English Elective Question Paper for CBSE Class 12 - 2017 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2017 - Free PDF
1. How many sections are there in CBSE Class 12 English Core Question Paper 2017?
In CBSE Class 12 English Core Question Paper 2017, there are three sections; A, B, and C. Section A is called the Reading section. It carries 30 marks. Section B is called Writing Skills. It carries 30 marks. Section C is the last section of this paper. It is called the Literature section and it carries the maximum number of marks i.e, 40.
2. Is CBSE Class 12 English Core Question Paper 2017 easy or difficult?
According to many students, the CBSE Class 12 English Core Question Paper 2017 is very easy. They said that this paper was set as per their expectation. Although, on your behalf, it is only you who can tell whether this paper is easy or hard. You can tell this only if you go through this paper. But it is recommended for you to answer this question only when you complete your syllabus.
3. What is the third chapter in the CBSE Class 12 English Core book?
The third chapter in CBSE Class 12 English Core book is Deep Water. It is a little extract taken from a book named 'Men and Mountains' which is written by William Douglas. In this chapter, we learn a great lesson of overcoming fear. In this chapter, the author tells us how he overcame the fear of water which he had developed after two incidents that happened to him.
4. How can I pass CBSE Class 12 English Core Question Paper 2017?
If you want to score well in any subject let alone pass it, then you need to follow Vedantu. Vedantu will help you to score handsome marks in the exam in which you are appearing. Yes, you need to work hard and you need to show dedication but you will need a guide as well. Vedantu will be that mentor. It will guide you to achieve great heights.
5. What is included in the Writing Skills section of the syllabus of CBSE Class 12 English?
In Term 1, Notice Writing, Classified Advertisements, Letter to an Editor, and Article Writing.
In Term 2, there's Formal & Informal Invitation Cards or the Replies to Invitation, Letter of Application for a Job and Report Writing. This is as per the latest syllabus that is framed by the CBSE. Students must practice questions based on the above topics to score well in this portion.