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An animal which comes out at night and hides during day time is called as
A. Diurnal
B. Nocturnal
C. Cursorial
D. Arboreal

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: The animals that are primarily active during the night time and avoid day time, do most of their exploratory activities such as feeding and drinking in the hours of darkness. This behaviour has been evolved as an avoidance response to predation, as animals of prey are active during daytime. These creatures usually have highly developed senses of hearing, smell and specially adapted eyesight.

Complete answer:
Option A Diurnal: Diurnal animals are active during the day, with a period of inactivity and sleeping at night. They are usually very active at dawn and dusk. Some diurnal animal species include mammals, insects, reptiles and birds.
Option A is incorrect.
Option B Nocturnal: Nocturnal animals are characterized by being active during the night and sleeping or being inactive during the day. Animal’s exhibit nocturnality to avoid predation, resource competition and heat. Some of the nocturnal animals are owls, rats, raccoons and bats.
Option B is correct.
Option C Cursorial: Cursorial animal is one that has specifically adapted limbs to run. If an animal has the opportunity to manage quickly or maintain a consistent speed over a long distance, it is referred to as cursorial. Examples include cheetahs, horses, spiders etc. They are active both at day and night.
Option C is incorrect.
Option D Arboreal: Arboreal animals are one that lives in trees. They can be occasionally or exclusively arboreal. These animals may be active during day or night. Some of the arboreal animals are snakes, monkeys, koalas, woodpeckers, birds etc.
Option D is incorrect.

Therefore, option B. Nocturnal is the correct answer.

Increase in human expansion and technological advances has had a major effect on nocturnal animals as well as diurnal animals. Light pollution, destruction of habitats and spatial disturbance have greatly reduced the number of nocturnal animals. Light pollution gives a longer hunting period to diurnal animals, which is detrimental to their nocturnal prey trying to avoid them. Light pollution also greatly affects the reproduction in nocturnal animals.