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Common biosynthetic inhibitor of GA is
(b)Jasmonic acid
(c)Citric acid
(d)Lactic acid

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 404.7k
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Hint: Gibberellic acid (GA) is one of the plant growth regulators that takes part in various physiological processes. It aids in elongation of the stem, flowering, and germination of seeds in the plant and can prevent growth by a specialized substance that inhibits growth in most of the trees.

Complete answer:
CCC stands for 2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride, which is a general biosynthetic inhibitor of Gibberellic acid. It prevents growth and development in plants and induces early seed sets.
Plants usually form large amounts of Gibberellic acid in the early stages of growth and this hormone can also be produced synthetically in a bioreactor using microorganisms and can be extracted using the streaming process.

Additional Information: -In the pilot-scale, Gibberlic acid is applied to induce germination of seeds, which will stay dormant if gibberellic acid is applied externally. This method is common among grape cultivators and vineyards to harvest good quality grapes.
-Gibberellic acid is generally applied in the barley malting industry, where it is sprayed after the steeping process to create uniform growth. This provides cultivators right-sized kernels required for the industry.
-At the cellular level, gibberellic acid triggers seed metabolism and induces the production of mRNA which codes for hydrolytic enzymes.
So, the correct answer is ‘CCC’.

Note: -Even though gibberellic acid shows prominent stem elongation, prolonged use of gibberellic acid makes plants resistant to it. Certain studies showed plants with any stem elongation even after the addition of a high concentration of gibberellic acid.
-Gibberellic acid got its name from its creator Gibberella fujikuroi who identified gibberellic acid in 1926 in Japan.
-After synthetic production and purification, gibberellic acid is obtained as a whitish pale-yellow solid which is easily separated in the downstream process.