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What accounts for :
(1) The genetic similarity between daughter cells and the parent cell following mitosis, and
(2) The genetic dissimilarity between daughter cells and the parent cell following meiosis?

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Hint: Mitosis is a cell division process that results in daughter cells that are genetically identical to their parents, while meiosis is reductional division where daughter cells get complementary pairs from both parents, so in meiosis variation is seen. Meiosis is a two-division process that produces four cells that are not identical to one another (owing to crossover events) or to the cell from which they originated.

Complete answer:
Mitosis is the division of a parent cell into two daughter cells after the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides in two. Each daughter cell will have one precise copy of the parent cell's DNA as a result of this process.
Meiosis increases genetic variation. A zygote is formed when one gamete from each parent unites during fertilisation. Each gamete in meiosis has a unique set of DNA due to recombination and independent assortment. The resultant zygote has a one-of-a-kind mix of genes. Meiosis is a process that produces sperm and egg cells with half the amount of chromosomes as normal.
It lowers the number of chromosomes from twenty three pairs to twenty three single chromosomes. The cell copies its chromosomes, but divides the 23 pairs such that each daughter cell only has one copy of each chromosome. A second division, in which each daughter cell is divided once more to create four daughter cells.

There are trillions of cells in your body (thousands of millions). You, on the other hand, began life as a single cell, a fertilised egg cell. Mitosis is a process in which a cell divides and divides again to produce additional cells. Mitosis produces two identical cells that are identical to each other and to the parent cell.