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What are biodegradable substances? Give two examples?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Biodegradable products are non-toxic, environmentally friendly and can be easily recycled. Therefore, they can be used to generate biogas, manure, fertilizers, and compost after being discarded.

Complete answer:
Sustainability is a lifestyle that aims to impart living habits in such a way that it produces as little carbon footprint as possible. It essentially aims to minimize the abuse of the Earth's natural resources and personal resources by an individual and society by changing energy use, transportation, and food preferences.

Biodegradable substances can be characterized as a substance that can be decomposed by natural factors such as microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi, etc.) and that does not contribute to pollution as well as naturally occurring agents or abiotic elements such as oxygen, water, ultraviolet rays, bacteria, acid rains, etc. can also easily decompose various substances.

Together, microorganisms and other abiotic elements break down complex compounds into simpler organic matter, which eventually remains in the soil and blends in. The entire process is natural and can be slow or quick. The environmental problems and risks arising from biodegradable waste are therefore low.

For example, if a banana peel or any other chopped vegetables and other food items are left open, several harmful microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, or small insects, will act upon it in a relatively short time. This is because, by breaking the complex organic structures into simpler units, the natural elements like moisture, oxygen, and heat help in the decomposition. Eventually, the decomposed material mixes up and returns to the soil.

All man-made waste, animal waste, plant products, dried leaves, grass, fruits, flowers, food waste, wood, and other remnants of living animals are grouped into biodegradable substances.

Note: Biodegradable substances require costly equipment for recycling and processing, bioengineering problems, require a large amount of water to decompose properly and biodegradable products costs higher than the normal ones.