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How are even small animals important in an ecosystem?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Every organism whether large or small plays a significant role in the food chain or food web of the ecosystem. They are crucial in maintaining balance at a particular level of the ecological pyramid.

Complete answer: The food chain structure is based on both small and large animals. The balance in the ecosystem is maintained by the number of small animals present at a particular trophic level because large organisms feed on small animals. They play a vital role in the ecosystem because the whole ecosystem gets shattered if the number of small animals are less and therefore, at a particular trophic level if a species becomes extinct then it will have a cascading effect throughout the ecosystem and will result in imbalance. This can also lead to the extinction of other species that feed on the extinct species. A small change in the food chain can lead to large damage to the ecosystem. A single bee worker has a crucial role in the ecosystem. All the organisms are interlinked to each other and form a food web.

Note: Even the small organisms form a part of the food chain or food web. The extinction of one species will lead to the extinction of the other. In a food web, every organism plays a vital role and if one organism becomes extinct it can lead to the extinction of other organisms as well. Every organism has its own importance in the ecosystem.