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An increase in temperature in a liquid would cause a phase change to which of the following?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: A liquid is a virtually incompressible fluid that adapts to its container's shape while maintaining a (nearly) constant volume regardless of pressure. It is therefore one of the four fundamental states of matter (the others being solid, gas, and plasma) and the only one having a known volume but no set shape. A liquid is made up of small vibrating matter particles, such as atoms, that are kept together by intermolecular connections.

Complete answer:
The state of matter of a material is an extrinsic attribute, meaning it may be influenced by its surroundings. Temperature and pressure are two physical factors that influence the state of matter. Temperature and pressure may both be monitored, as well as state changes.
When thermal energy is applied to a substance, the temperature rises, changing the state of the substance from solid to liquid (melting), liquid to gas (vaporisation), or solid to gas (condensation) (sublimation). When energy is withdrawn from a substance, the temperature drops, causing it to change from liquid to solid (freezing), gas to solid (deposition), or gas to liquid (condensation) (condensation).
Intermolecular forces are either intact or disrupted between molecules. There is no middle ground. As a result, the transition from intact to broken is seamless.
Heat energy is used to enhance the movement of particles in a material, which raises the temperature. Intermolecular force is overcome when movement reaches a critical point, and a change of state occurs. To me, the idea that "energy goes to break the bonds, not to increase temperature," is illogical. In order to break the bond, the molecules' movement must be accelerated, which raises the temperature of the water. As a result, I believe that no time of constant temperature should exist.

The average Kinetic energy of the molecules increases as the temperature of the liquid rises. The molecules begin to move rapidly in all directions, resulting in an increase in the inter-molecular space between them. As a result, the liquid transforms into a gas.