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A line on a map joining places of equal pressure is called an ____________.
A. Isotherm
B. Isohyet
C. Isobar
D. Isohaline

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Hint: It is also used in chemistry, It has multiple chemical elements with different atomic numbers, but with the same number of masses. This illustrates how pressure varies across space and thus helps to explain the patterns of large-scale weather over an area on the globe.

Complete Answer:
Option A. Isotherm: Line at the same temperature at a certain moment or at the same average temperature for a certain time on the map or graph of the surface of the earth.
The latitude influence on the temperature on the map is generally high as the isotherms are generally parallel to the latitude. A line joining places at the same temperature is isotherm. Hence this option is incorrect.

Option B. Isohyet: A line on a map that connects points which have the same rainfall over a given time. An isohyetal map is considered a map with isohyets. A line joining places having the same amount of rainfall in a certain time. Hence this option is incorrect.

Option C. Isobar: A line drawn on an equivalent pressure point weather map is called "isobar." "isobar." Isobars are produced by means of average sea levels and in millibars are given. Isobars display the horizontal pressure distribution. Isobars are imaginary lines that join places with the same pressure values. All pressure is translated to sea level for convenience. The isobar spacing indicates the pressure rate and direction. A line joining places at constant pressure in a given time is called isobar. Hence this option is correct.

Option D. Isohaline: A line or surface of a chart or map to denote points in the ocean which are related to the same salinity. It is found on oceans, lakes and seas. A line joining places having constant salinity of the ocean is called isohaline. Hence this option is incorrect. A line is called an isobar on a map that joins places of equal pressure.

Hence, option C. Isobar is the correct answer.

Note: Isobar is also an aspect of the chemical property that varies, but has the same physical property. Uranium isobars are used by nuclear reactors, while iodine isobars are used in goiter therapy. These are some of the uses of isobars.