous year question papers to score well in Economics class-12? 

Although solving previous year question papers is important, it is not enough to score well in the exam. It is always advisable to complete your syllabus from the NCERT books, this is because it includes wide coverage of explanation of every topic and also gives you the opportunity to practice as many questions as you want, And since most of the questions asked in the Economics boards will be based from NCERT book, always prepare the subject thoroughly from the books before practising previous year papers.

3. What are the important questions of class-12 Economics? 

The most asked questions in class-12 Economics are- State features of oligopoly, state the difference between ‘change in supply’ and ‘change in quantity supplied’, Explain the meaning and properties of production possibilities frontier, With the help of utility analysis, show that demand of a commodity is inversely related to its price, when does increase in demand increase in supply takes place, explain the functions of the central bank and so on. However, these are only the analysis of past year exams, the question may vary and it is advisable for students to prepare the entire syllabus for the exams. 

4. How can I Score 90% or more in class- 12 Economics?

Scoring well in Class12 Economics is not hard, however, it is not possible without a proper approach for the exam. To score well, first prepare your timetable and give at least an hour to Economics. Since Economics has a vast syllabus, make sure you start preparing the subject right from the beginning. Since you need to balance your time between microEconomics and macroEconomics it is mandatory to divide the time frame and prepare hard for both units. Prepare short notes and revise the syllabus thoroughly. After completing the syllabus from the book, analyze your preparation from sample papers and previous year papers. 

5. Where do I find Economics Class 12 Previous year Question Paper?

You can find previous year question papers from Vedantu. The question papers available are in pdf format and can be downloaded easily and accessible in offline mode as well. The previous year question papers also include answers, this will give you the hint of answers and help you prepare for the answers. The answers given are designed by subject matter experts of Economics thus they are accurate and explained well. You can also download sample papers and mock test papers from the Vedantu website. All the solutions are available on Vedantu’s official website and mobile app for free.