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CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Question Paper 2018 with Solutions


Class 12 Physical Education CBSE Question Paper 2018 - PDF Download

Students find it beneficial if they get sample papers as well as exact question papers of previous years to solve. It boosts their confidence while preparing for the exams. CBSE stands for Central Board of Secondary Education. The board may change the syllabus of subjects year by year. Hence, fetching the latest year question papers such as CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Question Paper 2018 will be a great opportunity to practice and understand the paper pattern. It will give the idea of the questions asked in the paper, about their structure and the topics to focus on, etc. Students can get a list of all important questions and learn accordingly. It will help them to fetch good marks.

Physical Education as a subject helps in developing students' competence and confidence in their real life. The importance and need of physical education programs and related activities in school are to help students to develop a variety of skills and give them the ability to use tactics, strategies, and newer ideas to perform successfully in their lives.

Students who are really active and play sports are better able to concentrate and maintain focus, which has a super positive impact on their academic life. This can lead to being active in other Classes and helps to improve attainment in all their other academic subjects.

Why is Physical Education in Class 12 CBSE Important?

  • Many health problems are always linked with obesity in the early adolescent stage and physical education in schools will help students to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

  • Positive exercising habits and healthy routines that are implemented in childhood and adolescence will likely continue into adulthood which is a good thing to be followed and cherished for life.

  • Students who exercise regularly and stay active are said to have a better quality of sleep. They will therefore be more alert in classes at school and have higher levels of concentration. 

  • Playing sports in groups with other students helps young people to improve their friendship, teamwork, and leadership skills. It also helps in framing stronger bonds between fellow students and promotes a healthy class dynamic.

It is believed that children who play regular sports have improved behaviour in school. Sports teach children to have improved self-discipline and calmness. They can implement this self-control behaviour in all aspects of their life, right from better controlling their emotions to being more self-motivated in their academics. Well-prepared revision notes and a good understanding of each concept and term would really help students in scoring better and easier than any other subject.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Question Paper 2018 with Solutions

1. How many chapters are there in Physical Education Class 12 CBSE?

CBSE Class 12 syllabus of Physical Education will help you to learn about the physical fitness of the body and focus mainly on keeping the students active. Physical Education consists of 10 chapters in total and 4 practical skill tests. Vedantu helps students to understand better with visual provisions about physical education subjects. Many students take much interest in preparing for this Physical education apart from other main subjects.

2. Will the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education board examination be difficult?

The paper will be very easy and even easier to score than other subjects. The overall level of the paper will not be too long and will be really easy to solve. Most of the students find this paper easy and hence, they are expecting to score good marks. As it does not require that much effort like other subject’s students try to score really well in this paper.

3. Is Physical Education a well-scoring subject in CBSE Class 12?

As physical education is considered an easily scoring subject, students mainly prefer to opt-in for physical education and improve their overall percentage in the board exams. Vedantu provides interesting ways to prepare for this particular exam. Students can easily relate to this and understand well in order to score better. This subject needs less preparation as compared to any other subject.

4. Is Physical Education included in board exams of CBSE Class 12?

The Class 12 Physical Education Exam under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is all set to conduct and include this paper in the Class 12 board exams. Physical Education is not one of the main subjects but many students choose this subject as an optional one as it is easier to score.  If you score higher marks in Physical Education than any of your mainstream subjects other than English then it would automatically replace the lowest scoring subject.

5. What is the syllabus of the Physical Education paper for CBSE Class 12?

The Class 12 Physical education CBSE subject has a unique syllabus in which students show much interest and easily score good marks. This will help them increase their overall total. It includes separate sections to learn about Planning in sports, Nutrition and Diet, Yoga and lifestyle, sports for disability, sports for women, tests and measurements in sports, Physiology and injury handling, biomechanics in sports, and Training.