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After fertilization, ... develops into seed and….into fruit.
A. Ovary, Ovule
B. Ovule, Ovary
C. Embryo sac
D. Egg cell

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 439.8k
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In flowering plants, fertilization happens through a process called pollination. Pollination occurs when pollen grains from anther come in contact with the stigma of the flower. Pollination can either occur by self-pollination or cross-pollination.

Complete answer:
Once, the pollen comes in contact with the stigma, the pollen tube grows from the pollen grain through the style into the ovary. Sperm cells inside the pollen grain travel down the pollen tube and into the ovary which contains the ovule.
After fertilization, each OVULE develops into seed and OVARY into a fruit.
Each seed contains an undeveloped plane, embryo. The ovary surrounding the ovules develops into a fruit.
Hence, the Ovule develops into a seed and the ovary into a fruit. So, Option (B) is correct.

Additional information-
A fruit is defined as a ripened ovary that contains angiosperm seeds. The ovary develops into a fruit and ovule into seeds.
There is an event which is known as double fertilization, which occurs in angiosperms (flowering plants).
Double fertilization, the male gamete that enters the ovule has two nuclei.
One of the male gametes fuses with the female gamete to form a zygote, other gamete fuses with the diploid polar nuclei forming a triple endosperm.
Endosperm helps in providing nutrition to the growing plant and zygote develops into a future plant.
Embryo sac contains egg nucleus and other nuclei which gives rise to endosperm formation.
Egg cell fuses and forms zygote. Hence, these two options are eliminated.

Note: After fertilization, the integument of the ovules becomes the seed coat of the seed.
Ovary, ovule becomes fruit and seed respectively. Embryo sac develops in the ovule of flowering plants (Angiosperms).
Other structures such as corolla, calyx and the remaining parts of androecium and gynoecium degenerate and fall off.