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What is another word for platelets?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 359.7k
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Hint: Platelets are the blood components that function as the population for the blood during an injury. They react to the bleeding from the blood vessel by clumping and initiating a blood clot.

Complete answer:
Platelets are also known as thrombocytes and do not contain cell nucleus and are derived from megakaryocytes of the bone marrow. Activated platelets are biconvex discoid structures whereas the activated platelets consist of cell membrane projections that cover their surface and are found only in mammals and other vertebrates as an intact mononuclear cell. Platelets contribute towards hemostasis which includes the process of stopping the bleeding at the site of endothelium interruption. They help in plugging the hole which is physically too large unless the interruption is huge and they gather at the site of the interruption.
The activation of the coagulation cascade is associated with the platelet plug that results in the deposition of fibrin and secondary hemostasis. Platelets are involved in some immune responses which are innate and adaptive intravascular responses and constitute receptors for collagen on its cell membrane. on rupturing the blood vessel the platelets get exposed and adhere to the collagen in the surrounding connective tissue. The condition of low platelet concentration is known as thrombocytopenia which can happen due to the decreased production or increased destruction in the platelet concentration.

A drop of platelets constitutes 1,500,000-4,000,000 platelets in it and $10^{11}$ platelets are produced in a day with an average lifespan of just 5 to 10 days.