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After the battle of Amber, who was the Nawab of Arcot?
A) Chanda Sahib
B) Anwaruddin
C) Mohammad Al
D) None of the above

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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The Nawab of Arcot was a part of the Mughal Empire and the Nawab of the Carnatic somewhere in the range of 1749 and 1752. The Nawab was fully supported by the French during the Carnatic Wars.

Complete Answer:
The Battle of Ambur started on (August 3rd, 1749) was the primary significant clash of the Second Carnatic War. The fight was started by Muzaffar Jung and upheld by Joseph Dupleix and driven by Chanda Sahib, who tried to topple Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan, the Nawab of the Carnatic, for supporting Nasir Jung’s case to be Nizam of Hyderabad. French powers were conclusive in giving the partners triumph. Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan’s powers figured out how to make a considerable position by social affair around their howdahs notwithstanding being dwarfed 3 to 1, however, it was the focused French infantry powers driven by De Bussy that switched the course of the fight against Khan. Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan was shot and slaughtered in a furious encounter while directing his powers from a howdah. The following day Muzaffar Jang and Chanda Sahib triumphantly entered Arcot and Chanda Sahib turned into the following Nawab of the Carnatic. Muhammed Ali Khan (Anwaruddin's son) fled to Trichinopoly, where he hid and searched for the assistance of the British.

Thus, option (A) is correct.

The number of casualties in the Battle of Ambur was 4000 people from Anwaruddin's empire and 1500 people from The French Empire. The total Strength of the Mughals was 20,000 warriors and 100 war elephants whereas the French empire had a total of 36,000 warriors and 400 Frenchman.